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AccountinghalinCebuanonounincome earned from selling
AccountinghalinCebuanoverbto earn income from selling
AccountinghalinCebuanoverbto sellergative
AccountinghalinCebuanoverbto migrate
AcidsAMPAEnglishnounInitialism of aminomethylphosphonic acid.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
AcidsAMPAEnglishnounα-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid: a specific agonist for the AMPA receptor, where it mimics the effects of the neurotransmitter glutamate.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesuncountable
AcidsAMPAEnglishnameInitialism of American Military Partner Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Acipenseriform fishшипRussiannounthorn, spine
Acipenseriform fishшипRussiannounstud (small object that protrudes from something)
Acipenseriform fishшипRussiannouncleat (protrusion on the sole of a shoe)
Acipenseriform fishшипRussiannountenon, pinbusiness construction manufacturing
Acipenseriform fishшипRussiannounjournal (part of a shaft or axle that rests on bearings)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Acipenseriform fishшипRussiannounthorn sturgeon, bastard sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris)
Acipenseriform fishшипRussiannounhissing
ActingactorSpanishnounactor (person who performs in a theatrical play or movie)masculine
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounregionneuter
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounone of the three regions constituting the equivalent of a state in the federal structure of Belgiumneuter
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounan older term for provincie (“province”)neuter
AgechildEnglishnounA person who has not yet reached adulthood, whether natural (puberty), cultural (initiation), or legal (majority).broadly
AgechildEnglishnounA person who has not yet reached adulthood, whether natural (puberty), cultural (initiation), or legal (majority). / A youth aged 1 to 9 years, whereas neonates are aged 0 to 1 month, infants are aged 1 to 12 months, and adolescents are aged 10 to 20 years.broadly sometimes
AgechildEnglishnounOne's direct descendant by birth, regardless of age; one's offspring; a son or daughter.
AgechildEnglishnounThe thirteenth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
AgechildEnglishnounA figurative offspring / A person considered a product of a place or culture, a member of a tribe or culture, regardless of age.figuratively
AgechildEnglishnounA figurative offspring / Anything derived from or caused by something.figuratively
AgechildEnglishnounA figurative offspring / A data item, process, or object which has a subservient or derivative role relative to another.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfiguratively
AgechildEnglishnounAlternative form of childe (“youth of noble birth”)alt-of alternative
AgechildEnglishnounA subordinate node of a tree.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
AgechildEnglishnounA female child, a girl.obsolete specifically
AgechildEnglishverbTo give birth; to beget or procreate.archaic intransitive transitive
AgeChinesecharactersmall, tiny, little
AgeChinesecharacterminor, petty
AgeChinesecharacterbriefly, for a short while
AgeChinesecharacterslightly, a little
AgeChinesecharactera young person; child, kid, baby
AgeChinesecharacterPrefix used in front of family name to indicate informality or affection (for young people, 老 (lǎo) for elder people).
AgeChinesecharactermy, ourhumble
AgeChinesecharacterShort for 小學/小学 (xiǎoxué, “primary school”). / Used in the abbreviation of the name of a primary school.
AgeChinesecharacterShort for 小學/小学 (xiǎoxué, “primary school”). / Used with a number to indicate the level of primary education.
AgeChinesecharacterA euphemism of 屌 (“to fuck”).Cantonese
AgeChinesecharacterAlternative form of 潲 (shào, “siâu”), chiefly used in 三小 (sānxiǎo).Taiwan alt-of alternative vulgar
AlcoholismאויפֿצומאָרגנסYiddishadvthe next day
AlgaeleathachIrishadjdivided in half, divided in twonot-comparable
AlgaeleathachIrishnounseaweed, wrackmasculine
AlloysсуйынBashkirnouncast iron
AlloysсуйынBashkirnounpot or utensil made of cast iron
Amaranths and goosefootsbotwinaPolishnounbeet greensfeminine
Amaranths and goosefootsbotwinaPolishnounbotvinyafeminine
Amaranths and goosefootsbotwinaPolishnounchard (Beta vulgaris)feminine
Amaranths and goosefootswrzosowiecPolishnounany plant of the genus Corispermum; bugseedinanimate masculine
Amaranths and goosefootswrzosowiecPolishnounEricales (order of plants)inanimate masculine plural
AnarchismanarchiaPolishnounanarchy (state of a society being without authorities or an authoritative governing body)feminine uncountable
AnarchismanarchiaPolishnounanarchy (confusion in general, disorder)feminine uncountable
AnarchismanarchiaPolishnounanarchy symbolcountable feminine
AnatomyGalLuxembourgishnoungall bladderfeminine
AnatomycanyellaCatalannouncinnamon (spice)feminine
AnatomyistCypriot Arabicnoungenitalsmasculine
AnatomyistCypriot Arabicnounbuttocksmasculine
AnatomyjoeOld Frenchnouncheek
AnatomyjoeOld Frenchnounjaw
AnatomynenäFinnishnounnose (protuberance on the human face)anatomy medicine sciences
AnatomynenäFinnishnounhead, person (synecdoche for a person, idiomatically used when something is reckoned or allocated per person; often with per)informal
AnatomynenäFinnishnounrhinarium, nose leatherbiology natural-sciences zoology
AnatomynenäFinnishnounnose (tip of some objects)
AnatomypugnusLatinnouna fist; a hand with all fingers curled updeclension-2 masculine
AnatomypugnusLatinnouna fistful, handfuldeclension-2 masculine
AnatomyschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe shoulder (as a joint or as a region of the body).
AnatomyschuldreMiddle EnglishnounOne's strength or carrying capacity.figuratively
AnatomyschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe shoulder as a cut of meat; the meat surrounding the shoulder as food.
AnatomyschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe part of a piece of clothing which surrounds the shoulder.
AnatomyschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe scapula (bone behind the shoulder).
AnatomyschuldreMiddle EnglishnounA downwards slope from a rise.rare
AnatomyschuldreMiddle EnglishnounA supporting stand.rare
AnatomysrònScottish Gaelicnounnosefeminine
AnatomysrònScottish Gaelicnounsnout, trunkfeminine
AnatomysrònScottish Gaelicnountoe (of a shoe or boot)feminine
AnatomysrònScottish Gaelicnounpromontory, pointfeminine
AnatomyผากThaiadjdry; parched; scorched.
Anatomy肩膀Chinesenounshoulderanatomy medicine sciences
Anatomy肩膀Chinesenounshoulders (upper part of the back and the arms)anatomy medicine sciences
Anatomy肩膀Chinesenoundependence; reliance; supportfiguratively
AnatomyJapanesenounarmanatomy medicine sciences
AnatomyJapanesenounability; skill; talent
AndorraAndorreesAfrikaansadjSynonym of Andorraansnot-comparable
AndorraAndorreesAfrikaansnounSynonym of Andorraan
AngerimpetuosityEnglishnounThe quality of making rash or arbitrary decisions, especially in an impulsive or forceful manner.uncountable usually
AngerimpetuosityEnglishnounThe condition or quality of being impetuous, impatient; fury; violence.uncountable usually
AngerimpetuosityEnglishnounVehemence; furiousness of temper.uncountable usually
AngerлютыйRussianadjfierce, cruel, grim
AngerлютыйRussiannounFebruaryUkraine archaic
AngerрозсердженийUkrainianverbadjectival past passive participle of розсе́рдити pf (rozsérdyty)adjectival form-of participle passive past
AngerрозсердженийUkrainianadjangered, angry, incensed
Animal body partsgrebenSerbo-Croatiannounreef
Animal body partsgrebenSerbo-Croatiannouncrest, range (of a mountain), particularly if steep
Animal body partsgrebenSerbo-Croatiannounwithers (of a horse)
Animal body partsgrebenSerbo-Croatiannouncardbusiness manufacturing textiles
Animal body partsgrebenSerbo-Croatianverbmasculine singular passive past participle of grepstiform-of masculine participle passive past singular
Animal body partsластаRussiannounSynonym of ласт (last, “flipper”)
Animal body partsластаRussiannoungenitive singular of ласт (last)form-of genitive singular
Animal soundsrictoLatinverbto cryconjugation-1 intransitive no-perfect no-supine
Animal soundsrictoLatinnoundative/ablative singular of rictumablative dative form-of singular
AnimalscréatureFrenchnouna creature, a living being, especially seen as the work of the divine Creatorfeminine
AnimalscréatureFrenchnounanything created or devised by a personfeminine
AnimalscréatureFrenchnouna person who is at the mercy of another, notably in whose gift his position isfeminine
AnimalsferajnaPolishnoungang (group of acquaintances, close to each other, staying in social contact and having common interests)colloquial feminine
AnimalsferajnaPolishnounring, brigade (exclusive group of people, usually involving some unethical or illegal practices)colloquial derogatory feminine
AnimalsferajnaPolishnounpack (group of animals staying in some place or under someone's care)colloquial feminine
AnimalspòrcoLiguriannounpig (Sus scrofa)masculine
AnimalspòrcoLiguriannounpork (edible meat)masculine uncountable
AnimalsבזאAramaicnounnipple, teatanatomy medicine sciences
AnimalsבזאAramaicnounhawk, falcon
Anteaters and slothskolmivarvaslaiskiainenFinnishnounthree-toed sloth (sloth of the genus Bradypus, the only genus in family Bradypodidae)
Anteaters and slothskolmivarvaslaiskiainenFinnishnounSynonym of bahianlaiskiainen (“pale-throated sloth, Bradypus tridactylus”).dated
AntsmierDutchnounantbiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
AntsmierDutchnouninsignificant individualfeminine figuratively
AppearancenubileEnglishadjOf an age suitable for marriage; marriageable (principally of a young woman).
AppearancenubileEnglishadjSexually attractive (especially of a young woman).
AppearancenubileEnglishnounA young sexually attractive woman.
ArachnidsspinDutchnounspider, member of the order Araneaefeminine
ArachnidsspinDutchnounparticle spinnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
ArachnidsspinDutchnounpolitical spin, media spinmasculine uncountable
ArachnidsspinDutchverbinflection of spinnen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ArachnidsspinDutchverbinflection of spinnen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
ArachnidsspinDutchverbinflection of spinnen: / imperativeform-of imperative
Archerystand de tirFrenchnounshooting range, firing range; rifle rangemasculine
Archerystand de tirFrenchnounshooting gallerymasculine
ArcheryстрелаMacedonianverbto shoot, firetransitive
ArchitecturetelladoGaliciannounroof, especially when tiledmasculine
ArchitecturetelladoGalicianverbpast participle of tellarform-of participle past
ArmorpetoCatalannounbib, pinnyhobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
ArmorpetoCatalanverbfirst-person singular present indicative of petarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ArmorscheldMiddle EnglishnounA shield (a plate of portable armour)
ArmorscheldMiddle EnglishnounAn object that resembles a shield: / A rough region around a boar's neck; the meat from this region.rare
ArmorscheldMiddle EnglishnounAn object that resembles a shield: / A escutcheon; a coat-of-arms.rare
ArmorscheldMiddle EnglishnounAny form of shielding or armament: / Spiritual guarding or religion
ArmorscheldMiddle EnglishnounAny form of shielding or armament: / A refuge, hideout, or safehouse.
ArmorscheldMiddle EnglishnounAuthority, power, influence.rare
ArmorscheldMiddle EnglishnounHeavy infantry; soldiers armed with shields.rare
ArmorJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
ArmorJapaneseaffixto be between, mediate
ArmorJapaneseaffixassist; help
ArmorJapaneseaffixshell, shellfish
ArtLeinwandGermannounfabric, linen, canvasbusiness manufacturing textilesfeminine
ArtLeinwandGermannouncanvasart artsfeminine
ArtLeinwandGermannounscreenbroadcasting film media televisionfeminine
ArtteikningNorwegian Nynorsknoundrawing (form of art)feminine
ArtteikningNorwegian Nynorsknouna drawing (picture or diagram)feminine
Art筆跡Chinesenounhandwriting; writing
Art筆跡Chinesenounoriginal handwriting, calligraphy or painting (especially of a famous person)
Art篆刻Chineseverbto cut a pattern into the bottom face of a seal
Art篆刻Chinesenounseal cutting; seal carving; seal engraving
Art篆刻Chinesenouncarved seal
ArtistsgrafferEnglishnounA graffiti artist.informal
ArtistsgrafferEnglishnounA notary or scrivenerlawobsolete
AsteroidsBellonaEnglishnameRoman goddess of war, wife or sister of Mars. Equivalent to the Greek goddess Enyo.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
AsteroidsBellonaEnglishname28 Bellona, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
AsteroidsBellonaEnglishnounA woman of great spirit and vigour.
AsteroidsPanopaeaEnglishnametwo of the Nereids. Panope is also the name of one of the daughters of Thespius and Megamede and mother of Heracles' son, Threpsippas.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsPanopaeaEnglishname70 Panopaea, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
Atheriniform fishmoixóCatalannouna small birdmasculine
Atheriniform fishmoixóCatalannounthe big-scale sand smelt (Atherina boyeri)masculine
Atheriniform fishmoixóCatalannounpeniscolloquial masculine
Atmospheric phenomena霓虹Chinesenounrainbow
Atmospheric phenomena霓虹Chinesenounneon
Atmospheric phenomena霓虹Chinesenounneon light; neon lamp
Atmospheric phenomena霓虹Chinesename(Internet slang) Japan
Auto partsoponaPolishnountyre, tire (wheel covering)feminine
Auto partsoponaPolishnounmateranatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
AviationrepülőHungarianverbpresent participle of repül: flying, aeronautic, aero-form-of participle present
AviationrepülőHungariannounSynonym of pilóta: flyer, airman, aviator, pilotrare
AviationrepülőHungariannounSynonym of repülőgép: aircraft, airplane (US), aeroplane (UK)
BabiesnappyEnglishnounAn absorbent garment worn by a baby or toddler who does not yet have voluntary control of their bladder and bowels or by someone who is incontinent; a diaper.Australia British Ireland New-Zealand South-Africa
BabiesnappyEnglishverbTo put a nappy on.transitive
BabiesnappyEnglishadjHaving a nap (of cloth etc.); downy; shaggy.
BabiesnappyEnglishadjOf hair: tightly curled or twisted; frizzy (often specifically in reference to Afro textured hair)US informal offensive sometimes
BabiesnappyEnglishadjInclined to sleep; sleepy.rare
BabiesnappyEnglishnounA shallow, flat-bottomed earthenware or glass bowl with sloping sides.
BabiesnappyEnglishadjFoamy; having a large head.
BabiesnappyEnglishadjNervous, excitable.
BabiesnappyEnglishnounA kind of strong ale; nappy ale.obsolete uncountable
Baby animalskuzuTurkishnounlamb
Baby animalskuzuTurkishnounsweetheart, sweetie
Baby animalssokoleCzechnounfalcon chickneuter rare
Baby animalssokoleCzechnounvocative singular of sokolform-of masculine singular vocative
BacteriaBacteroidetesTranslingualnameFlavobacteria and sphingobacteria / A taxonomic phylum within the kingdom Bacteria – now Bacteriodota.
BacteriaBacteroidetesTranslingualnameFlavobacteria and sphingobacteria / A taxonomic class within the phylum Bacteriodota.
Bacterial diseasesblacklegEnglishnounA fatal cattle disease caused by the soil-borne bacterium Clostridium chauvoei; symptomatic anthrax.agriculture biology business lifestyle medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyuncountable
Bacterial diseasesblacklegEnglishnounA disease of potato crops caused by pectolytic bacteria, characterized by blackening and decay of the lower stem portion.uncountable
Bacterial diseasesblacklegEnglishnounA person who cheats in a game; a cheater, especially a dishonest bookmaker.countable
Bacterial diseasesblacklegEnglishnounA person who takes the place of striking workers; a scab.countable
Bacterial diseasesblacklegEnglishverbTo continue working whilst fellow workers strike.
Bacterial diseasestetanusEnglishnounA serious and often fatal disease caused by the infection of an open wound with the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani, found in soil and the intestines and faeces of animals.medicine pathology sciencescountable usually
Bacterial diseasestetanusEnglishnounA state of muscle tension caused by sustained contraction arising from a rapid series of nerve impulses which do not allow the muscle to relax.medicine physiology sciencescountable usually
BagskesaSerbo-Croatiannounsack, bagregional
BagsveskiIcelandicnounhandbag, bagneuter
BagsveskiIcelandicnouncigarette case, cigar caseneuter
Ball gameskäsipalloFinnishnounhandball (team sport and the ball used in it)hobbies lifestyle sports
Ball gameskäsipalloFinnishnounball in handball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sports
Ball gamespilaLatinnounmortar (used with a pestle)declension-1
Ball gamespilaLatinnounpillardeclension-1
Ball gamespilaLatinnounpierdeclension-1
Ball gamespilaLatinnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of pīlumaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
Ball gamespilaLatinnounballdeclension-1 feminine
Ball gamespilaLatinnouna game of balldeclension-1 feminine figuratively
Ball gamespilaLatinnounglobe, spheredeclension-1 feminine
Bangladeshi politicsইউনিয়নBengalinountrade union
Bangladeshi politicsইউনিয়নBengalinounthe smallest rural administrative and local government unit in Bangladeshgovernment politics
BarsbárHungarianconjalthough, though
BarsbárHungarianparticleif only
BarsbárHungariannounbar, nightclub
BaseballplateEnglishnounA slightly curved but almost flat dish from which food is served or eaten.
BaseballplateEnglishnounSuch dishes collectively.uncountable
BaseballplateEnglishnounThe contents of such a dish.
BaseballplateEnglishnounA course at a meal.
BaseballplateEnglishnounAn agenda of tasks, problems, or responsibilitiesfiguratively
BaseballplateEnglishnounA flat object of uniform thickness.
BaseballplateEnglishnounVehicle license plates, registration plates.Australia especially metonymically plural plural-only
BaseballplateEnglishnounA taxi permit, especially of a metal disc.
BaseballplateEnglishnounPlate armor.historical
BaseballplateEnglishnounA layer of a material on the surface of something, usually qualified by the type of the material; plating
BaseballplateEnglishnounA material covered with such a layer.
BaseballplateEnglishnounAn ornamental or food service item coated with silver or gold or otherwise decorated.dated
BaseballplateEnglishnounA weighted disk, usually of metal, with a hole in the center for use with a barbell, dumbbell, or exercise machine.hobbies lifestyle sports weightlifting
BaseballplateEnglishnounAn engraved surface used to transfer an image to printing publishing
BaseballplateEnglishnounAn image or copy.arts hobbies lifestyle media photography printing publishing
BaseballplateEnglishnounAn illustration in a book, either black and white, or colour, usually on a page of paper of different quality from the text printing publishing
BaseballplateEnglishnounA shaped and fitted surface, usually ceramic or metal that fits into the mouth and in which teeth are implanted; a dental plate.dentistry medicine sciences
BaseballplateEnglishnounA horizontal framing member at the top or bottom of a group of vertical construction manufacturing
BaseballplateEnglishnounA foot, from "plates of meat".Cockney slang
BaseballplateEnglishnounHome plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
BaseballplateEnglishnounA tectonic plate.geography geology natural-sciences
BaseballplateEnglishnounAny of various larger scales found in some reptiles.biology herpetology natural-sciences zoology
BaseballplateEnglishnounA flat electrode such as can be found in an accumulator battery, or in an electrolysis electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
BaseballplateEnglishnounThe anode of a vacuum electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
BaseballplateEnglishnounA prize given to the winner in a contest.
BaseballplateEnglishnounAny flat piece of material such as coated glass or plastic.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
BaseballplateEnglishnounA metallic card, used to imprint tickets with an airline's logo, name, and numeric code.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industrydated
BaseballplateEnglishnounThe ability of a travel agent to issue tickets on behalf of a particular airline.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industrybroadly
BaseballplateEnglishnounA VIN plate, particularly with regard to the car's year of manufacture.Australia
BaseballplateEnglishnounOne of the thin parts of the brisket of an animal.
BaseballplateEnglishnounA very light steel horseshoe for racehorses.
BaseballplateEnglishnounSkins for fur linings of garments, sewn together and roughly shaped, but not finally cut or fitted.
BaseballplateEnglishnounThe fine nap (as of beaver, musquash, etc.) on a hat whose body is made from inferior material.
BaseballplateEnglishnounA record, usually vinyl.entertainment lifestyle music
BaseballplateEnglishnountrauma plate.government military politics war
BaseballplateEnglishnounAny of the potential romantic or sexual partners with whom a person keeps in touch as part of plate seduction-community sexualityslang
BaseballplateEnglishverbTo cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material, usually a metal.
BaseballplateEnglishverbTo place the various elements of a meal on the diner's plate prior to serving.arts cooking food hobbies lifestyle photography
BaseballplateEnglishverbTo score a run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
BaseballplateEnglishverbTo arm or defend with metal plates.transitive
BaseballplateEnglishverbTo beat into thin plates.transitive
BaseballplateEnglishverbTo specify which airline a ticket will be issued on behalf of.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industry
BaseballplateEnglishverbto categorise stamps based on their position on the original sheet, in order to reconstruct an entire sheet.hobbies lifestyle philately
BaseballplateEnglishverbTo identify the printing plate used.hobbies lifestyle philately
BaseballplateEnglishnounPrecious metal, especially silver.uncountable usually
BaseballplateEnglishnounSilver or gold, in the form of a coin, or less often silver or gold utensils or dishes.obsolete
BaseballplateEnglishnounA roundel of silver or argent.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
BasketballhoopsEnglishnounplural of hoopform-of plural
BasketballhoopsEnglishnounBasketball.US plural plural-only slang
BasketballhoopsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of hoopform-of indicative present singular third-person
BeddingcergăRomaniannounblanket, bed cover, counterpanefeminine
BeddingcergăRomaniannouna canvas covering for a tent; tiltfeminine
BeddingmaterasMiddle EnglishnounA mattress; a pad or cushioning for sleeping upon.
BeddingmaterasMiddle EnglishnounA pad or cushion in one's body.anatomy medicine sciencesrare
BeerGuinnessEnglishnameA surname from Irish.countable
BeerGuinnessEnglishnameA brand of dark stout beer from Ireland, one of the most widely recognised brands of beer in the world, named for Arthur Guinness who first brewed it.uncountable
BeerGuinnessEnglishnameGuinness World Records.
BeerGuinnessEnglishnounA serving of the beverage.countable
BeesbieLimburgishprepby, atlocative with-dative
BeesbieLimburgishprepfor; at; inwith-dative
BeesbieLimburgishprepwith; onwith-dative
BeesbieLimburgishprepupon, at the time ofwith-dative
BeesbieLimburgishprepin case of, in the event ofwith-dative
BeesbieLimburgishprepduring; while; during the existence ofwith-dative
BeesbieLimburgishprepover; duringwith-dative
BeesbieLimburgishprepwith, to, towardswith-dative
BeetlesihrakuoriainenFinnishnounskin beetle (beetle in the genus Dermestidae)
BeetlesihrakuoriainenFinnishnounthe genus Dermestidaein-plural
BeveragesBéierLuxembourgishnounbeermasculine uncountable
BeveragesBéierLuxembourgishnouna serving of beercountable masculine
BeveragesBéierLuxembourgishnounboar (male pig)masculine
BeveragescacahuapinolliClassical Nahuatlnouna powdered beverage made from toasted and ground cacao beans and maizeinanimate
BeveragescacahuapinolliClassical Nahuatlnouna drink made with this powder; cocoainanimate
BeveragesskrzypPolishnounhorsetail (any plant of the order Equisetales) / leaves of the horsetailinanimate masculine
BeveragesskrzypPolishnounhorsetail (any plant of the order Equisetales) / drink made from dried horsetail leavesinanimate masculine
BeveragesskrzypPolishnounhorsetail (any plant of the order Equisetales) / remedy made from dried horsetail leavesmedicine pharmacology sciencesinanimate masculine
BeveragesskrzypPolishnouncreak, creaking (sound produced by anything that creaks)inanimate masculine
BeveragesskrzypPolishintjcreak (used to imitate the sound made when hard surfaces rub against each other)
BeveragesskrzypPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of skrzypiećform-of imperative second-person singular
BibleAbaddonEnglishnameThe destroyer, or angel of the bottomless pit; Apollyon;
BibleAbaddonEnglishnameHell; the bottomless pit; a place of destruction.poetic
BiblebibleMiddle EnglishnameThe Bible (Christian holy book); a copy of the Bible.
BiblebibleMiddle EnglishnameThe Koran (Muslim holy book).rare
BiblebibleMiddle EnglishnounAny book that is of extensive length.
BiblebibleMiddle EnglishnounA compendium, collection, or storehouse of books.
Biblical charactersGoliasPortuguesenameGoliath (biblical giant)masculine
Biblical charactersGoliasPortuguesenounGoliath (someone or something that is abnormally large or powerful)invariable masculine
Biblical charactersܡܐܪܩܘܣClassical SyriacnameMark (Biblical figure)
Biblical charactersܡܐܪܩܘܣClassical Syriacnamea male given name from Greek
Bicycle partsobręczPolishnounhoop (circular band)feminine
Bicycle partsobręczPolishnounhoop (apparatus)gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
Bicycle partsobręczPolishnounrimball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
Bicycle partsobręczPolishnounwheelrim, rim (outer part of a wheel)feminine
Bicycle partsobręczPolishnoungirdleanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Bicycle partsobręczPolishnouncingulum (nerve tract in the brain)feminine
Bicycle partsobręczPolishnouncingulum (dental convexity)feminine
BiologyfertilizationEnglishnounThe act or process of rendering fertile.countable uncountable
BiologyfertilizationEnglishnounThe act of fecundating or impregnating the gametes of animals, plants, etc.; including the process by which in flowers the pollen renders the ovule fertile, an analogous process in flowerless plants, or the joining of sperm and egg in animals.countable uncountable
BiologyfertilizationEnglishnounThe act of applying fertilizer to soil.countable uncountable
BiologysytologiaFinnishnounpartitive singular of sytologiform-of partitive singular
BirdsThapsinillasTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Pycnonotidae.masculine
BirdsThapsinillasTranslingualnameA taxonomic subgenus within the family Pycnonotidae – Alophoixus (Thapsinillas).archaic masculine
BirdsllydanbigWelshnounany variety of bird having a wide bill, frogmouth, broadbill, spoonbill, flatbill, spadebillmasculine
BirdsmhouShonanouncow (female cattle)
BirdsstareNorwegian Nynorsknouna starling (a songbird, Sturnus vulgaris)masculine
BirdsstareNorwegian Nynorsknouna thrushdialectal masculine
BirdsகுருவிTamilnounsparrow (Passer domesticus)
BirdsகுருவிTamilnounthe 19th nakshatra (lunar asterism)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Birds of preyharpyEnglishnounA mythological creature generally depicted as a bird-of-prey with the head of a maiden, a face pale with hunger and long claws on her hands personifying the destructive power of storm winds.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Birds of preyharpyEnglishnounA shrewish woman.derogatory
Birds of preyharpyEnglishnounOne who is rapacious or ravenous; an extortioner.
Birds of preyharpyEnglishnounThe European moor buzzard or marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus).
Birds of preyharpyEnglishnounA large and powerful double-crested, short-winged American eagle (Harpia harpyja).
Bodies of waterríaSpanishnounmouth of a river, estuaryfeminine
Bodies of waterríaSpanishverbinflection of reír: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
Bodies of waterríaSpanishverbinflection of reír: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Bodies of waterנהרHebrewnounriver (especially the Nile, Euphrates, etc.)
Bodies of waterנהרHebrewverbto surgeconstruction-pa'al
Bodies of waterנהרHebrewverbto shineconstruction-pa'al
Bodies of waterمديArabicnounan unwalled watercourse
Bodies of waterمديArabicnouna dry measure whereof the details are uncertainobsolete
Bodies of waterمديArabicverbform-i no-gloss
Bodies of waterمديArabicverbform-i no-gloss
Bodily fluidsråkeNorwegian Nynorskverbto affect (with or without intent; positively or adversely)transitive
Bodily fluidsråkeNorwegian Nynorskverbto encounter, meettransitive
Bodily fluidsråkeNorwegian Nynorsknounspittle while chewingmasculine uncountable
Bodily fluidsܐܘܪܘܣClassical Syriacnounsoutheast wind
Bodily fluidsܐܘܪܘܣClassical Syriacnounurine
BodybroinnIrishnounAlternative form of broinne (“breast, bosom; brink, verge”)alt-of alternative feminine
BodycneasIrishnounskin, bark, rindfeminine masculine
BodycneasIrishnounbody, waistfeminine masculine
Body partshlavaCzechnounhead (part of the body)feminine
Body partshlavaCzechnounhead (end of a nail)feminine
Body partshlavaCzechnounhead (side of a coin)feminine
Body partshlavaCzechnounchapter (section of a text)feminine
Body partshoaiHawaiiannounjoint
Body partshoaiHawaiiannounsuture
Body partspânteceRomaniannounwombneuter
Body partspânteceRomaniannounbelly, abdomenneuter
Body partsנאָזYiddishnounnose
Body partsנאָזYiddishnountoe of a shoe (end of a shoe covering the toes)
Body partsايدNorth Levantine Arabicnounhandanatomy medicine sciences
Body partsايدNorth Levantine Arabicnounhandlebroadly
Books of the BibleJeremíasSpanishnameJeremiah (the book of the Bible)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleJeremíasSpanishnamea male given name, equivalent to English Jeremy or Jeremiahmasculine
Books of the Bible約納ChinesenameJonah (prophet)Catholicism Christianity
Books of the Bible約納ChinesenameJonah (book of the Bible)Catholicism Christianity
BotanyhaduWelshverbto bring forth or produce seed, grow seed, multiply, become fruitfulnot-mutable
BotanyhaduWelshverbto sprout into ears, run to seednot-mutable
BotanyhaduWelshverbto sow, propagatenot-mutable
BotanyhaduWelshverbto beget, procreatenot-mutable
BovinesbubaleEnglishnounAny of several North African antelopes of the genus Alcelaphus.
BovinesbubaleEnglishnounAny of several African buffalos of the genus Bubalus.
Bovineswater buffaloEnglishnounA large ungulate, widely used as a domestic animal in Asia, South America. North Africa and Europe: Bubalus bubalis.
Bovineswater buffaloEnglishnounA water tank mounted on a trailer to be towed by a motor vehicle.US colloquial
BowlingkręgielPolishnounskittleinanimate masculine
BowlingkręgielPolishnounbowling pininanimate masculine
Boxingbare-knucklingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of bare-knuckleform-of gerund participle present
Boxingbare-knucklingEnglishnounBoxing that is done without boxing gloves.uncountable
Boxingbare-knucklingEnglishnounRuthless competition.uncountable
BreadsbaguetteFrenchnounstick, rod, any long thin objectfeminine
BreadsbaguetteFrenchnounbaguette, French stickfood lifestylefeminine
BreadsbaguetteFrenchnoundrumstick; (conductor's) batonentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
BreadsbaguetteFrenchnoungun-stick, rod for stuffing the gun with ammunitionengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryfeminine
BreadsbaguetteFrenchnounthe barrel of a gunLouisiana feminine
BreadsbūreejMarshallesenouna biscuit
BreadsbūreejMarshallesenouna cracker
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounside
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounedge; limit; boundary
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounshore, coast
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounembrace, hug; (metonymically) chest, bosompoetic
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersianprepnext to, besides
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersianadvaside
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounZiziphus, especially of species Ziziphus spina-christi
BuddhismbuddhaEnglishnounA human being who has become enlightened (in Buddhism).countable uncountable
BuddhismbuddhaEnglishnounA statue or image of the Buddha.countable uncountable
BuddhismbuddhaEnglishnounmarijuanadancing hip-hop hobbies lifestyle sportsUS countable slang uncountable
Buddhism佛法僧ChinesenounThree Jewels or Triple Gem (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha)
Buddhism佛法僧Chinesenounoriental dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis)
Building materialsnosačSerbo-Croatiannounporter, bearer, carrier
Building materialsnosačSerbo-Croatiannounbeam, girder
Building materialsybyráOld Tupinountree
Building materialsybyráOld Tupinounwood
Building materialsybyráOld Tupinounstick
Building materialsybyráOld Tupinounfence; outer wall
Building materialsybyráOld TupinouncrossChristianity
BuildingsbudaPolishnoundoghouse, kennel (shelter for a dog)feminine
BuildingsbudaPolishnouncabin, shed (temporary structure to shelter something)derogatory feminine usually
BuildingsbudaPolishnounschool (institution dedicated to teaching and learning)educationcolloquial feminine
BuildingsbudaPolishnoungoal (area into which the players attempt to put an object)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine informal
BuildingsjukuuļMarshallesenouna school
BuildingsjukuuļMarshalleseverbto school
BuildingsjukuuļMarshalleseverbto teach
BuildingsprigioneItaliannounjail, prisongovernment law-enforcementfeminine
BuildingsprigioneItaliannouncoolergovernment law-enforcementfeminine slang
BuildingsprigioneItaliannounimprisonment, incarceration, detentionbroadly feminine
BuildingsprigioneItaliannounprisoner, captivemasculine obsolete
BuildingsstorehouseEnglishnounA building for keeping goods of any kind, especially provisions.
BuildingsstorehouseEnglishnounA single location or resource where a large quantity of something can be found.broadly figuratively
BuildingsstorehouseEnglishnounA mass or quantity laid up.obsolete
BuildingsstorehouseEnglishverbTo lay up in store.transitive
BuildingsमहलHindinounwoman's quarters
Buildings and structuresdynkmalSilesiannounmonument (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons)inanimate masculine
Buildings and structuresdynkmalSilesiannoungravestone, headstone, tombstone (stone slab set at the head of a grave)inanimate masculine
BulgariaבולגריHebrewadjBulgarian: of or pertaining to Bulgaria.
BulgariaבולגריHebrewnounBulgarian maleBulgarian countable masculine
BurialpopielnicaPolishnounAugmentative of popielniczkaaugmentative feminine form-of
BurialpopielnicaPolishnounpagan urnlifestyle paganism religionfeminine
BusinessشرکتPersiannouncompany, firm
BusinessشرکتPersiannounparticipation, taking part
BusinessesဘားBurmesenounbar, pub
BusinessesဘားBurmesenounObsolete spelling of ဖား (hpa:, “frog”).alt-of obsolete
ButeosredtailEnglishnounThe red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis.
ButeosredtailEnglishnounThe common or European redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus.
ButeosredtailEnglishnounA species of damselfly, Ceriagrion aeruginosum, of Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia, having a bright red abdomen.biology entomology natural-sciences
Buttercup family plantsnigelleFrenchnounnigellafeminine
Buttercup family plantsnigelleFrenchnounSynonym of nigelle cultivée (“black caraway”) (Nigella sativa)feminine
Buttercup family plantsonion seedEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: A seed produced by an onion plant.
Buttercup family plantsonion seedEnglishnounThe strong-flavored seed of black caraway or nigella, Nigella sativa, which is deep black with flat sides, like those of the onion.
ButterfliesmotylekPolishnoundiminutive of motylanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
ButterfliesmotylekPolishnounbutterfly, butterfly strokehobbies lifestyle sports swimminganimal-not-person masculine
ButterfliesmotylekPolishnounbutterfly flower, fringeflower, poor man's orchid, schizanthusinanimate masculine
Cakes and pastriescoffee cakeEnglishnounAny cake flavoured with coffee.countable uncountable
Cakes and pastriescoffee cakeEnglishnounAny cake designed to be eaten with coffee.countable uncountable
Cakes and pastrieskeksasLithuaniannouncupcake
Cakes and pastrieskeksasLithuaniannounmuffin
Cakes and pastrieskeksasLithuaniannounpound cake (with raisins or other toppings)
CalendarmenologiumEnglishnounA calendar of the days of the month or of all the days of the year divided by month, particularly as a table of information divided in this way and / Synonym of menaion, a book detailing the propers and hagiographic canons for the fixed dates of the liturgical year.capitalized often
CalendarmenologiumEnglishnounA calendar of the days of the month or of all the days of the year divided by month, particularly as a table of information divided in this way and / Synonym of synaxarium, a hagiography covering similar material equivalent to a Catholic martyrology.capitalized often
CalendarmenologiumEnglishnounA calendar of the days of the month or of all the days of the year divided by month, particularly as a table of information divided in this way and / Synonym of kalendar, any monthly list of saints' days or liturgical readings.
CalendarmenologiumEnglishnounA calendar of the days of the month or of all the days of the year divided by month, particularly as a table of information divided in this way and / A work providing biographies of uncanonized members of a religious order in similar style to a martyrology, frequently read within the order but forbidden for use with the liturgy itself.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismcapitalized often
CalendarmenologiumEnglishnounA calendar of the days of the month or of all the days of the year divided by month, particularly as a table of information divided in this way and / Synonym of martyrology, a hagiography of Catholic saints.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismcapitalized often uncommon
CalendarmenologiumEnglishnounA calendar of the days of the month or of all the days of the year divided by month, particularly as a table of information divided in this way and
CalendarmenologiumEnglishnounSynonym of menologem, a stylized date acting as a signature on some documents of the Byzantine Empire.historical
CambodiaยโสธรThainameYaśodhara (the capital city of the Khmer Empire)historical
CambodiaยโสธรThainameAngkor Thom (the capital city of the Khmer Empire)broadly historical
CambodiaยโสธรThainameKhmer Empire (former Cambodian empire)broadly historical
CambodiaยโสธรThainameYasothon (a province of Thailand)
CambodiaยโสธรThainameMueang Yasothon (a district of Yasothon province)
CamelidsفحلArabicnounstallion, he-camel
CamelidsفحلArabicnouna vigorous, manly man, who surpasses others
CamelidsفحلArabicnounmale palm-tree
CamelidsفحلArabicnounverbal noun of فَحَلَ (faḥala) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
CamelidsفحلArabicverbto put to the females for breeding
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA surname.countable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Arkansas.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Iowa.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Ohio.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town, the county seat of Beaver County, Oklahoma.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A borough, the county seat of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Beaver County, Utah.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in West Virginia.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Clark County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and unincorporated community therein, in Marinette County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Polk County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of townships in the United States, listed under Beaver Township.countable uncountable
CanadaBeaverEnglishnounA native or resident of the American state of Oregon.
CanadaBeaverEnglishnounA member of the youngest wing of the Scout movement, composed of groups for children, traditionally boys, of approximately five to seven years of age.
CanadaBeaverEnglishnameThe Dane-zaa people, indigenous to northern Alberta and British Columbia, Canada.dated
CanadaBeaverEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of beaver (“beard-spotting game”).alt-of
CanidsSouthern Amami Ōshimacharacterkanji no-gloss
CanidsSouthern Amami Ōshimanoundog
Capital punishment凌遲Chinesenounslow slicing; lingchihistorical
Capital punishment凌遲Chineseverbto put to death by dismembering the bodyhistorical
Capital punishment凌遲Chineseverbto wither; to go into a state of declinearchaic
Capital punishment凌遲Chineseverbto abuse or bully cruellyTaiwanese-Hokkien Xiamen
Capital punishment炮決Chinesenounexecution by blowing from a gun
Capital punishment炮決Chinesenounexecution by cannon or artillery fire
Capital punishment炮決Chineseverbto blow from a gun
Capital punishment炮決Chineseverbto execute somebody by cannon or artillery fire
Card gamesásIcelandicnounbeam, rafter, polemasculine
Card gamesásIcelandicnounaxismasculine
Card gamesásIcelandicnouna long low hill, a (low) ridgemasculine
Card gamesásIcelandicnounpip (one of the spots on a die)masculine
Card gamesásIcelandicnounthe side of a die that has only one pipmasculine
Card gamesásIcelandicnounace (playing card)masculine
Card gamesásIcelandicnounone of the Æsir, the principal Norse godsmasculine
Card gamesкецMacedoniannounace (cards)
Card gamesкецMacedoniannounF (grade)
Card gamesជួងKhmernounbell
Card gamesជួងKhmernounclubscard-games games
CarpentrysawEnglishnounA tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard substances, in particular wood or metal.
CarpentrysawEnglishnounA tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard substances, in particular wood or metal. / Such a tool with an abrasive coating instead of teeth.
CarpentrysawEnglishnounA musical saw.
CarpentrysawEnglishnounA sawtooth wave.
CarpentrysawEnglishnounThe situation where two partners agree to trump a suit alternately, playing that suit to each other for the express purpose.
CarpentrysawEnglishverbTo cut (something) with a saw.transitive
CarpentrysawEnglishverbTo make a motion back and forth similar to cutting something with a saw.intransitive
CarpentrysawEnglishverbTo be cut with a saw.intransitive
CarpentrysawEnglishverbTo form or produce (something) by cutting with a saw.transitive
CarpentrysawEnglishnounSomething spoken; speech, discourse.obsolete
CarpentrysawEnglishnounA saying or proverb.archaic
CarpentrysawEnglishnounOpinion, idea, belief.obsolete
CarpentrysawEnglishnounProposal, suggestion; possibility.obsolete
CarpentrysawEnglishnounDictate; command; decree.obsolete
CarpentrysawEnglishverbsimple past of seeform-of past
CarpentrysawEnglishverbpast participle of seecolloquial form-of nonstandard participle past
CatalysiscatalyzerEnglishnounThat which catalyzes.Canada US
CatalysiscatalyzerEnglishnounA catalytic converter.
CatsmačkaSerbo-Croatiannouncat (animal)
CatsmačkaSerbo-Croatiannounpretty girl, chick, birdslang
Cattletapi'iraOld Tupinountapir (Tapirus terrestris)
Cattletapi'iraOld Tupinouncattle (Bos taurus)
Celery family plantsKümmelGermannouncarawaymasculine strong
Celery family plantsKümmelGermannounkummelmasculine strong
Celery family plantsKümmelGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
Celtic tribesRemiLatinnameA tribe of Gallia Belgica whose chief town was Durocortorumdeclension-2
Celtic tribesRemiLatinnameinflection of Remus: / genitive masculine singularform-of genitive masculine singular
Celtic tribesRemiLatinnameinflection of Remus: / nominative/vocative masculine pluralform-of masculine nominative plural vocative
CharacinshatchetfishEnglishnounAny of several freshwater tropical fish of the family Gasteropelecidae
CharacinshatchetfishEnglishnounAny fish in the deep-sea stomiiform family Sternoptychidae
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishnounA member of a Nakh people of the northern Caucasus and resident in the Russian republic of Chechnya.
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishnounSynonym of Chechnyan: a resident of Chechnya.
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishnameThe language of the Chechens, a member of the Nakh family.
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishadjOf or relating to the Chechen people.not-comparable
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishadjOf or relating to the Chechen language.not-comparable
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishadjSynonym of Chechnyan: of or relating to Chechnya, a Russian .not-comparable
Chemical elementsheliumLimburgishnounheliumneuter uncountable
Chemical elementsheliumLimburgishnounA part of heliumneuter
ChemistryHungariannounsalt (a common substance, chemically consisting mainly of sodium chloride (NaCl), used extensively as a condiment and preservative)countable uncountable
ChemistryHungariannounsalt (one of the compounds formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, where a positive ion replaces a hydrogen of the acid)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
ChemistryácidoGalicianadjacidic, acid
ChemistryشابOttoman Turkishnounalum, an astringent salt much used in dyeing and tanning
ChemistryشابOttoman Turkishnouncoral reef, a reef formed by compacted coral skeletons
ChemistryརྫསDzongkhanounchemical, substance, material
ChessdonnaItaliannounladyarchaic feminine
ChessdonnaItaliannounqueencard-games gamesfeminine
ChessreinaSardiniannounqueenboard-games chess gamesfeminine
ChickensBrahmaputraEnglishnameA river which flows through Tibet, India and Bangladesh.
ChickensBrahmaputraEnglishnounA domestic fowl, the Brahmapootra.
ChickenshenEnglishnounA female chicken (Gallus gallus), particularly a sexually mature one kept for her eggs.
ChickenshenEnglishnounA female of other bird species, particularly a sexually mature female fowl.
ChickenshenEnglishnounA female fish (especially a salmon or trout) or crustacean.uncommon
ChickenshenEnglishnounA woman.figuratively
ChickenshenEnglishnounA woman. / A bride-to-be, particularly in the context of a hen night.UK figuratively informal
ChickenshenEnglishnounA hen night.UK informal
ChickenshenEnglishnounAn affectionate term of address used to women or girls.Scotland informal
ChickenshenEnglishnounThe penis of a trans woman.
ChickenshenEnglishnounA henlike person of either sex.derogatory figuratively uncommon
ChickenshenEnglishnounThe hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), a bivalve shellfish.
ChickenshenEnglishnounA large pewter pot used in a tavern.obsolete
ChickenshenEnglishverbAlternative form of mother-henalt-of alternative
ChickenshenEnglishadvHence.dialectal not-comparable
ChickenshenEnglishverbTo throw.dialectal
Children小人Chinesenounscoundrel or villain
Children小人Chinesenounperson of low positionarchaic
Children小人Chinesenounsmall-minded person or person of low moral qualitiesarchaic
Children小人Chinesenounchild; kidMandarin Wu dialectal
Children小人ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 小 (xiǎo), 人 (rén).
ChinaMandarinTagalognameMandarin (Standard Chinese language)
ChinaMandarinTagalognamelanguage from northern China, especially in Beijing
ChinaTemple of HeavenEnglishnameA religious complex in southeastern Beijing, formerly important to Chinese imperial rituals; the present-day park surrounding and preserving the site.
ChinaTemple of HeavenEnglishnameThe Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, the largest building in the complex, commonly confused as its focus.proscribed
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesecharacterleaf, block, classifier for cakekanji
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesecharactersomething Dkanji
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesecharactersomething D / fourth in rankkanji
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesecharacterstreetkanji
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesecharacterevenkanji
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenamefourth of the Ten Heavenly stems
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenamefourth in rank
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenamefourth in rank / something D
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenounstreet, district
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenouneven (especially of dice)
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenouna measure of length approximately 109 meters (also written 町)historical
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesecountercounter for long and thin things, e.g. guns, hoes, candles.
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesecountercounter for foods such as tofu.
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenamethe fourth of the ten heavenly stems
ChristianityafiadaAsturiannounfemale equivalent of afiáu: goddaughterfeminine form-of
ChristianityafiadaAsturianverbfeminine singular of afiáufeminine form-of participle singular
Cichorieae tribe plantsհազարOld Armeniannumthousand
Cichorieae tribe plantsհազարOld Armeniannounlettuce, Lactuca
CircuscircusEnglishnounA traveling company of performers that may include acrobats, clowns, trained animals, and other novelty acts, that gives shows usually in a circular tent.
CircuscircusEnglishnounA round open space in a town or city where multiple streets meet.
CircuscircusEnglishnounA spectacle; a noisy fuss; a chaotic and/or crowded place.figuratively
CircuscircusEnglishnounIn the ancient Roman Empire, a building for chariot racing.historical
CircuscircusEnglishnounA code name for bomber attacks with fighter escorts in the day time. The attacks were against short-range targets with the intention of occupying enemy fighters and keeping their fighter units in the area concerned.government military politics war
CircuscircusEnglishnounCircuit; space; enclosure.obsolete
CircuscircusEnglishverbTo take part in a circus; or to be displayed as if in a circus
CitiesტკვარჩელიMingreliannounwooden ladder, frame
Cities in AlbaniaDurrësEnglishnameAn Adriatic port city in Albania, on the site of ancient Epidamnus.
Cities in AlbaniaDurrësEnglishnameA Catholic archiepiscopal see since 1300, which lost its metropolitan status and was merged into one archbishopric with the Albanian capital Tirana (where the cathedral now is).
Cities in AlbaniaDurrësEnglishnameAn Orthodox archbishopric.
Cities in SwedenBooEnglishnameA community of Nacka, Stockholm, central Sweden.
Cities in SwedenBooEnglishnameThe Boko language.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesecharacterJinmeiyō kanji no-gloss
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenounCitrus tachibana, a species of wild, green, inedible citrus fruit native to Japan
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenounSynonym of 唐橘 (kara-tachibana): the trifoliate orange, Citrus trifoliata, syn. Poncirus trifoliata
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenounSynonym of 花橘 (hanatachibana): tachibana flowers; Ardesia crenata; Ardesia japonica; a kind of 襲の色目 (kasane no irome, “color combination by layering of garments”)
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenoungeneric name for citrus fruits that can be eaten rawarchaic
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenouna 家紋 (kamon, “family crest”) with designs of tachibana flowers, fruits, and leaves
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenameshort for 橘氏 (Tachibana-uji): an ancient clan who often held high-ranking positions in the medieval Japanese court, descended from Agata no Inukai no Michiyo and later Tachibana no Moroeabbreviation alt-of
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenamea Sakura-class destroyer of the Imperial Japanese Navy (see Japanese destroyer Tachibana (1912) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia)historical
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenamea destroyer subclass of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II, modified from the Matsu-class destroyershistorical
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenamethe lead ship of the Tachibana-subclass destroyers (see Japanese destroyer Tachibana (1944) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia)historical
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenamea placename, especially in Takaichi District, Nara Prefecture where the titular 菩提寺 (bodaiji) is located
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenamea surname
Citrus subfamily plantsJapaneseaffixCitrus tachibana
Citrus subfamily plantsJapaneseaffixthe Tachibana clan
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenamea female given name
Citrus subfamily plantsJapanesenamea surname
Climate changeclean coalEnglishnounAny technology that may mitigate emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses that arise from the burning of coal for electrical power.uncountable
Climate changeclean coalEnglishnounanthracite (a cleaner burning variety of coal, which is usually hard and bluish, with fewer impurities; making it acceptable for uses needing cleaner coal)dated uncountable
Climate changeclean coalEnglishnouncoke (a coked version of coal, that has been cleaned of many of its impurities, making it acceptable for use in steel-making and other uses needing cleaner coal)dated uncountable
ClothingLederhoseGermannounAny trousers made of leather.feminine
ClothingLederhoseGermannounA pair of lederhosen, a traditional (mainly Bavarian) kind of knee-breeches in heavy leather, with braces / suspenders.feminine
ClothingLederhoseGermannounA Bavarian person.derogatory feminine informal
ClothingLederhoseGermannounA member or supporter of Bayern Munich.derogatory feminine informal
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounSomeone or something that beats.
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounA kitchen implement for mixing.
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounA stick used to play a percussion instrument.
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounA person who drives game towards shooters in a hunting party, typically working in a group with other beaters.
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounA papermaking machine for processing fibres by fibrillation in order to improve bonding strength
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounAn old or dilapidated automobile in poor operating condition.US informal
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounA weaving tool designed to push the weft yarn securely into place. It contains the comb-like insert reed and is sometimes a part of the loom.
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounA harp seal pup after its first moult and before its second moult.Canada
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounIn the sport of Quidditch or Muggle quidditch, a player who attempts to hit the opposing team's players with bludgers and to block the bludgers from hitting their own team's players.
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounA shoe suitable for everyday wear, during which they may get dirty or scuffed, as opposed to more valuable shoes that one wishes to keep in good condition.informal
ClothingbeaterEnglishnounA sleeveless undershirt.US informal
ClothingbónaIrishnouncuff (of sleeve)masculine
ClothingbónaIrishnounAlternative form of póna (“(cattle-)pound”)alt-of alternative masculine
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo pull, move or draw away: / To unsheathe or pull out a weapon or arrow.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo pull, move or draw away: / To rip or pull out; to forcibly remove by pulling or tugging.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo pull, move or draw away: / To draw breath; to breathe or respire.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo pull, move or draw away: / To doff; to remove an article of clothing.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo pull, move or draw away: / To disembowel or food lifestyle
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo pull, move or draw away: / To extract blood from (someone)medicine sciences
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To extract; to draw out (moisture or liquid)
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To lead or bring (something); to take with oneself.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To put, take, or position somewhere.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To support or influence; to exert power over
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To effect a condition or state; to make (into).
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To acquire; to gain or receive.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To drag behind as punishment.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To lead through a food lifestyle
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw, push, or impel towards (oneself); to attract: / To make a move; to move a piece.board-games chess games
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo go to; to become closer or nearer to: / To travel or journey: to go physically towards.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo go to; to become closer or nearer to: / To follow, imitate; to be influenced by.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo go to; to become closer or nearer to: / To become or go toward, to turn into.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo go to; to become closer or nearer to: / To support or influence; to exert power over.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo go to; to become closer or nearer to: / To turn to for aid or assistance.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw out; to spread out or extend: / To prolong; to extend in time.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw out; to spread out or extend: / To spread as to cover or blanket.rare
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw out; to spread out or extend: / To defer or procrastinate; to put off.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo make or create; to cause to come about: / To author; to make a literary work.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo make or create; to cause to come about: / To mix or blend into a food lifestyle
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo make or create; to cause to come about: / To draw or sketch; to make a drawing
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw straws or lots.
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo pull apart; to tear to bits (especially with down)
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo add; to perform addition.mathematics sciences
ClothingdrawenMiddle EnglishverbTo come to; to add up to.mathematics sciences
ClothingganteletFrenchnoungauntlet (armored glove)masculine
ClothingganteletFrenchnoungauntlet (falconer's glove)masculine
ClothingganteletFrenchnoungauntlet (challenge)masculine
ClothingjupeEnglishnounA style of skirt.
ClothingjupeEnglishnounA style of short jacket, usually for a woman or child.
ClothingjupeEnglishnounA block placed on a server, nickname or channel.IRCInternet
ClothingjupeEnglishverbTo block a server (from joining the network), a nickname or channel (from being used).IRCInternet
ClothingpasPolishnounbeltinanimate masculine
ClothingpasPolishnounlane (lengthwise division of roadway)inanimate masculine
ClothingpasPolishnounfessgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsinanimate masculine
ClothingpasPolishnounwaistanatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
ClothingpasPolishnouncrosswalk, pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing (pedestrian crossing featuring broad white stripes)colloquial in-plural inanimate masculine
ClothingpasPolishnounpattern formed by parallelepiped rectangles touching at their longest side and having a different color or texturein-plural inanimate masculine
ClothingpasPolishnounpasscard-games gamesinanimate masculine
ClothingpasPolishnounpas, stepinanimate indeclinable masculine
ClothingsnapsuitEnglishnounA baby's bodysuit with a snap fastener at the crotch.
ClothingsnapsuitEnglishnounAn adult garment intended to be worn with a diaper that features a snap fastener at the crotch.
ClothingスーツJapanesenouna suit (set of clothes)
ClothingスーツJapanesenounAlternative form of スート (sūto, “suit”) (set of cards distinguished by color and emblems)alt-of alternative
CockatooscockatooEnglishnounA bird of the family Cacatuidae with a curved beak and a zygodactyl foot.
CockatooscockatooEnglishnounA lookout posted during a two-up game, when gambling was illegal.obsolete slang
CocktailsCape CodderEnglishnounSomeone from Cape Cod.
CocktailsCape CodderEnglishnounA cocktail made with vodka and cranberry juice.
CocktailsmargaritaSpanishnounmargarita (cocktail)masculine
CoffeekıraathaneTurkishnounA furnished, spacious coffeehouse that keeps newspapers, periodicals, books for customers to readarchaic
CoffeeshotEnglishadjTired, weary.
CoffeeshotEnglishadjDischarged, cleared, or rid of something.
CoffeeshotEnglishadjWorn out or broken.colloquial
CoffeeshotEnglishadjWoven from warp and weft strands of different colours, resulting in an iridescent appearance.
CoffeeshotEnglishnounThe result of launching a projectile or bullet.countable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounThe act of launching a ball or similar object toward a goal.hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounThe heavy iron ball used for the shot put.athletics hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounThe athletics event of shot put.athletics hobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounSmall metal balls used as ammunition.uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounMetal balls (or similar) used as ammunition; not necessarily small.government military politics waruncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounSomeone who shoots (a gun, longbow, etc.); a person reckoned as to their aim.countable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounAn opportunity or attempt.countable figuratively uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA remark or comment, especially one which is critical or insulting.countable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA punch or other physical blow.hobbies lifestyle sportsUS countable slang uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA measure of alcohol, usually spirits, as taken either from a shot-glass or directly from the bottle, equivalent to about 44 milliliters; 1.5 ounces. ("pony shot"= 30 milliliters; 1 fluid ounce)countable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA single serving of espresso.countable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA reckoning, a share of a tavern bill, etc.archaic countable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA single snapshot or an unbroken sequence of photographic film exposures, or the digital equivalent; an unedited sequence of frames.arts broadcasting film hobbies lifestyle media photography televisioncountable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA vaccination or injection.medicine sciencesAustralia Canada US countable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA home run that scores one, two, or three runs (a four run home run is usually referred to as a grand slam).ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable informal uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounWritten documentation of a behavior infraction.countable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA cast of one or more nets.biology ecology fisheries natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA place or spot for setting nets.biology ecology fisheries natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA single draft or catch of fish made.biology ecology fisheries natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CoffeeshotEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of shootform-of participle past
CoffeeshotEnglishverbTo load (a gun) with shot.transitive
CoffeeshotEnglishverbTo sell illegal drugs; to deal.Multicultural-London-English transitive
CoffeeshotEnglishverbTo feed small shot to (a horse), as a fraudulent means of disguising broken-windedness.obsolete transitive
CoffeeshotEnglishnounA charge to be paid, a scot or shout.
CoffeeshotEnglishintjAn expression of gratitude, similar to thank you.New-Zealand colloquial
CoinsByzantineEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Byzantium.
CoinsByzantineEnglishadjBelonging to the civilization of the Eastern Roman Empire between 331, when its capital was moved to Constantinople, and 1453, when that capital was conquered by the Turks and ultimately renamed Istanbul.history human-sciences sciences
CoinsByzantineEnglishadjOf a style of architecture prevalent in the Eastern Empire down to 1453, marked by the round arch springing from columns or piers, the dome supported upon pendentives, capitals elaborately sculptured, mosaic or other encrustations, etc.architecture
CoinsByzantineEnglishadjOverly complex or intricate, especially of bureaucracy.figuratively lowercase often
CoinsByzantineEnglishadjOf a devious, usually stealthy, manner or practice.figuratively lowercase often
CoinsByzantineEnglishadjOf or relating to the Byzantine Rite or any of the many Eastern Orthodox churches and Greek Catholic churches that use this rite for their liturgical celebrations.Catholicism Christianity
CoinsByzantineEnglishnounA native of Byzantium (modern-day Istanbul) or of the Byzantine empirecountable historical uncountable
CoinsByzantineEnglishnounAlternative form of byzantine (coin)hobbies lifestyle numismaticsalt-of alternative countable uncountable
CoinsByzantineEnglishnounA dark, metallic shade of violet.countable uncountable
Coinsमुद्राHindinouna seal
Coinsमुद्राHindinouna stamp
Coinsमुद्राHindinounany currency or coin; money
Coinsमुद्राHindinounexpression, face, appearance
Coinsमुद्राHindinounthe name of specific finger positions
CollectivesconsortiumEnglishnounAn association or combination of businesses, financial institutions, or investors, for the purpose of engaging in a joint venture.
CollectivesconsortiumEnglishnounA similar arrangement among non-commercial institutions or organizations.
CollectivesconsortiumEnglishnounAn association or society.
CollectivesconsortiumEnglishnounThe right of a spouse to all the normal relationships with his or her
CollectivesconsortiumEnglishnounA group of symbiotic microbes.biology natural-sciences
CollectivesczataPolishnounoutpost (military post)government military politics wararchaic feminine
CollectivesczataPolishnounoutpost (body of troops manning such a post)government military politics wararchaic feminine
Collectivesgarage bandEnglishnounA band that plays garage rock music.
Collectivesgarage bandEnglishnounA band that has obtained little fame or fortune, and therefore is typically relegated—at least metaphorically—to rehearsing and recording not in a rented studio or while being paid to perform on stage like more successful groups, but rather in someone's garage.
CollectiveshivemindEnglishnounA collection of minds somehow linked or unified, possibly as if by telepathy.literature media publishing science-fiction
CollectiveshivemindEnglishnounCollective intelligence, especially when facilitated by communications technology.broadly
CollectiveshivemindEnglishnounA group of people who uncritically share beliefs or mindlessly follow orders.derogatory
CollectiveshodowlaPolishnounhusbandry (raising of livestock and the cultivation of crops)agriculture business horticulture lifestylefeminine
CollectiveshodowlaPolishnounfarm (place where agricultural activities take place)agriculture business horticulture lifestylefeminine
CollectiveshodowlaPolishnounculture (process of growing a bacterial or other biological entity in an artificial medium)biology microbiology natural-sciencesfeminine
CollectiveshodowlaPolishnouncollection of organisms subjected to breedingagriculture biology business horticulture lifestyle microbiology natural-sciencesfeminine
CollectivespresidiumEnglishnounA permanent executive committee, used primarily in Communist countries, with the power to act for a larger governing body when the latter is in recess.
CollectivespresidiumEnglishnounSuch an executive committee headed by the President of the Supreme Soviet.
CollectivesturmăRomaniannounherd, flock (especially of sheep)feminine
CollectivesturmăRomaniannounlarge unorganized crowd or group of people, mob, throngfeminine figuratively
CollectivesturmăRomaniannounflock, in the religious sense of Christian believers and members of the churchChristianityfeminine
Collectivesupper crustEnglishnounThe social elite, the highest social class.idiomatic usually
Collectivesupper crustEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see upper, crust. The topmost layer of a bread, pastry dish, or other item with a hardened coating.
Collectivesupper crustEnglishadjAlternative form of upper-crustalt-of alternative
Colorado, USAアーカンソーJapanesenameArkansas (a state of the United States)
Colorado, USAアーカンソーJapanesenameArkansas (river)
ColorscarminioItalianadjcarmine, crimsoninvariable
ColorshopeaFinnishnounsilver (metallic element)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ColorshopeaFinnishnounsilver (alloy of silver and copper which contains at least 83 % silver)jewelry lifestyle
ColorshopeaFinnishnounsilver (second prize)hobbies lifestyle sports
ColorshopeaFinnishadjsilver (colour)not-comparable
ColorsjacynctMiddle Englishnounsapphire (blue gemstone)
ColorsjacynctMiddle Englishnounsapphire (blue-purple colour)rare
ColorsjacynctMiddle Englishnounsapphire-coloured fabricrare
ColorsjacynctMiddle Englishnounjacinth (red gemstone)rare
ColorsjacynctMiddle Englishnounhyacinth (plant)rare
Colors하얗다Koreanadjwhite, pure white, paleirregular
Colors하얗다Koreanadjin swarms, in crowds, in flocksirregular
Colors하얗다Koreanadjall nightirregular
CommunicationguidewordEnglishnounA watchword; a word or phrase that serves as one's guide.
CommunicationguidewordEnglishnounA word that is printed at the top or bottom of the page in a reference work, in order to help readers find a specific publishing
CommunicationguidewordEnglishnounAny of the words in a memo or email that define metadata regarding the message, such as sender, recipient, and
CommunismcomrádaíIrishnouncomrade (mate, companion; fellow socialist or communist; title used in leftist circles)masculine
CommunismcomrádaíIrishnounpal, matemasculine
Compass pointsnordaKashubiannounnorthfeminine
Compass pointsnordaKashubiannounnortherly windfeminine
Compass pointsoostDutchadveastin-compounds
Compass pointsoostDutchadveastwards
Compass pointsshádiʼááhdę́ę́ʼNavajoadvfrom the south
Compass pointsshádiʼááhdę́ę́ʼNavajoadvof South America
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto go out, to leave, to depart, to head out
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto go out, to come out (to leave one's abode to go to public places)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto go out, date (be in a relationship)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto come out (e.g. from hiding), to come off (e.g. off the bench in a sport; off of a high place like a roof or ladder)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto exit, to leave, to walk out, to slip out
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto step out (e.g. of a room, house or building)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto get off, to leave (e.g., get off work)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto get off (e.g. get off the plane, an island, someone's property, the street) (+ de)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto get out (e.g. out of the way, out of the sun) (+ de)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto go off (e.g. go off the grid, go off the air) (+ de)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto log out, to quit, to exit (e.g. a web page or document)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto emerge, to come out
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto come out (e.g., information, a movie)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto rise (the sun)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto climb out (e.g. a hole, a window, a canyon)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto escape, to break out
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto run (e.g. a bus or other form of public transportation)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto come off, to go off (i.e. to project a certain quality)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto appear, to look (on a painting, photo, movie, play, TV, platform, etc)
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto result, to arise as a consequence
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto turn out, to work out, to go off
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto be out, to get out (e.g. of a deal, of a situation)intransitive reflexive
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto come off (i.e. to project a certain quality)intransitive reflexive
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto pop out (e.g. a contact lens, a cork, someone popping out of a dark space)intransitive reflexive
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto get away with (+ con)reflexive
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto get out, to go out (e.g. get out of control, get out of hand, go out of sync)reflexive
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto go off, to turn off (go off script, on a tangent, go off the road/track/path)reflexive
ComputingsalirSpanishverbto rock, rule (be fantastic)Spain colloquial reflexive
Computingзаглавная страницаRussiannountitle page
Computingзаглавная страницаRussiannounmain page
Computingзаглавная страницаRussiannounhomepage
CondimentsسىركەUyghurnoungrapevine sap, a sour liquid used as medicine
ConifersbredhAlbaniannounfir (Abies)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
ConifersbredhAlbanianverbto wander, roam, stroll
ConifersbredhAlbanianverbto go fast, run
ConifersbredhAlbanianverbto skip, jump, leap
ConifersbredhAlbanianverbto frolic, caper
ConifersbredhAlbanianverbto skip, ricochet, flittransitive
ConifersbredhAlbanianverbto stroll around, circumambulatecolloquial transitive
ConifersbredhAlbanianverbto reflectnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicstransitive
Conservatism国体Japanesenounthe character of the nation
Conservatism国体Japanesenounnational polity
Conservatism国体Japanesenounkokutai (the national essence and character of Japan viewed as conforming to Shinto-Confucian ideals, with the emperor as its ethical, spiritual, cultural and political center)government human-sciences philosophy politics scienceshistorical
Conservatism国体JapanesenounClipping of 国民体育大会 (Kokumin Taiiku Taikai, “National Sports Festival of Japan”).hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of clipping
Conspiracy theoriesGreat ReplacementEnglishnameThe gradual demographic and cultural replacement of the white French population by non-European peoples.
Conspiracy theoriesGreat ReplacementEnglishnameThe gradual replacement of other white European populations, by non-European peoples, who are deliberately assisted by elites, according to a nationalist conspiracy theory.broadly
Conspiracy theoriesanti-conspiratorialEnglishadjAgainst conspiracies.
Conspiracy theoriesanti-conspiratorialEnglishadjThat is not prone to believe in conspiracy theories.
ConstellationsLauvaLatviannamethe constellation of Leo; astronomical abbreviation: Leoastronomy natural-sciencesdeclension-4 masculine
ConstellationsLauvaLatviannameLeo (zodiac sign); astrological symbol: ♌)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesdeclension-4 masculine
ConstructionoutoeiraGaliciannounside wall, gable endfeminine
Construction vehiclescargadoraSpanishnounfemale equivalent of cargadorfeminine form-of
Construction vehiclescargadoraSpanishnounloader, front-end loader, front loader, endloader, payloader, bucket loader, wheel loader (construction equipment)feminine
Construction vehiclescargadoraSpanishadjfeminine singular of cargadorfeminine form-of singular
ContainersKorbGermannounbasket, creel / hoopball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine strong
ContainersKorbGermannounbasket, creel / anthodium (inflorescence of a compound flower)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine strong
ContainersKorbGermannounbasket, creel / nacelleaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine strong
ContainersKorbGermannounbasket, creelmasculine strong
ContainersKorbGermannouna variety, selection, rangefiguratively masculine often strong
ContainersKorbGermannouna variety, selection, range / a set of laws around a certain themelawfiguratively masculine often strong
ContainersKorbGermannounrebuff (rejection of a request, especially romantic, such as a proposal or asking for a date)informal masculine strong
ContainersnakrętkaPolishnounbottle cap, screw capfeminine
ContainersnakrętkaPolishnounnut (for a bolt)engineering mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
ContainersծրարArmeniannounbundle, pouchWestern-Armenian
ContainersJapanesecharacterbowl; potkanji
ContainersJapanesecharacterskull; craniumkanji
ContainersJapanesenounflower pot
CookinghầmVietnameseverbto stew, to braise, to simmer
CookinghầmVietnamesenouna basement; a cellar
CookinghầmVietnamesenounShort for đường hầm (“a tunnel”).abbreviation alt-of
CookingkuchyněCzechnouncuisine, cookeryfeminine
CookingpitrasićPolishverbto cook up, to concoct (fast and sloppily)colloquial imperfective transitive
CookingpitrasićPolishverbto cook up, to concoct (with pleasure)colloquial imperfective transitive
Cookware and bakewareadiroYorubanountraditional Yoruba oven or stove and stand
Cookware and bakewareadiroYorubanouna type of long Yoruba hat mainly worn by hunters
Cookware and bakewarethớtVietnamesenouncutting board; chopping board
Cookware and bakewarethớtVietnamesenounthread (series of messages)Internet slang
Cookware and bakewarethớtVietnameseclassifierIndicates certain animals, chiefly horses and elephants.archaic historical
Copyright licensesFDLEnglishnameInitialism of Free Documentation License.copyright intellectual-property lawabbreviation alt-of initialism
Copyright licensesFDLEnglishnameInitialism of File Definition Language (“a VMS language used for describing files”).abbreviation alt-of initialism
Corruptiondirty-handedEnglishadjHaving unwashed hands.
Corruptiondirty-handedEnglishadjWorking-class, rough or boorish
Corruptiondirty-handedEnglishadjGuilty, corrupt
CorvidsuwakTagalognounbirds of the genus Corvus such as crows and ravens (especially the large-billed crow, Corvus macrorhynchos)
CorvidsuwakTagalognouncaw (of such a bird)
CorvidsuwakTagalognountraitorous or gluttonous personfiguratively
CorvidsからすJapanesenouna crow or raven
CorvidsからすJapaneseverb涸らす: to drain
CorvidsからすJapaneseverb涸らす: (figuratively) to exhaust (money etc.)
CorvidsからすJapaneseverb枯らす:to wither (a plant); to kill (a plant)
CorvidsからすJapaneseverb枯らす: to let dry
CorvidsからすJapaneseverb枯らす, 嗄らす: to yell oneself hoarse
CorvidsNorthern Amami ŌshimacharacterJinmeiyō kanji no-gloss
CorvidsNorthern Amami Ōshimanouncrow, raven
Corvoid birdsParadiesvogelGermannounbird of paradisemasculine strong
Corvoid birdsParadiesvogelGermannounrare bird, outlierbroadly masculine strong
Counties of NorwayFinnmarkNorwegian BokmålnameFinnmark, a former county in Norway
Counties of NorwayFinnmarkNorwegian BokmålnameA dialect of the Northern Sami language.
CountriesYunaniMalaynameGreece (a country in Southeast Europe)
CountriesYunaniMalayadjGreek, relating to Greece, the Greek people, or the Greek language.relational
Countries𐎹𐎢𐎴Old PersianadjIonian
Countries𐎹𐎢𐎴Old PersianadjGreek
Countries𐎹𐎢𐎴Old PersiannameIonia
Countries in EuropeՖարերներArmeniannameFaroe Islands (the islands)
Countries in EuropeՖարերներArmeniannameFaroe Islands (the country)
CrabscrabfishEnglishnounA freshwater crab found in Southern European rivers, streams, and lakes, Potamon fluviatile or Cancer fluviatilis.archaic
CrabscrabfishEnglishnounA lobster or crayfish.archaic
CrabssookEnglishverbAlternative spelling of suckalt-of alternative
CrabssookEnglishnounFamiliar name for a calf.Scotland rare
CrabssookEnglishnounFamiliar name for a cow.US dialectal
CrabssookEnglishnounA poddy calf.Australia New-Zealand
CrabssookEnglishintjA call for calves.Scotland
CrabssookEnglishintjA call for cattle.US dialectal
CrabssookEnglishintjA call for cattle or sheep.Newfoundland
CrabssookEnglishnounA crybaby, a complainer, a whinger; a shy or timid person, a wimp; a coward.Atlantic-Canada Australia New-Zealand derogatory slang
CrabssookEnglishnounA sulk or complaint; an act of sulking.Atlantic-Canada Australia New-Zealand slang
CrabssookEnglishnounAlternative spelling of souq (“Arab market”).alt-of alternative
CrabssookEnglishnounA mature female Chesapeake Bay blue crab (Callinectes sapidus).US
CrabssookEnglishverbsimple past of seekform-of nonstandard past
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjUsing brainpower; smart or wise: / Discerning, perceptive, effective, intelligent.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjUsing brainpower; smart or wise: / Wily, tricky, creative; using sleight-of-hand successfully.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjUsing brainpower; smart or wise: / Deceptive, misleading; causing insidiousness or treachery.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Light; of low density or chopped into small bits.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Little, diminutive; having a low size.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Low in width or breadth; slender or skinny.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Lacking coarseness; made with refinement.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Bland; having little taste or flavour.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Quiet, hard to hear or detect.rare
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjDisplaying refinement; well-mannered, exquisite, or cultured.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjMade well or enjoyably; artisanal or delightful.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjHaving a high viscosity; fluidic or runny.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjAiry, gaseous; lacking impurities or defects.
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjChallenging, unexplainable; causing difficulty.rare
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishadjConvoluted; not simple or basic.rare
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishnounA substance or part of one that is light and not dense.uncountable
CraftssotilMiddle EnglishnounSophistication; the state of being complicated.rare uncountable
Crafts繃子Chinesenounembroidery framearts crafts hobbies lifestyle
Crafts繃子Chinesenounbed drawer made of rattan leather, palm rope, etc.
CrimebandyterkaPolishnounbanditrycolloquial feminine
CrimebandyterkaPolishnounbandits in generalcollective colloquial feminine
CrimecamorraSpanishnounquarrel, fight, disputecountable feminine
CrimecamorraSpanishnounCamorra (crime organization from Naples)feminine singular singular-only
CrimenakawTagalognounact of stealing
CrimeowlingEnglishnounBirding, specifically to catch owls.uncountable
CrimeowlingEnglishnounThe smuggling of sheep or wool out of England.historical uncountable
CrimeowlingEnglishnounA variation on planking in which a person is photographed or filmed squatting down in an unusual location.Internet uncountable
CrimeowlingEnglishnounA small, juvenile, or baby owl; owlet.
CrustaceanscamarãoPortuguesenounshrimp (decapod crustacean)masculine
CrustaceanscamarãoPortuguesenounbutterfacecolloquial derogatory masculine
CrustaceansshakoEnglishnounA stiff, cylindrical military dress hat with a metal plate in front, a short visor, and a plume.
CrustaceansshakoEnglishnounA bearskin or busby.British
CrustaceansshakoEnglishnounThe squilla or mantis shrimp.uncountable
Culturedã manVietnameseadjcruel, ruthless
Culturedã manVietnameseadjbarbarianhistory human-sciences sciences
Culturedã manVietnameseadvcruelly, ruthlessly
Culturedã manVietnameseadvtotally, extremelySouthern Vietnam informal
CurrenciessterlingEnglishnounThe currency of the United Kingdom; especially the pound.countable uncountable
CurrenciessterlingEnglishnounFormer British gold or silver coinage of a standard fineness: for gold 0.91666 and for silver 0.925.countable uncountable
CurrenciessterlingEnglishnounSterling silver, or articles made from this material.countable uncountable
CurrenciessterlingEnglishnounA structure of pilings that protects the piers of a bridge; a starling.countable uncountable
CurrenciessterlingEnglishadjOf, or relating to British currency, or the former British coinage.not-comparable
CurrenciessterlingEnglishadjOf, relating to, or made from sterling silver.not-comparable
CurrenciessterlingEnglishadjOf acknowledged worth or influence; high quality; authoritative.
CurrenciessterlingEnglishadjGenuine; true; pure; of great value or excellence.
Cypress family plantssandaracEnglishnounRealgar; red sulphide of arsenic.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesarchaic countable uncountable
Cypress family plantssandaracEnglishnounA white or yellow resin obtained from a north African tree (Tetraclinis articulata), and pulverized for pounce; probably so called from a resemblance to the mineral.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
Cypress family plantssandaracEnglishnounAny tree from the genus Tetraclinis.countable uncountable
Dairy productsկաթնաշոռArmeniannouncottage cheese, curd cheese, tvorog
Dairy productsկաթնաշոռArmeniannouncurd
DancestoritoSpanishnoundiminutive of toro (“bull”)diminutive form-of masculine
DancestoritoSpanishnounfiremouth cichlid (Thorichthys meeki)masculine
DancestoritoSpanishnounthornfish (fish of the family Bovichtidae)Chile masculine
DancestoritoSpanishnounA sweet cocktail made from a mix of milk, rum, and various flavorings.Mexico masculine
DancestoritoSpanishnounA framework in the shape of a bull covered in fireworks, which is worn like a costume and set alight during various popular festivals.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesGuatemala Mexico masculine
DancestoritoSpanishnounA traditional carnival dance originating in Barranquilla.Colombia masculine
DartsstrēleLatviannounarrow, dart (projectile thrown with a bow)declension-5 feminine figuratively
DartsstrēleLatviannounarrow (a component part that is thin and long, usually used for pointing)declension-5 feminine
DartsstrēleLatviannounsomething narrow and elongated like an arrowdeclension-5 feminine
DartsstrēleLatviannounbeam, raydeclension-5 feminine
DartsstrēleLatviannounnarrow, elongated formation, stripdeclension-5 feminine
DartsstrēleLatviannounstrip, stretch (narrow, elongated area)declension-5 feminine
DartsstrēleLatviannounjib, boom (the projecting arm of a crane)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technologydeclension-5 feminine
Day日雇いJapanesenounday laborer
Day日雇いJapanesenounemployment on a day-by-day basis
Days of the weekKoreannounanger; rage
Days of the weekKoreannounShort for 화요일(火曜日) (hwayoil, “Tuesday”).abbreviation alt-of
Days of the weekKoreannoundisaster; misfortune
Days of the weekKoreannounharmony; peaceformal
Days of the weekKoreansuffix-ization; -ificationmorpheme
Days of the weekKoreansuffixgenre or style of paintingmorpheme
Days of the weekKoreansuffixtype of shoemorpheme
Days of the weekKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 火 (MC xwaX))(MC reading: 花 (MC xwae))(MC reading: 華 (MC hwae|xwae|hwaeH))(MC reading: 話 (MC hwaejH))(MC reading: 畫 (MC hweaH|hweak))(MC reading: 化 (MC xwaeH))(MC reading: 和 (MC hwa|hwaH))(MC reading: 靴 (MC xjwa)) / 火: fire
Days of the weekKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 火 (MC xwaX))(MC reading: 花 (MC xwae))(MC reading: 華 (MC hwae|xwae|hwaeH))(MC reading: 話 (MC hwaejH))(MC reading: 畫 (MC hweaH|hweak))(MC reading: 化 (MC xwaeH))(MC reading: 和 (MC hwa|hwaH))(MC reading: 靴 (MC xjwa)) / 花: flower
Days of the weekKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 火 (MC xwaX))(MC reading: 花 (MC xwae))(MC reading: 華 (MC hwae|xwae|hwaeH))(MC reading: 話 (MC hwaejH))(MC reading: 畫 (MC hweaH|hweak))(MC reading: 化 (MC xwaeH))(MC reading: 和 (MC hwa|hwaH))(MC reading: 靴 (MC xjwa)) / 華: China
Days of the weekKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 火 (MC xwaX))(MC reading: 花 (MC xwae))(MC reading: 華 (MC hwae|xwae|hwaeH))(MC reading: 話 (MC hwaejH))(MC reading: 畫 (MC hweaH|hweak))(MC reading: 化 (MC xwaeH))(MC reading: 和 (MC hwa|hwaH))(MC reading: 靴 (MC xjwa)) / 話: talk; episode (in a book, series, etc.)
Days of the weekKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 火 (MC xwaX))(MC reading: 花 (MC xwae))(MC reading: 華 (MC hwae|xwae|hwaeH))(MC reading: 話 (MC hwaejH))(MC reading: 畫 (MC hweaH|hweak))(MC reading: 化 (MC xwaeH))(MC reading: 和 (MC hwa|hwaH))(MC reading: 靴 (MC xjwa)) / 畫: picture
Days of the weekKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 火 (MC xwaX))(MC reading: 花 (MC xwae))(MC reading: 華 (MC hwae|xwae|hwaeH))(MC reading: 話 (MC hwaejH))(MC reading: 畫 (MC hweaH|hweak))(MC reading: 化 (MC xwaeH))(MC reading: 和 (MC hwa|hwaH))(MC reading: 靴 (MC xjwa)) / 化: transformation
Days of the weekKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 火 (MC xwaX))(MC reading: 花 (MC xwae))(MC reading: 華 (MC hwae|xwae|hwaeH))(MC reading: 話 (MC hwaejH))(MC reading: 畫 (MC hweaH|hweak))(MC reading: 化 (MC xwaeH))(MC reading: 和 (MC hwa|hwaH))(MC reading: 靴 (MC xjwa)) / 和: harmony
Days of the weekKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 火 (MC xwaX))(MC reading: 花 (MC xwae))(MC reading: 華 (MC hwae|xwae|hwaeH))(MC reading: 話 (MC hwaejH))(MC reading: 畫 (MC hweaH|hweak))(MC reading: 化 (MC xwaeH))(MC reading: 和 (MC hwa|hwaH))(MC reading: 靴 (MC xjwa)) / 靴: shoe
DeathastrucaRomanianverbto bury a dead personBukovina conjugation-1 dated regional
DeathastrucaRomanianverbto coverTransylvania conjugation-1 dated regional
DeathcaedesLatinnounthe act of cutting or lopping something offdeclension-3
DeathcaedesLatinnounthe act of striking with the fist, a beatingdeclension-3
DeathcaedesLatinnounmurder, assassination, killing, slaughter, massacre, carnagebroadly declension-3
DeathcaedesLatinnounthe corpses of the slain or murdereddeclension-3 metonymically
DeathcaedesLatinnounthe blood shed by murder, goredeclension-3 metonymically
DeathcorpseEnglishnounA dead body, especially that of a human as opposed to an animal.
DeathcorpseEnglishnounA human body in general, whether living or dead.archaic derogatory sometimes
DeathcorpseEnglishverbTo laugh uncontrollably during a performance.intransitive slang
DeathcorpseEnglishverbTo cause another actor to do this.slang transitive
Deathdeath cultEnglishnounA religious movement that worships death or the dead.
Deathdeath cultEnglishnounA religious group that requires demonstrations of faith involving the risk of death.
DeathscaffoldEnglishnounA structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on while working on a building.
DeathscaffoldEnglishnounAn elevated platform on which a criminal is executed.
DeathscaffoldEnglishnounAn elevated platform on which dead bodies are ritually disposed of, as by some Native American tribes.
DeathscaffoldEnglishnounAn accumulation of adherent, partly fused material forming a shelf or dome-shaped obstruction above the tuyeres in a blast furnace.arts crafts engineering hobbies lifestyle metallurgy metalworking natural-sciences physical-sciences
DeathscaffoldEnglishnounA structure that provides support for some other material.sciences
DeathscaffoldEnglishverbTo set up a scaffolding; to surround a building with scaffolding.transitive
DeathscaffoldEnglishverbTo sustain; to provide support for.transitive
DeathscaffoldEnglishverbTo dispose of the bodies of the dead on a scaffold or raised platform, as by some Native American tribes.transitive
DeathኑዛዜAmharicnountestament, will
DemocracydemokrataPolishnoundemocrat (supporter of democracy; an advocate of democratic politics)government politicsmasculine person
DemocracydemokrataPolishnoundemocrat (member of a democratic party)government politicsmasculine person
DemonymsHobartianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Hobart (Australia).
DemonymsHobartianEnglishadjOf, from or relating to Hobart.
DemonymsJohoreanEnglishadjOf or relating to Johor in Malaysia.
DemonymsJohoreanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Johor in Malaysia.
DemonymsMayschoßerGermannounA native or inhabitant of Mayschoßmasculine strong
DemonymsMayschoßerGermanadjof Mayschoßindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsMogadishanEnglishadjOf or relating to Mogadishu.
DemonymsMogadishanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Mogadishu.
DemonymsOdesanEnglishadjOf, from, or relating to the city of Odesa, Ukraine.
DemonymsOdesanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Odesa, Ukraine.
DemonymsRomeinDutchnouna Roman (an inhabitant of Rome)masculine
DemonymsRomeinDutchnouna Roman (citizen or subject of the Roman Empire)historical masculine
DemonymsRomeinDutchnamea male given namemasculine
DemonymsRomeinDutchnamea surname
DemonymsUkrainianEnglishadjRelating to Ukraine or its people or language.not-comparable
DemonymsUkrainianEnglishnounA citizen of Ukraine or a person of Ukrainian ethnicity.
DemonymsUkrainianEnglishnameThe East Slavic language of Ukrainians, and the official language of Ukraine.
DemonymsViseagotachIrishadjVisigothichistory human-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
DemonymsViseagotachIrishnounVisigothhistory human-sciences sciencesmasculine
DemonymsWestern AustralianEnglishadjOf or relating to Western Australia.
DemonymsWestern AustralianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Western Australia.
DemonymsanaasázíNavajonounancient people, Anasazi
DemonymsanaasázíNavajonounenemy ancestors, ancient enemy
DemonymscastellanoleonésSpanishadjof Castile and Leónrelational
DemonymscastellanoleonésSpanishnounsomeone or something from Castile and Leónmasculine
DemonymschepanoSpanishadjof Cheporelational
DemonymschepanoSpanishnounsomeone from Chepomasculine
DemonymscàntabreCatalannounone of the Cantabrihistorical masculine
DemonymscàntabreCatalannounCantabrian (inhabitant of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria)masculine
DemonymscàntabreCatalannounCantabrian (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsgringoSpanishnouna fair-skinned foreigner whose native language is not SpanishLatin-America derogatory masculine sometimes
DemonymsgringoSpanishnounan American (a person from the United States), especially a white American.Latin-America derogatory masculine sometimes
DemonymslucenseSpanishadjof Lugofeminine masculine relational
DemonymslucenseSpanishnounsomeone from Lugoby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsnicoleñoSpanishadjof San Nicolás de los Arroyosrelational
DemonymsnicoleñoSpanishnounsomeone from San Nicolás de los Arroyosmasculine
DemonymsparanaenseSpanishadjof Paranáfeminine masculine relational
DemonymsparanaenseSpanishnounsomeone from Paranáby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsΑνατολίτηςGreeknounAnatolian (a person, usually male, from Anatolia or of Anatolian ethnicity)
DemonymsΑνατολίτηςGreeknounOriental (a person, usually male, from the East)
DemonymsфінUkrainiannounFinn (male)
DemonymsфінUkrainiannoungenitive/accusative plural of фі́на (fína)accusative form-of genitive plural
Dental hygienepalilloSpanishnountoothpickmasculine
Dental hygienepalilloSpanishnounchopstick (single eating utensil)masculine
Dental hygienepalilloSpanishnoundrumstickentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
Dental hygienepalilloSpanishnoundiminutive of palo: small stickdiminutive form-of masculine
Dental hygienepalilloSpanishnounvery thin personmasculine
Dental hygienepalilloSpanishnounclothes peg, clothespinAndalusia Cuba Puerto-Rico Uruguay masculine
Dental hygienepalilloSpanishnounknitting needleBolivia Chile Peru masculine
Dessertscut cakeEnglishnounA Jamaican dessert made with sliced coconut, ginger and brown sugar.countable uncountable
Dessertscut cakeEnglishnounA traditional snack of the Uyghur in Xinjiang, made with candied fruit, syrup, flour, and nuts.countable uncountable
Detarioideae subfamily plantspurpleheartEnglishnounA large tropical tree, of the genus Peltogyne, native to parts of South America and the West Indiescountable
Detarioideae subfamily plantspurpleheartEnglishnounThe purplish heartwood of this tree, used to make furniturecountable uncountable
Diacritical marksbreuCatalanadjshortfeminine masculine
Diacritical marksbreuCatalanadjbrieffeminine masculine
Diacritical marksbreuCatalannounbrevecommunications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingmasculine
Diacritical marksbreuCatalannounsigilmasculine
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishnounAn excavation in the earth as a place of burial.countable uncountable
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishnounAny place of interment; a tomb; a sepulcher.broadly countable uncountable
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishnounAny place containing one or more corpses.countable uncountable
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishnounDeath, destruction.broadly uncountable
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishnounDeceased people; the dead.broadly uncountable
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishverbTo dig.obsolete transitive
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishverbTo carve or cut, as letters or figures, on some hard substance; to engrave.intransitive obsolete
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishverbTo carve out or give shape to, by cutting with a chisel; to sculpture.obsolete transitive
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishverbTo impress deeply (on the mind); to fix indelibly.intransitive obsolete
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishverbTo entomb; to bury.obsolete transitive
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishverbTo write or delineate on hard substances, by means of incised lines; to practice engraving.intransitive obsolete
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishadjCharacterised by a dignified sense of seriousness; not cheerful.
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishadjLow in pitch, tone etc.
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishadjSerious, in a negative sense; important, formidable.
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishadjDull, produced in the middle or back of the mouth. (See Grave and acute on Wikipedia.Wikipedia)human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencesdated
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishadjInfluential, important; authoritative.obsolete
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishnounA grave accent.
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishnounA count, prefect, or person holding office.historical
Diacritical marksgraveEnglishverbTo clean, as a vessel's bottom, of barnacles, grass, etc., and pay it over with pitch — so called because graves or greaves was formerly used for this purpose.nautical transportobsolete transitive
DipteranscuileogIrishnounA fly (insect)feminine
DipteranscuileogIrishnounAlternative form of calógalt-of alternative feminine
DiseasesmayasılTurkishnounpiles, haemorrhoids
DiseasesstranglesEnglishnounA disease of horses caused by an infection by the bacterium Streptococcus equi.uncountable
DiseasesstranglesEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of strangleform-of indicative present singular third-person
DiseasesstranglesEnglishnounplural of strangleform-of plural
Distilled beveragesberbeluchaPolishnounrotgut, low-quality alcoholcolloquial derogatory feminine
Distilled beveragesberbeluchaPolishnounthin, poor-tasting soupcolloquial derogatory feminine
DivinationnegromanziaItaliannounnecromancy, specificallyfeminine
DivinationnegromanziaItaliannoundivination involving the dead or deathfeminine
DivinationnegromanziaItaliannounany sort of sorcery or witchcraftbroadly feminine
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnountwitch, jerk, vibration
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnounmotion, moving
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnounpalmomancy, divination involving interpretation of involuntary movements
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnounwink, blink
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnouninstant, moment
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnounsecond
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnounpalpitationmedicine sciences
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnounbalancing scales
DivinationܪܦܦܐClassical Syriacnounthrong, shoal
Divine epithetsḥr-m-pr.fEgyptiannounan epithet of the king
Divine epithetsḥr-m-pr.fEgyptiannounan epithet of the god Horus of Edfu
DogsgalgoSpanishnoungreyhound (dog breed)masculine
DogsgalgoSpanishnounEnglish greyhound (ellipsis of galgo inglés.)masculine
DogsgalgoSpanishnoungreyhound (cocktail)masculine
Dragons翼竜Japanesenouna winged dragon
Dragons翼竜Japanesenouna pterosaur
DrinkingboozeEnglishnounAny alcoholic beverage (especially beer or hard liquor).colloquial uncountable
DrinkingboozeEnglishnounA session of drinking alcohol; a drinking party.archaic colloquial countable
DrinkingboozeEnglishverbTo drink alcohol.intransitive slang
DrinkingboozeEnglishverbTo drink (an alcoholic beverage).slang transitive
DrinkingнапоитьRussianverbto give to drink, to water
DrinkingнапоитьRussianverbto make drunk
DrinkingнапоитьRussianverbto suffusepoetic
Drugsdrug testEnglishnounAny chemical check for the presence of (usually illegal) drugs in a sample of one's blood, hair or urine.
Drugsdrug testEnglishverbTo perform a drug test; the check for the presence of illegal drugs in a sample of blood, hair or urine.transitive
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAn old woman, later especially one who tells old wives' tales.
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / the alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus)
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / A species of perciform fish endemic to the temperate coastal waters of Australia (Enoplosus armatus)
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Balistes vetula (Queen triggerfish)
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Certain spot-tail porgies (Diplodus ascensionis, Diplodus helenae)
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Spondyliosoma cantharus (black seabream)
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Trachinotus goodei (great pompano)
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / A wrasse
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounThe long-tailed duck, Clangula hyemalis.Canada US archaic
Ducksold wifeEnglishnounA chimney cap to prevent smoking.Scotland
East TimorSameEnglishnameA district capital of Manufahi District in East Timor
East TimorSameEnglishnameA town in Tanzania
EducationketvirtokasLithuaniannounA pupil who is in fourth grade.masculine
EducationketvirtokasLithuaniannounA fourth-year student at a gymnasium.colloquial masculine
EducationlaskaPolishnouncane, stick, walking stickfeminine
EducationlaskaPolishnounrod, stick (of cinnamon, vanilla, dynamite etc.)feminine
EducationlaskaPolishnounblowjobcolloquial feminine
EducationlaskaPolishnounfailing grade, Fcolloquial feminine
EducationlaskaPolishnounattractive woman; babecolloquial feminine
EducationlaskaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of laskifeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
EducationogarniaćPolishverbto grip; to engulf; to overwhelmimperfective transitive
EducationogarniaćPolishverbto tidy up (to clean a space in a rudimentary manner)colloquial imperfective transitive
EducationogarniaćPolishverbto get; to grok; to understandimperfective slang transitive
EducationogarniaćPolishverbto check out; to examine somethingimperfective slang transitive
EducationogarniaćPolishverbto get a gripimperfective reflexive slang
EducationznámkaCzechnounstamp, postage stampfeminine
EducationznámkaCzechnoungrade, mark (rating in education)feminine
Education小五ChinesenounThe size of type between 五 (5) and 六 (6), standardized as 9 printing publishing
Education小五Chinesenounfifth year in primary school; fifth grade
EightElite EightEnglishnameThe eight teams participating in the regional finals of the NCAA Division I tournament, one of whom will become the national champion.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsUS informal
EightElite EightEnglishnameThe round of the NCAA Division I basketball tournament where all but 8 teams have been eliminated.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsUS informal
EightElite EightEnglishnameThe eight teams that advance to the site of the final rounds of the NCAA Division II tournament, one of whom will become the national champion.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsUS informal
EightElite EightEnglishnameAn appearance in the Elite Eight, whether in Division I or II.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsUS informal
EightyosmdesátiletýCzechadjeighty-year, eighty-year-long
ElectronicsE-BookGermannoune-bookneuter strong
ElectronicsE-BookGermannoune-readerneuter strong uncommon
ElevenonzièmeFrenchadjeleventhnumeral ordinal
EmotionscamaraderieEnglishnounClose friendship in a group of friends or teammates.countable uncountable
EmotionscamaraderieEnglishnounA spirit of familiarity and closeness.countable uncountable
EmotionsdesdeñoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of desdeñarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
EmotionshatefulMiddle EnglishadjDisliked, malign, evil, revolting.
EmotionshatefulMiddle EnglishadjHateful, angry, ireful, raging.Late-Middle-English rare
EmotionsjelousMiddle EnglishadjJealous about a relationship; fearful about one's partner cheating.
EmotionsjelousMiddle EnglishadjHeartless, ruthless, strong; having great might and little empathy.
EmotionsjelousMiddle EnglishadjLoving, passionate; having much love or passion.
EmotionsjelousMiddle EnglishadjBearing envy; jealous; resentful of another's possessions or status.rare
EmotionsjelousMiddle EnglishadjParanoid; having suspicion or mistrust.rare
EmotionsjelousMiddle EnglishadjDiligent, anxious, protective.rare
EmotionskonsternowaćPolishverbto dismay, to consternateimperfective literary transitive
EmotionskonsternowaćPolishverbto be dismayedimperfective literary reflexive
EmotionssosegarSpanishverbto calm
EmotionssosegarSpanishverbto calm down
EmotionstrepidatioLatinnounagitation, confusion, trepidationdeclension-3
EmotionstrepidatioLatinnounthe act of trembling or twitchingdeclension-3
EmotionszealEnglishnounThe fervour or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtherance; diligent enthusiasm; powerful interest.countable uncountable
EmotionszealEnglishnounA person who exhibits such fervour or tireless devotion.countable obsolete uncountable
EmotionszealEnglishnounThe collective noun for a group of zebras.countable uncountable
EmotionsкөҕүсYakutnounback, spineanatomy medicine sciences
EmotionsкөҕүсYakutverbreciprocal-cooperative form of көҕүй (köğüy, “to imitate”): “to imitate each other”.
EmotionsтревогаRussiannounalarm, alert
EmotionsтревогаRussiannountrouble, anxiety, uneasiness, fluster, discomposure, disquiet, disquietude
Emotions不滿Chineseverbto be dissatisfied; to be resentful
Emotions不滿Chineseverbto be lacking; to be insufficient
Emotions不滿Chineseadjdissatisfied; resentful
Emotions不滿Chineseadjlacking; insufficient
Emotions不滿Chinesenoundissatisfaction; resentment
Emotions不滿Chinesenounlack; insufficiency
Emotions戀情Chinesenounaffection; attachment
Emotions戀情Chinesenounromantic love
English diacritical marks◌̆EnglishcharacterThe breve, used to mark a vowel letter as having its 'short' sound: ⟨ă⟩ /æ/, ⟨ĕ⟩ /ɛ/, ⟨ĭ⟩ /ɪ/, ⟨ŏ⟩ /ɒ/, ⟨ŭ⟩ /ʌ/.human-sciences lexicography linguistics sciencesdiacritic
English diacritical marks◌̆EnglishcharacterPlaced over a vowel letter to indicate that the syllable is short. Also used alone to mark a syllable without stress in a metrical foot or verse: see ⟨˘⟩.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingdiacritic
English male given namesSydEnglishnameA diminutive of the unisex given name Sydney.countable
English male given namesSydEnglishnameAbbreviation of Sydney. (a city in Nova Scotia, Canada and New South Wales, Australia)abbreviation alt-of uncountable
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA book in the Old Testament of the Bible.
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameThe prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel.biblical lifestyle religion
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew in regular use since the Middle Ages.
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA British surname originating as a patronymic, a variant of Daniels.
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA French surname originating as a patronymic.
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA Portuguese surname originating as a patronymic.
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA surname from Irish, a rare adopted anglicization of Ó Domhnaill (O'Donnell).
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA village in central Poland.
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA town in Utah, United States.
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnameA census-designated place in Wyoming, United States.
English unisex given namesDanielEnglishnounA wise judge, like the biblical Daniel who ingeniously saved a woman from false accusations of adultery.
EthnonymsKushanEnglishnameAn ancient Indo-Scythian or Tocharian kingdom in Central Asia and Northern India.history human-sciences sciences
EthnonymsKushanEnglishnameThe Bactrian language.
EthnonymsKushanEnglishnounA member of the dynasty that founded and ruled the Kushan realm.history human-sciences sciences
EthnonymsKushanEnglishadjOf or relating to the Kushans or the Kushan realm.history human-sciences sciences
EthnonymsKushanEnglishnameAlternative form of Gushanalt-of alternative
EthnonymsMaiduEnglishnounA member of an indigenous people of northern California, residing in the central Sierra Nevada.
EthnonymsMaiduEnglishnameAn extinct Maiduan language.
Ethnonymsတဳတိတ္ထိMonnameBurmese, Burmese people.historical
Ethnonymsတဳတိတ္ထိMonnounnon-religious person.
ExerciseworkoutEnglishnounAn exercise session; a period of physical exercise.
ExerciseworkoutEnglishnounA schedule or program of specific exercises, especially one intended to achieve a particular goal.
ExerciseworkoutEnglishnounAny activity that requires much physical or mental effort, or produces strain.broadly
Eyeeye-appleEnglishnounThe eyeball or pupilanatomy medicine sciences
Eyeeye-appleEnglishnounSynonym of apple of one's eye
Fabeae tribe plantsvetchlingEnglishnounA leguminous climbing plant, notably: / Lathyrus pratensis.
Fabeae tribe plantsvetchlingEnglishnounA leguminous climbing plant, notably: / any other member of genus Lathyrus.
Facelúm đồng tiềnVietnamesenouna "coin depression"
Facelúm đồng tiềnVietnamesenouna facial dimple
FaceუჯიLaznounedge, end, point, tip
Facial expressionsmimikaPolishnounfacial expressions (facial muscle movements and eye expressions expressing emotion, mood, or personality traits)feminine
Facial expressionsmimikaPolishnounfacial expressions (element of acting which consists in conveying content with the help of facial muscular movements)acting broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterfeminine
Facial expressionsmimikaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of mimikaccusative form-of genitive masculine person singular
Fairy talesTom ThumbEnglishnameA fairy-tale character who is the size of a person's thumb; the protagonist and hero of the fairy tale The History of Tom Thumb.
Fairy talesTom ThumbEnglishnounA type of diminutive simple firecracker that explodes to give a loud noise.Australia
FamilystamtavleNorwegian Bokmålnouna genealogical table, family treefeminine masculine
FamilystamtavleNorwegian Bokmålnounpedigreealso feminine masculine
FamilyθείαGreeknounaunt (a sister or sister-in-law of a parent)
FamilyθείαGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative feminine singular form of θείος (theíos).
FamilyθείαGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter plural form of θείος (theíos).
FamilyтумгытумChukchinounfriend, comrade, fellow, companion
FamilyтумгытумChukchinounassistant spirit
FamilyछोराNepalinounman, male
FamilyछोराNepalinounlarvae of bee
Family孤兒Chinesenounorphan (a minor, both of whose parents have died)
Family孤兒Chinesenounorphan (a minor whose father has died)
Family家當Chinesenounfamily belongings; family property
Fans (people)One DirectionerEnglishnounA member of the English-Irish pop boy band One Direction.
Fans (people)One DirectionerEnglishnounA fan of the English-Irish pop boy band One Direction.
FantasyвахаRussiannameWarhammer 40,000, a British tabletop military game set in a dystopian future Galaxy torn by war.slang
FantasyвахаRussiannameWarhammer Fantasy, a British tabletop military game set in a dystopian mediaeval fantasy world.broadly slang
FantasyвахаRussiannameAge of Sigmar, a British tabletop fantasy game set after Warhammer Fantasy in a mythological setting.broadly slang
FashiondressyEnglishadjElegant, smart, or stylish.
FashiondressyEnglishadjFond of dressing up; keen on fashion.
FastenerszamekPolishnounlock (something used for fastening)inanimate masculine
FastenerszamekPolishnounzip, zip fastener, zipperinanimate masculine
FastenerszamekPolishnouncastle (fortified building)inanimate masculine
FastenersسكArabicverbto lock, to shut
FastenersسكArabicverbto excrete, to dung
FastenersسكArabicverbto mint, to coin
FastenersسكArabicverbto be small in the ear, to have the auditory canal constricted (like a bird)
FastenersسكArabicverbto be hard of hearing, to hear badly
FastenersسكArabicnounnail, pin, peg of iron
FastenersسكArabicnounstraight building
FastenersسكArabicnounstraight excavation, pitfall
FastenersسكArabicnouncoat of mail narrow in the rings
FastenersسكArabicnoundie for coining, coin die, coin stamp
FastenersسكArabicnounwell narrow in its cavity
FastenersسكArabicnouna kind of medieval compound drug prepared from the emblic or when unavailable dates or black grapes mixed with oak gall and boiled together
FastenersپرانقهOttoman Turkishnounchain and log fastened to a culprit's leg, a kind of wooden fetter or leg irons
FastenersپرانقهOttoman Turkishnounpenitentiary, penal colony, a prison where inmates are forced to labour
FastenersپرانقهOttoman Turkishnounforced labor, work which one is compelled to perform against one's willbroadly
Fastenersピン留めJapanesenounpinning (attaching a UI item to another item)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Fastenersピン留めJapaneseverbto pin (attach a UI item to another item)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Fats and oilsmrḥtEgyptiannounoil / anointing oil, also used medicinally or as an offering
Fats and oilsmrḥtEgyptiannounoil / fish oil, used as fuel for burning
Fats and oilsmrḥtEgyptiannounoil / tree oilrare
Fats and oilsmrḥtEgyptiannounfat (of any kind of animal)
FeardredenMiddle EnglishverbTo fear or dread: / To be fearful or afraid.
FeardredenMiddle EnglishverbTo fear or dread: / To regard with awe or reverence.
FeardredenMiddle EnglishverbTo fear or dread
FeardredenMiddle EnglishverbTo avoid or reject.
FeardredenMiddle EnglishverbTo frighten or harass.
FearsobrecogerSpanishverbto surprise, catch in the act
FearsobrecogerSpanishverbto overwhelm
FearsobrecogerSpanishverbto scare, to appall
FecescrappyEnglishadjOf very poor quality; unpleasant; distasteful.Canada US colloquial mildly vulgar
FecescrappyEnglishadjBad, sick, or depressed.Canada US colloquial especially mildly vulgar
FecescrappyEnglishadjCovered in crap (faeces/feces).Canada US colloquial mildly vulgar
FecesphânVietnamesenounstool; faeces; excrement
FecesphânVietnamesenounShort for phân bón (“fertiliser; manure”).abbreviation alt-of
FecesphânVietnamesenounan ancient unit of length, equal to ¹⁄₁₀₀ of a thướchistorical
FecesphânVietnamesenounan ancient unit of weight, equal to ¹⁄₁₀₀ of a lạng and approximately 0.378 ghistorical
FecesphânVietnamesenounhundredth-level (centi-) unit, such as centimetre and centigram
FecesphânVietnamesenounShort for phần trăm (“percent”).abbreviation alt-of colloquial
FecesphânVietnameseverbto divide (among, between)
FecesphânVietnameseverbto distribute; to allocate
FecesphânVietnameseverbShort for phân công (“to share”).abbreviation alt-of colloquial
FecesphânVietnameseverbShort for phân biệt (“to distinguish”).abbreviation alt-of
FecesChinesecharacterexcrement; faeces; dung
FecesChinesecharacterto apply manure toin-compounds literary
FecesChinesecharacterto clear awayin-compounds literary
Female賢德Chinesenounkindness; virtue
Female animalshenfishEnglishnounA marine fish, the sea bream.
Female animalshenfishEnglishnounA young bib.
Female animalshenfishEnglishnounA female fish, especially a salmon or trout.
Female family membersm̧am̧aMarshallesenounmother
Female family membersm̧am̧aMarshallesenounmomma
Female family membersтётенькаRussiannounendearing form of тётя (tjótja): auntieendearing form-of
Female family membersтётенькаRussiannoungranny, auntie (referring to an older or elderly woman); an adult woman (from a child's perspective or as a form of address like "madam" but much less formal)colloquial
Female peopleKosovankaSlovaknouna woman from Kosovo, a female Kosovarfeminine
Female peopleKosovankaSlovaknouna female citizen of Kosovofeminine
Female peopleKosovankaSlovaknouna female descendant of someone from Kosovofeminine
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounA woman who tends free-range cattle, especially in the American West.
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounA woman who identifies with cowboy culture, including clothing such as the cowboy hat.
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounA playing card of queen rank.card-games gamesslang
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounA sex position where the receptive partner is on top; the cowgirl position.
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounThe receptive partner in the cowgirl position.
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishverbTo work as a cowgirl, herding cattle.intransitive rare
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishverbTo mount someone and have sexual intercourse in the cowgirl position.rare transitive
Female peoplejubilatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of jubilat (“person celebrating their birthday or anniversary”)feminine form-of
Female peoplejubilatkaPolishnounsenior citizen, pensionerarchaic feminine
Female peoplepucelleFrenchnounmaiden; virginfeminine
Female peoplepucelleFrenchnounmetal regulation badge worn on the chest with insignia indicating the formation to which it belongsgovernment military politics warfeminine
Female peoplereżyserkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of reżyser (“film director”)broadcasting film media televisionfeminine form-of
Female peoplereżyserkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of reżyser (“director, manager”) (person who prepares an event and takes care of it)feminine form-of
Female peoplereżyserkaPolishnoundirector's room (room in a radio or television studio that is a director's workplace)broadcasting film media televisionfeminine
Female peoplereżyserkaPolishnounthe profession of a film directorbroadcasting film media televisioncolloquial feminine
Female peoplevestalEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Vesta, the virgin goddess of the hearth.not-comparable
Female peoplevestalEnglishadjPure; chaste.not-comparable
Female peoplevestalEnglishnounA virgin consecrated to Vesta, and to the service of watching the sacred fire, which was to be perpetually kept burning upon her altar; a vestal virgin.
Female peoplevestalEnglishnounA female virgin; a woman who has never had sexual relations.
Female peoplevestalEnglishnounA nun.
Female peopleассирійкаUkrainianadjfemale equivalent of ассирі́єць (assyríjecʹ): / Assyrian (female person from ancient Assyria)historical
Female peopleассирійкаUkrainianadjfemale equivalent of ассирі́єць (assyríjecʹ): / Assyrian (female member of a traditionally Christian ethnic group originating in the Middle East, who identify as descendants of the ancient Assyrians)
Female peopleкурваUkrainiannounwhore, prostitutevulgar
Female peopleкурваUkrainianintjfuck!, shit!, for fuck's sake!, bugger!vulgar
Female peopleあねごJapanesenounelder sister
Female peopleあねごJapanesenounfemale yakuza boss
Female people신부Koreannounfather, priestlifestyle religion
Female people신부Koreannounbride
FestivalsRayaEnglishnameA surname.
FestivalsRayaEnglishnounEllipsis of Hari Raya Aidilfitri., Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim festival that marks the end of the Ramadan fast.Malaysia abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
FibersmoherPolishnounmohairinanimate masculine
FibersmoherPolishnounmohair beret, old fogey, typically one who listens to Radio Maryjaderogatory masculine person slang
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / The spined loach (Cobitis taenia), weather loach ( Misgurnus fossilis), or other member of the loaches.
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / The ringed plover, Charadrius hiaticula.
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / A dragonfly of the genus Brachythemis.
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / A moth of the genus Condica
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounAn audience member in the cheap section (usually standing; originally in Elizabethan theater).
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounA person of uncultivated or uncultured taste.broadly
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially: / A soldier who fights on the ground or serves as ground crew, as opposed to a seaman, pilot, etc.government military politics warslang
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially: / A member of a race that lives primarily underground, such as a dwarf.fantasy
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially
Fictional charactersgroundlingEnglishnounAdam, before eating the apple of knowledge of good and evil (emphasizing his creation from the ground).Abrahamic-religions lifestyle religion
Fifty50-50EnglishnounAlternative form of fifty-fiftyalt-of alternative
Fifty50-50EnglishadjAlternative form of fifty-fiftyalt-of alternative not-comparable
FinanceGülteGermannouna certain type of mortgage noteSwitzerland feminine
FinanceGülteGermannounreal estate interest paid in money or producearchaic feminine
FinanceGülteGermannountax or interest paid by a farmer to a landowner in the system of manorialismfeminine historical
FinanceblippaSwedishverbTo make a short blip sound.
FinanceblippaSwedishverbTo scan with a barcode reader.
FinanceblippaSwedishverbHold a card or device against a contactless reader, especially a payment card.intransitive transitive
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounExit, departure; the act of leaving or going out: / An outwards flow or discharge.medicine pathology sciencesespecially
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounExit, departure; the act of leaving or going out: / A sortie (movement of soldiers towards the enemy)rare
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounAn exit; a way out of a place. / A passage or channel out of the body.anatomy medicine sciences
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounAn exit; a way out of a place. / An issue; (incision for draining liquid in medieval medicine)medicine sciences
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounA result or outcome arising from something. / Offspring, family; one's children or descendants.
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounA result or outcome arising from something. / Income, revenue, especially from a finance
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounA result or outcome arising from something. / The resolution of a dispute or conflict.
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounA result or outcome arising from something. / One's (non-biological) successors or inheritors.rare
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounA result or outcome arising from something. / One's preordained fate.rare
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounAn issue; a matter of dispute or controversy.rare
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounThe entrails and other waste products of a slaughtered animal.
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishnounAn display of frustration or annoyance; a vent.
FinanceissueMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of issuenalt-of alternative
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto reckon, to calculate, to figure (to perform arithmetic) / to assessMiddle Polish dated figuratively perfective transitive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto reckon, to calculate, to figure (to perform arithmetic) / to assess oneself (to ascertain one's own abilities)Middle Polish dated figuratively perfective reflexive transitive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto sum (to put numbers together)dated perfective transitive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto sort out (to settle financial matters with someone)perfective reflexive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto count towardsMiddle Polish perfective transitive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto compensate (to pay someone back for harm done)perfective reflexive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto sum up oneselfdated perfective rare reflexive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto consider, to take into accountobsolete perfective reflexive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto compare oneselfMiddle Polish perfective reflexive
FinanceporachowaćPolishverbto be reckoned; to be summedMiddle Polish perfective reflexive
FingersthumbyEnglishnounA little thumb; diminutive term for thumbslang
FingersthumbyEnglishadjClumsy, awkward, maladroit, not dextrous, all thumbs
FingersthumbyEnglishadjDirtied by thumb marks
FireBrandopferGermannounvictim of a fireneuter strong
FireBrandopferGermannounburnt offeringlifestyle religionneuter strong
Firearmsride shotgunEnglishverbTo accompany the driver of a vehicle on a journey as an armed escort (originally with a shotgun); (by extension) to accompany someone in order to assist and protect.US idiomatic
Firearmsride shotgunEnglishverbTo ride in the front passenger seat of a vehicle, next to the driver.US broadly idiomatic slang
Firearmsride shotgunEnglishverbTo supervise a process and watch for any risks.US broadly idiomatic slang
FishbreckManxadjspeckled, spotted
FishbreckManxadjspotty, pocked
FishbreckManxadjdappled (of horse)
FishbreckManxadjpiebald, pied, mottled, variegated, brindle
FishbreckManxadjtartan, checkered
FishbreckManxnounspeckle, spotmasculine
FishbreckManxnountrout, brown troutmasculine
FishchecheSwahilinounsparkclass-5 class-6
FishchecheSwahilinounslice, piececlass-5 class-6
FishchecheSwahilinounvarious kinds of fish, including wrasse and tarponclass-5 class-6
FishkagapaWaujanounbanded tetra, Astyanax fasciatus
FishkagapaWaujanounimportant dry-season ceremony named after the kagapa fish.
FlatwormsmeasleEnglishnounA red spot of the kind that appears on the skin of someone suffering from measles.
FlatwormsmeasleEnglishnounA tapeworm larva.
Flowersसूर्यकान्तSanskritnoun‘sun-loved’, the sun-stone, sun-crystal (a kind of crystal supposed to possess fabulous properties as giving out heat when exposed to the sun; there is a corresponding moonstone » चन्द्र-क्°; also °त-मणि)
Flowersसूर्यकान्तSanskritnouna kind of flower (= आदित्यपर्णी)
Flowersसूर्यकान्तSanskritnounHibiscus phoeniceus
Flowersसूर्यकान्तSanskritnounname of a mountain
Food and drinkmunchiesEnglishnounFood, especially convenience snack foods.plural plural-normally slang
Food and drinkmunchiesEnglishnounHunger, especially a craving for food as a result of cannabis or alcohol consumption.plural plural-normally slang
Food and drinkmunchiesEnglishnouncannabis ediblesplural plural-normally slang
Food and drinkrubber chickenEnglishnounA hollow, bright yellow toy or prop depicting a plucked chicken that emits a squeak when squeezed.countable uncountable
Food and drinkrubber chickenEnglishnounThe mediocre food served at social events, especially political fundraisers.attributive colloquial uncountable usually
Food and drinkrubber chickenEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see rubber, chicken.countable uncountable
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto nosh (to eat a snack or light meal)colloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto put something somewherecolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto persuade someone to accept or buy something against their willcolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto contribute to creating a difficult situation for someonecolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto beat someone up (to give a severe beating to someone; to assault someone violently with repeated blows)colloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto piss off (to annoy, to anger)colloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto place someone in some place against their willcolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto meddle in someone's affairscolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto interfere in someone's conversationcolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto clash with somethingcolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto enter somewhere without someone's permissioncolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
Food and drinkwpierniczaćPolishverbto find oneself in a difficult situation as a result of making a bad decisioncolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
FoodsginabotCebuanonounthe mesenteryanatomy medicine sciences
FoodsginabotCebuanonoundeep fried mesentery of a pig
FoodsknyszPolishnounknishinanimate masculine
FoodsknyszPolishnoungenitive plural of knyszafeminine form-of genitive plural
FoodskrmaSlovenenounstern (back part of a ship)
FoodslambFaroesenounlamb (both the animal and meat)neuter
FoodslambFaroesenounkid (baby goat)neuter
FoodslambFaroesenounseven of the chosen cards (trump seven)neuter
Foods栗子ChinesenounAlternative form of 例子 (lìzi, “example”)alt-of alternative humorous neologism
Foods라멘Koreannouninstant noodleGyeongsang
Foods라멘Koreannounramen (soup noodles of wheat, with various ingredients; usually of Japanese cuisine)Gyeongsang
Foods라멘Koreannounframe construction
Football (soccer)canarinhoPortugueseadjof or relating to Brazil national football teamball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsinformal poetic
Football (soccer)canarinhoPortuguesenoundiminutive of canáriodiminutive form-of masculine
Football (soccer)canarinhoPortuguesenounBrazil national football teamBrazil feminine uncountable
Football (soccer)canarinhoPortuguesenounthe yellow shirt used by the Brazil national football teamBrazil feminine uncountable
FootwearkétsʼiiníNavajonounoxfords, dress shoes
FootwearkétsʼiiníNavajonounlow shoes
FootwearներբանքOld Armeniannounsole (bottom of the foot)
FootwearներբանքOld Armeniannounsole (bottom of a shoe or boot)
FootwearներբանքOld Armeniannounboot (torture instrument)
FootwearمزلقةArabicnounslippery spot
FootwearمزلقةArabicnounskate, slide, skid
FootwearمزلقةArabicnounsleigh, sledge; toboggan
ForestsတောBurmesenounforest; wood
ForestsတောBurmesenounrural area; countryside
ForestsတောBurmesenounassembly of people, things, etc.
ForestsတောBurmesenounevil influence; evil spirit
ForestsတောBurmeseadjwild; rural, rustic
FourcuartilloEnglishnounA traditional Castilian unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 1.2 L.historical
FourcuartilloEnglishnounA traditional Castilian unit of liquid measure, equivalent to about 0.5 L.historical
FourcuartilloEnglishnounA former coin in Spain and parts of Latin America equal to a quarter-real.historical
FourcuartilloEnglishnounA traditional Galician unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 0.5–0.75 L depending on the substance measured.historical
FourcuartilloEnglishnounA traditional Galician unit of land area reckoned as the amount needed to sow a cuartillo of seed, varying from 2.5–30 m² in different parts of Galicia.historical
Frogsកង្កែបKhmernounChinese type 72 antipersonnel mine (because of the chirping noise it makes just before it explodes)colloquial
FruitsaceitunaSpanishnounolive (fruit)feminine
FruitsaceitunaSpanishadjfeminine singular of aceitunofeminine form-of singular
FruitsameixaPortuguesenounplum (fruit)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
FruitsameixaPortuguesenounfirearms bulletfeminine informal
FruitsameixaPortuguesenounhand grenadefeminine
FruitsdabinoHausanoundate (fruit)
FruitsdabinoHausanoundate palm
FruitspasifloraLithuaniannounpassion fruit
FruitsдиняBulgariannounwatermelon (in Eastern Bulgaria)
FruitsдиняBulgariannounmelon (in Western Bulgaria)
FruitsਬਿਲPunjabinounbael (Aegle marmelos)
FruitsਬਿਲPunjabinounbill, invoice
FruitsพลับพลาThainounbuilding or structure for temporary stay or reception of a royal person, usually in the form of pavilion.
FruitsพลับพลาThainoun(classifier หลัง) similar structure; any pavilion.broadly
FruitsพลับพลาThainounthe plant Microcos tomentosa of the family Tiliaceae, whose fruits are edible.biology botany natural-sciences
Furnitureسه‌پاOttoman Turkishnountripod, a three-legged stand, mount, or stool
Furnitureسه‌پاOttoman Turkishnoungueridon, a small table supported by one or more columns
Furnitureسه‌پاOttoman Turkishnountrestle, a horizontal member supported by a pair of divergent legs
GamblingtimbaSpanishnountimba (Cuban salsa-derived music)feminine
GamblingtimbaSpanishnouna gambling match, an instance of playing a game of chancefeminine
GamblingtimbaSpanishnounan unofficial or illegal gambling establishment or casinofeminine
GamblingtimbaSpanishnounbellyCentral-America Mexico colloquial feminine
GamesbeetleEnglishnounAny of numerous species of insect in the order Coleoptera characterized by a pair of hard, shell-like front wings which cover and protect a pair of rear wings when at rest.
GamesbeetleEnglishnounA game of chance in which players attempt to complete a drawing of a beetle, different dice rolls allowing them to add the various body parts.uncountable
GamesbeetleEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Beetle (“car”)alt-of
GamesbeetleEnglishverbTo move (away) quickly, to scurry away.
GamesbeetleEnglishadjProtruding, jutting, overhanging.
GamesbeetleEnglishverbTo loom over; to extend or jut.
GamesbeetleEnglishnounA type of mallet with a large wooden head, used to drive wedges, beat pavements, etc.
GamesbeetleEnglishnounA machine in which fabrics are subjected to a hammering process while passing over rollers, as in cotton mills; a beetling machine.
GamesbeetleEnglishverbTo beat with a heavy mallet.
GamesbeetleEnglishverbTo finish by subjecting to a hammering process in a beetle or beetling machine.
GastropodsmurexLatinnounA shellfish used as a source of the dye Tyrian purple; the purple-fishdeclension-3
GastropodsmurexLatinnounTyrian purple, the purple dye, a purple color, made from the juice of the purple-fishdeclension-3
GastropodsmurexLatinnounA sharp murex shell used as a bridle bit.declension-3
GastropodsmurexLatinnounA pointed rock or stone.declension-3
GastropodsmurexLatinnounA caltrop.declension-3
GastropodsmurexLatinnounAn iron spike.declension-3
GastropodsἀράχνηAncient GreeknounFeminine form of ᾰ̓ρᾰ́χνης (arákhnēs). / spider web
GastropodsἀράχνηAncient GreeknounFeminine form of ᾰ̓ρᾰ́χνης (arákhnēs). / cow parsnip
GastropodsἀράχνηAncient GreeknounFeminine form of ᾰ̓ρᾰ́χνης (arákhnēs). / A kind of sundial (mollusc).
GastropodsἀράχνηAncient GreeknounFeminine form of ᾰ̓ρᾰ́χνης (arákhnēs).feminine form-of
GemsبیجادهPersiannoungarnet or ruby
GemsبیجادهPersiannounamberarchaic literary
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounAny mechanical device meant to ease or do a task.
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounAny piece of equipment used in a profession, e.g. a craftman's tools.
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounSomething to perform an operation; an instrument; a means.
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounA piece of software used to develop software or hardware, or to perform low-level operations.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounA person or group which is used or controlled, usually unwittingly, by another person or group.
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounA particular skill pertaining to baseball (such as hitting, running, etc.).ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounA penis, notably with a sexual or erotic connotation.informal vulgar
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounAn obnoxious or uptight person.broadly derogatory slang vulgar
GenitaliatoolEnglishnounA gun.Canada Multicultural-London-English US slang
GenitaliatoolEnglishverbTo work on or shape with tools, e.g., hand-tooled leather.transitive
GenitaliatoolEnglishverbTo equip with tools.transitive
GenitaliatoolEnglishverbTo work very hard.intransitive
GenitaliatoolEnglishverbTo put down another person (possibly in a subtle, hidden way), and in that way to use him or her to meet a goal.slang transitive
GenitaliatoolEnglishverbTo intentionally attack the ball so that it deflects off a blocker out of bounds.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports volleyballtransitive
GenitaliatoolEnglishverbTo drive (a coach or other vehicle).UK dated slang transitive
GenitaliatoolEnglishverbTo carry or convey in a coach or other vehicle.UK dated slang transitive
GenitaliatoolEnglishverbTo travel in a vehicle; to ride or drive.intransitive slang
GenitaliawałPolishnounshaft (mechanical component used to transfer torque)inanimate masculine
GenitaliawałPolishnounfraud, scamcolloquial inanimate masculine
GenitaliawałPolishnounwavearchaic inanimate masculine
GenitaliawałPolishnounshaft; cock (penis)animal-not-person masculine slang
GenitaliawałPolishnounlevee (flood barrier)inanimate masculine
GenitaliawałPolishnounembankmentinanimate masculine
GeographyبیابانPersiannounbarren wilderness, the boonies
GeometryhemisferioSpanishnounhemisphere (half of the celestial sphere)masculine
GeometryhemisferioSpanishnounhemisphere (half of the Earth)masculine
GeometryhemisferioSpanishnounhemisphere (half of any sphere)masculine
Geometrytwo-dimensionalEnglishadjExisting in two dimensions.not-comparable
Geometrytwo-dimensionalEnglishadjNot creating the illusion of depth; lacking detail or believability.not-comparable
GeometryకైవారముTelugunounCircumference: Measurement round.
GeometryకైవారముTelugunounDescription of beauty, praise, encomium.
Ginger family plantslesser galangalEnglishnounA plant (Alpinia officinarum) related to galangal (Alpinia galanga), with similar uses and flavor.uncountable
Ginger family plantslesser galangalEnglishnounA related plant with similar uses and flavor, Kaempferia galanga.proscribed uncountable
Ginger family plantslesser galangalEnglishnounA related plant with similar uses and flavor, Boesenbergia rotunda.proscribed uncountable
Goosefoot subfamily plantsbeetrootEnglishnounA normally deep-red-coloured root vegetable usually cooked or pickled before eating; Synonym of beet.Australia New-Zealand UK countable uncountable
Goosefoot subfamily plantsbeetrootEnglishnounThe edible part of the root of a beet plant, raw or prepared.uncountable usually
Goosefoot subfamily plantsbeetrootEnglishverbTo turn a bright red or purple colour.informal intransitive
Gourd family plantspastèqueFrenchnounwatermelon (plant)feminine
Gourd family plantspastèqueFrenchnounwatermelon (fruit)feminine
Gourd family plantspastèqueFrenchnounboob (female breast)feminine slang
Gourd family plantsⲃⲟⲛϯCopticnouna gourd, cucumberBohairic
Gourd family plantsⲃⲟⲛϯCopticnouna gourd gardenBohairic
GovernmentministeeriumEstoniannounministry (government department, at the administrative level normally headed by a minister)
GovernmentministeeriumEstoniannounministry (building with such a department)
GovernmentბარსაბონიOld Georgiannounbalsam
GovernmentბარსაბონიOld Georgiannounofficial, viceroy
GreeceAenusLatinnameA river of Noricum and tributary river of the Danube, called Inn in Germandeclension-2 masculine singular
GreeceAenusLatinnamea city of Thrace situated near the mouth of the river Hebrusdeclension-2 feminine singular
GreeceOnchestusLatinnamea town of Boeotia situated in the territory of Haliartusdeclension-2
GreeceOnchestusLatinnamea river of Thessaly that flows into the lake Boebeisdeclension-2
GreeceΚάρπαθοςGreeknameKarpathos, the island in the Dodecanese
GreeceΚάρπαθοςGreeknameKarpathos, a village in the Dodecanese prefecture
Greek letter nameslambdaItaliannounlambda (Greek letter)feminine invariable masculine
Greek letter nameslambdaItaliannounlambdaanatomy medicine sciencesinvariable masculine
Greek letter namesípsilonPortuguesenounwye (name of the letter Y, y)masculine
Greek letter namesípsilonPortuguesenounupsilon (name of the Greek letter Υ, υ)masculine
Greek mythologyтроянськийUkrainiannounTrojan (of, or relating to, the famed city of Troy or its inhabitants)
Greek mythologyтроянськийUkrainiannounTrojan (of, or relating to, a certain type of malware)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
HairfavoriTurkishadjfavourite (UK) / favorite (US)
HairfavoriTurkishnounfavourite (UK) / favorite (US)
HairձարArmeniannounhair of horse's mane and tail
HairスキンヘッドJapanesenounperson with a shaved head
Hampshire, EnglandNew ForesterEnglishnounA New Forest pony.
Hampshire, EnglandNew ForesterEnglishnounSomeone who lives in the New Forest.
HandballbutFrenchnoungoal (result one is attempting to achieve)masculine
HandballbutFrenchnoungoal (in the place, act, or point sense)hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
HandballbutFrenchverbthird-person singular past historic of boireform-of historic past singular third-person
HeadweartulbandDutchnouna turbanmasculine
HeadweartulbandDutchnouna cake baked in the shape of a turbanmasculine
HearingзаслушатьRussianverbto hear out (something spoken publicly)
HearingзаслушатьRussianverbto listen to (something) too many timescolloquial
Heather family plantsmountain cranberryEnglishnounCowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)l
Heather family plantsmountain cranberryEnglishnounMountain bearberry (Actous alpina (syn. Arctostaphylos alpina).
Heather family plantsmėlynėLithuaniannounblueberry
Heather family plantsmėlynėLithuaniannounbruise
Heather family plantsmėlynėLithuaniannounblueness
Heather family plantsżurawinaPolishnouncranberry (shrub belonging to Vaccinium sect. Oxycoccus)feminine
Heather family plantsżurawinaPolishnouncranberry (berry)feminine
HerbsчобанкаBulgariannounfemale equivalent of чоба́н (čobán), female equivalent of чоба́нин (čobánin): female shepherddated feminine form-of
HerbsчобанкаBulgariannounherb from genus Petasites; butterbur
HerringstríchVietnameseverbto make extracts from; to extract; to take out; to set aside
HerringstríchVietnamesenounpurple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio)
HerringstríchVietnamesenounShort for cá trích.abbreviation alt-of
HideskidskinEnglishnounThe skin or hide of a kid, i.e., a young goat.countable uncountable
HideskidskinEnglishnounThe leather made from such skins.countable uncountable
Hinduismเดือน ๑ThainounThe month of the deer-head star (corresponding to Orion), being the first month of the Thai lunar calendar.
Hinduismเดือน ๑ThainounThe month of the torch star (corresponding to Spica), being the first month of the Hindu lunar calendar.
Historical and traditional regionsChiantiItaliannamethe hilly region of Tuscany where Chianti is made
Historical and traditional regionsChiantiItaliannounAlternative letter-case form of chiantialt-of masculine uncountable
Historical periodsурта быуатBashkirnounMiddle Ages
Historical periodsурта быуатBashkiradjmedieval
Historical politiesLitwaPolishnameLithuania (a country in Eastern Europe)feminine
Historical politiesLitwaPolishnameGrand Duchy of Lithuania (former European state from the 13th century until 1795, encompassing the territory of modern-day Lithuania and Belarus, a large part of Ukraine, and small parts of Russia and Poland)colloquial feminine historical
Historical politiesLitwaPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
Historical politiesLitwaPolishnamea female surnamefeminine
HistoriographyhistoriographyEnglishnounThe writing of history; a written history.countable uncountable
HistoriographyhistoriographyEnglishnounThe study of the discipline and practice of history and the writings of past historians.uncountable
History of IndiaઅશોકGujaratiadjwithout grief
History of IndiaઅશોકGujaratinounashoka
History of IndiaઅશોકGujaratinameAshoka (an emperor of the Mauryan Empire)
History of IndiaઅશોકGujaratinamea male given name, Ashoka or Ashok
Hong Kong三及第ChinesenounSynonym of 及第粥 (“congee with pork, chitterlings and pork liver”)Cantonese
Hong Kong三及第ChinesenounA written language formed from a mixture of Classical Chinese, Standard Chinese, and vernacular Cantonese, formerly used in publications and media such as Hong Kong newspapers.
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishnounA brief, small (sometimes involuntary) movement out of place and then back again; a spasm.countable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishnounAction of spotting or seeking out a bird, especially a rare one.countable informal uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishnounA stick with a hole in one end through which passes a loop, which can be drawn tightly over the upper lip or an ear of a horse and twisted to keep the animal quiet during minor surgery.farriery hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportscountable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishnounA brief, contractile response of a skeletal muscle elicited by a single maximal volley of impulses in the neurons supplying it.medicine physiology sciencescountable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishnounThe sudden narrowing almost to nothing of a vein of miningcountable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishnounA trip taken in order to observe a rare bird.biology birdwatching natural-sciences ornithologycountable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishverbTo perform a twitch; spasm.intransitive
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishverbTo cause to twitch; spasm.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishverbTo jerk sharply and briefly.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishverbTo exert oneself.obsolete
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishverbTo spot or seek out a bird, especially a rare one.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassestwitchEnglishnouncouch grass (Elymus repens; a species of grass, often considered as a weed)uncountable
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto move [with مِنْ (min) ‘from inside’] (somewhere) to outside; to leave; to exit; to get outintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto go or come [with مِنْ (min) ‘out of’] somewhere physically or otherwise (depending on whether the view is from inside or outside); to go out or come outintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto go or come [with مِنْ (min) ‘out of’] somewhere physically or otherwise (depending on whether the view is from inside or outside); to go out or come out / to go forth or come forth; to issue; to emergeintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto getintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto deviateintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto deviate / to depart or drift awayintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto march [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘against’], to take up arms against, to fight or rebel againstintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto make go out or come out (depending on whether the view is from inside or outside)transitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto make go out or come out (depending on whether the view is from inside or outside) / to make leave; to push out; to turn out; to force outtransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto draw out or extract the essence or meaning of; to explicate; to distill; to decomposetransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto extract the chains of narrators of (a tradition)Islam lifestyle religiontransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto traintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicnounexpenditure, outlay, expense, costs
Horse tackخرجArabicnounsaddlebag
Horse tackخرجArabicnounportmanteau
HorsesequerryEnglishnounAn officer responsible for the care and supervision of the horses of a person of rank.
HorsesequerryEnglishnounA personal attendant to a head of state, a member of a royal family, or a national representative.British
HorsesgaitEnglishnounManner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving on legs.
HorsesgaitEnglishnounOne of the different ways in which a horse can move, either naturally or as a result of training.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sports
HorsesgaitEnglishverbTo teach a specific gait to a horse.
HorsesgaitEnglishnounA sheaf of corn.UK dialectal
HorsesgaitEnglishnounA charge for pasturage.UK dialectal
HorseswithersEnglishnounThe part of the back of a four-legged animal that is between the shoulder blades; in many species the highest point of the body and the standard place to measure the animal's height.plural plural-normally
HorseswithersEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of witherform-of indicative present singular third-person
HorticulturespadeEnglishnounA garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging. Not to be confused with a shovel which is used for moving earth or other materials.
HorticulturespadeEnglishnounA cutting instrument used in flensing a whale.
HorticulturespadeEnglishverbTo turn over soil with a spade to loosen the ground for planting.
HorticulturespadeEnglishnounA playing card marked with the symbol ♠.card-games games
HorticulturespadeEnglishnounA black person.ethnic offensive slur
HorticultureсадяBulgarianverbto plant (to put seeds, saplings, etc in soil or other substrate so that the plants may grow)transitive
HorticultureсадяBulgarianverbto set (place a domestic fowl over eggs to brood)dialectal transitive
HousingflophouseEnglishnounA cheap hotel or boarding house where many people sleep in large rooms.US slang
HousingflophouseEnglishverbTo stay in a flophouse.
HousingтрущобаRussiannoundense forest, thicket, junglearchaic
HousingтрущобаRussiannounbackwoods, the sticks (remote, rural area)archaic
HousingтрущобаRussiannounslum (dilapidated neighborhood)in-plural often
HousingтрущобаRussiannounhovel, shack (dilapidated house)colloquial
Human migrationdi dânVietnameseverbto migrate; to emigrate or immigrate
Human migrationdi dânVietnamesenounmigrant; immigrant
HungarywęgrzynekPolishnoundiminutive of węgrzynarchaic diminutive form-of inanimate masculine rare
HungarywęgrzynekPolishnounservice boy dressed in a traditional Hungarian costumemasculine obsolete person
HygienescourEnglishverbTo clean, polish, or wash (something) by rubbing and scrubbing it vigorously, frequently with an abrasive or cleaning agent.transitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo remove debris and dirt (from something) by purging; to sweep along or off by a current of water.transitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo clear the digestive tract (of an animal) by administering medication that induces defecation or vomiting; to purge.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologytransitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo (cause livestock to) suffer from diarrhoea or dysentery.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyintransitive transitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo cleanse (something) without rubbing.intransitive obsolete transitive
HygienescourEnglishnounThe removal of sediment caused by swiftly moving water.countable uncountable
HygienescourEnglishnounA place scoured out by running water, as in the bed of a stream below a waterfall.countable uncountable
HygienescourEnglishnounA place where wool is washed to remove grease and impurities prior to processing.countable uncountable
HygienescourEnglishverbTo search an area thoroughly.transitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo run with speed; to scurry.intransitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo move swiftly over; to brush along.transitive
HymenopteranscacwnWelshnounbumblebeescollective feminine
HymenopteranscacwnWelshnounwaspscollective feminine
HymenopteranscacwnWelshnounhornetscollective feminine
HymenopteransmatcăRomaniannounqueen beefeminine
IceiceEnglishnounWater in frozen (solid) form.uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounAny frozen volatile chemical, such as ammonia or carbon dioxide.astronomy natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsuncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounAny volatile chemical, such as water, ammonia, or carbon dioxide, not necessarily in solid form, when discussing the composition of e.g. a planet as an ice giant vs a gas giant.astronomy natural-sciencesuncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounSomething having an extreme coldness of manner.figuratively uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounThe area where a game of ice hockey is played.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsuncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounIcing; frosting ("a sweet, often creamy and thick glaze made primarily of sugar").dialectal uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounA frozen dessert made of fruit juice, water and sugar.countable uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounAn ice cream.UK countable dated uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounAn individual piece of ice.countable obsolete uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounElephant or rhinoceros ivory that has been poached and sold on the black market.slang uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounAn artifact that has been smuggled, especially one that is either clear or shiny.slang uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounMoney paid as a bribe.slang uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounThe crystal form of amphetamine-based drugs.drugs medicine pharmacology sciencesslang uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishnounOne or more diamonds.slang uncountable usually
IceiceEnglishverbTo become ice; to freeze.intransitive
IceiceEnglishverbTo cool with ice, as a beverage.transitive
IceiceEnglishverbTo make icy; to freeze.transitive
IceiceEnglishverbTo cover with icing (frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg); to frost; as cakes, tarts, etc.transitive
IceiceEnglishverbTo put out a team for a match.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportstransitive
IceiceEnglishverbTo shoot the puck the length of the playing surface, causing a stoppage in play called icing.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportstransitive
IceiceEnglishverbTo murder.slang transitive
IndiaMollywoodEnglishnameThe Malayalam-speaking film industry in Kerala.informal
IndiaMollywoodEnglishnameThe Mormon film industry.informal
IndividualsAbrahamCebuanonamea male given name from English or Spanish
IndividualsAbrahamCebuanonameAbrahambiblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsBachEnglishnameA surname from German.
IndividualsBachEnglishnameJohann Sebastian Bach, a German organist and composer.entertainment lifestyle music
IndividualsBachEnglishnameA surname from Vietnamese.
IndividualsDanielNorwegiannameDaniel (biblical book and prophet)
IndividualsDanielNorwegiannamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Daniel
IndividualsNoèItaliannameNoah (a figure in Abrahamic religions, believed to have built an ark)masculine
IndividualsNoèItaliannamea male given namemasculine
IndividualsZoroasterEnglishnameAn ancient Iranian prophet after whom the indigenous Iranian ethnic religion, Zoroastrianism, is named, also venerated in Mithraism.
IndividualsZoroasterEnglishnamePseudepigraphic name used by various Ancient Greek and Latin authors of late antiquity to lend weight to their opinions.
Insectsland shrimpEnglishnounAn insect, when considered as food.euphemistic uncountable usually
Insectsland shrimpEnglishnounAny of various terrestrial amphipods.uncountable usually
InstagramInstagramEnglishnameAn online photo- and video-sharing social networking service, originally designed to mimic old-fashioned instant cameras.Internet
InstagramInstagramEnglishnounA user's profile or account on this service.
InstagramInstagramEnglishnounA photograph or video shared on this service.
InstagramInstagramEnglishverbTo use the social networking service Instagram.intransitive
InstagramInstagramEnglishverbTo post an image or video to Instagram.intransitive transitive
InstagramInstagramEnglishverbTo digitally manipulate a photograph using filter effects.intransitive transitive
Internet書き込みJapanesenounwriting; entry (in a form)
Internet書き込みJapanesenounpost (in a blog or online forum)
Iris family plantsirisEnglishnounA plant of the genus Iris, common in the northern hemisphere, and generally having attractive blooms (See Iris (plant) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia).biology botany natural-sciences
Iris family plantsirisEnglishnounThe contractile membrane perforated by the pupil, which adjusts to control the amount of light reaching the retina, and which forms the colored portion of the eye (See Iris (anatomy) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia).anatomy medicine sciences
Iris family plantsirisEnglishnounA diaphragm used to regulate the size of a hole, especially as a way of controlling the amount of light reaching a lens.arts broadcasting cinematography film hobbies lifestyle media photography television
Iris family plantsirisEnglishnounA rainbow, or other colourful refraction of light.poetic
Iris family plantsirisEnglishnounA constricted opening in the path inside a waveguide, used to form a electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Iris family plantsirisEnglishnounThe inner circle of an oscillated color spot.biology natural-sciences zoology
Iris family plantsirisEnglishverbTo open or close in the manner of an iris.
Iris family plantsirisEnglishverbTo cause (something) to shine with the colours of the rainbow; to make iridescent.literary
Iris family plantsאיריסYiddishnouniris (plant of the genus Iris)biology botany natural-sciences
Iris family plantsאיריסYiddishnouniris (part of the eye)anatomy medicine sciences
Iris family plantsאיריסYiddishnountoffee
Iris family plantsאיריסYiddishnounbutterscotch (flavour)
Iris family plantsאיריסYiddishnountaffyUS
Iris family plantsعنصلArabicnounsquill (Drimia gen. et spp.)
Iris family plantsعنصلArabicnounDipcadi erythraeum and other Dipcadi spp.
Iris family plantsعنصلArabicnounbarbary nut (Moraea sisyrinchium syn. Gynandriris sisyrinchium)
Iris family plantsعنصلArabicnounbranched king's-spear (Asphodelus ramosus)
IslamآزرArabicverbto prop up, to assist, to support
IslamآزرArabicnamethe caretaker of Abraham, believed by Sunnis to be his father (i.e. Terah) and by Shi'ites to be his paternal uncle.
Ivory CoastAbidjaniEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.not-comparable
Ivory CoastAbidjaniEnglishnounA person from Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.
Japanese fictionMoonieEnglishnounA member of the Unification Church; a follower of its founder Sun Myung Mooninformal
Japanese fictionMoonieEnglishnounA person who shows exceptional enthusiasm for a cause or organization, a zealot.informal
Japanese fictionMoonieEnglishnounA nickname in English-speaking countries, sometimes for a person who moons around.informal
Japanese fictionMoonieEnglishnounA fan of the Japanese manga and anime franchise Sailor Moon.lifestyleslang
JewelrygredzensLatviannounring (round piece of metal worn around the finger as a jewel or as a symbol)declension-1 masculine
JewelrygredzensLatviannounring (round piece of metal covering another circular or cylindrical object)declension-1 masculine
JewelrygredzensLatviannounring (something with the form of a ring (1, 2) or spiral)declension-1 masculine
JewelrygredzensLatviannouncircle, circular (principle for composing works of art so that their end is equal or similar to their beginning)literature media publishingdeclension-1 masculine
Jewish lawHalachaEnglishnounA law or tradition by which Jews live. They are derived from the Torah and from later rabbinic literature.
Jewish lawHalachaEnglishnounA law or tradition established by the Halacha.
Jewish lawHalachaEnglishnameJewish law, taken as a whole
KitchenwareblenderEnglishnounA machine with sharp rotating blades in a bowl, for mashing, crushing, or liquefying food ingredients.
KitchenwareblenderEnglishnounA piece of fabric sewn into the front of a theatrical wig to make it blend in with the performer's natural hair.entertainment lifestyle theater
KitchenwareblenderEnglishnounA subtly patterned fabric printed in different shades of a single color, often used in place of a solid to create visual manufacturing quilting textiles
KitchenwareblenderEnglishverbTo mix in a blender
KitchenwaresüzgəcAzerbaijaninounstrainer, sile
KnittingбримкаBulgariannounstitch (single turn of the thread in knitting)
KnittingбримкаBulgariannounrun, ladder (length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment)
KosovokosovarSpanishadjKosovar, Kosovanfeminine masculine
KosovokosovarSpanishnounKosovar, Kosovanby-personal-gender feminine masculine
LGBTbayotTagalognoungay; male homosexualderogatory sometimes
LGBTbayotTagalogadjgay; homosexualderogatory sometimes
LandformsileLucumínounhouse; home; community
LandformsileLucumínounland; country
LandformskildeDanishnounspring, fountain, source (a place where water emerges from the ground)common-gender
LandformskildeDanishnounsource, fountain, fount (a person or a thing from which something comes)common-gender figuratively
LandformskildeDanishverbto tickle
LandformsseeMiddle Englishnounsea, ocean
LandformsseeMiddle EnglishnounA body of water, a lake
LandformsseeMiddle Englishnounseat, chair
LandformsseeMiddle Englishnoundwelling, residence
LandformsseeMiddle EnglishnounA royal or episcopal chair
LandformsseeMiddle EnglishnounA royal or episcopal polity or realm
LandformsseeMiddle EnglishnounA royal or episcopal residence
LandformsseeMiddle EnglishnounThe Kingdom of Heaven.Christianity
LandformsłachaPolishnounAugmentative of łaskaaugmentative colloquial feminine form-of
LandformsłachaPolishnouna type of fluvial lakefeminine
LandformsłachaPolishnoungenitive singular of łachform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
LandformsłachaPolishverbthird-person singular present of łachaćform-of present singular third-person
LandformsždrijeloSerbo-Croatiannounpharynxanatomy medicine sciences
LandformsždrijeloSerbo-Croatiannouncrater (of a volcano)
LandformsпровлакBulgariannounstretch, expand → narrow strip, bandliterary
LandformsпровлакBulgariannounisthmus (narrow sleeve of land surrounded by water)
LandformsܥܪܡܐClassical Syriacadjrugged, rough
LandformsܥܪܡܐClassical Syriacadjsteep, high
LandformsܥܪܡܐClassical Syriacnounheap, rugged terrain
LandformsܥܪܡܐClassical Syriacnounheight, crag
LandformsܥܪܡܐClassical Syriacnounasperity
LandformsܥܪܡܐClassical Syriacnoundark cloud
LandformsܥܪܡܐClassical Syriacnounscandal; temptationfiguratively
LanguagesDahaloEnglishnounA people living in coastal Kenya.plural plural-only
LanguagesDahaloEnglishnameTheir endangered Cushitic language, notable for featuring all four airstream mechanisms found in human language.
LanguagesGaedhilicIrishnameSuperseded spelling of Gaeilic: Ulster form of Gaeilgealt-of archaic feminine
LanguagesGaedhilicIrishnameMayo form of GaeilgeMayo alt-of masculine
LanguagesGolaEnglishnameA language spoken in eastern Liberia.
LanguagesGolaEnglishnameA surname.
LanguagesItalyanoTagalogadjItalian (pertaining to Italy)
LanguagesItalyanoTagalognounItalian (person)
LanguagesItalyanoTagalognounItalian language
LanguagesKwereEnglishnounA people from the coast of Tanzania.plural plural-only
LanguagesKwereEnglishnameThe language of this people.
LanguagesPalaungEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group living primarily in the Shan State of Myanmar, also in China and Thailand.
LanguagesPalaungEnglishnameThe Mon-Khmer language spoken by the Palaung people.
LanguagesSelkupEnglishnounAny member of a people who live in the northwest of Siberia.
LanguagesSelkupEnglishnamethe Samoyedic language spoken by these people.
LanguagesSlovincianEnglishnounOne of a Slavic people living between the lakes Gardno (Gardersee) and Łebsko (Lebasee) near Słupsk (Stolp) in Pomerania.
LanguagesSlovincianEnglishnameThe extinct language of the Slovincians.
LanguagesgalleguAsturianadjGalician (of or pertaining to Galicia)masculine singular
LanguagesgalleguAsturiannouna Galician (person)masculine singular
LanguagesgalleguAsturiannounGalician (language)masculine singular uncountable
LanguagesgrekoBasquenouna Greek personanimate
LanguagesgrekoBasquenounthe Greek languageinanimate
LanguagesitalienskNorwegian BokmåladjItalian (of, from or pertaining to Italy)
LanguagesitalienskNorwegian BokmålnounItalian (official language of Italy)masculine uncountable
LanguageskroaattiFinnishnounCroat (person)
LanguageskroaattiFinnishnounCroatian (language)
LanguagesluxembourgskNorwegian Nynorskadjrelating to Luxembourg and Luxembourgers
LanguagesluxembourgskNorwegian NynorsknounLuxembourgish (the language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesmaltaFinnishnounThe Maltese language.
LanguagesmaltaFinnishverbinflection of malttaa: / present active indicative connegativeactive connegative form-of indicative present
LanguagesmaltaFinnishverbinflection of malttaa: / second-person singular present imperativeform-of imperative present second-person singular
LanguagesmaltaFinnishverbinflection of malttaa: / second-person singular present active imperative connegativeactive connegative form-of imperative present second-person singular
LanguagesrosyjskiPolishnounRussian (language)inanimate masculine
LanguagessomaliskaSwedishadjinflection of somalisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
LanguagessomaliskaSwedishadjinflection of somalisk: / pluralform-of plural
LanguagessomaliskaSwedishnounSomali (language)common-gender uncountable
LanguagessomaliskaSwedishnounfemale Somali, woman from Somaliacommon-gender countable
LanguagesթամիլերենArmeniannounTamil (language)
LanguagesթամիլերենArmenianadvin Tamil
LanguagesթամիլերենArmenianadjTamil (of or pertaining to the language)
LanguagesლიეტუვურიGeorgianadjLithuanian (object)
LanguagesლიეტუვურიGeorgiannameLithuanian language
Lanthanide series chemical elementstulPolishnounthulium (metallic chemical element (symbol Tm) with atomic number 69: a fairly soft, easily workable metal with a bright silvery-gray lustre)inanimate masculine
Lanthanide series chemical elementstulPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of tulićform-of imperative second-person singular
Latin nomina gentiliaIuliaLatinnameJulia, the feminine form of Iūlius, the family name (nomen gentilicium) of an ancient Roman patrician family (gens), perhaps best known for being the gens of Julius Caesar. Famous female members of the gens Julia include: / Julia Livia, daughter of Drusus Julius Caesardeclension-1
Latin nomina gentiliaIuliaLatinnameJulia, the feminine form of Iūlius, the family name (nomen gentilicium) of an ancient Roman patrician family (gens), perhaps best known for being the gens of Julius Caesar. Famous female members of the gens Julia include: / Julia Domna and Julia Maesa, daughters of Julius Bassianusdeclension-1
Latin nomina gentiliaIuliaLatinnameJulia, the feminine form of Iūlius, the family name (nomen gentilicium) of an ancient Roman patrician family (gens), perhaps best known for being the gens of Julius Caesar. Famous female members of the gens Julia include: / Julia the Elder and Julia the Younger, daughter and granddaughter respectively of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustusdeclension-1
Latin nomina gentiliaIuliaLatinnameJulia, a praenomen/cognomendeclension-1
Latin nomina gentiliaIuliaLatinnamea female given namedeclension-1
Laughterhagik-ikCebuanonouna chortle; a joyful, somewhat muffled laugh, rather like a snorting chuckle
Laughterhagik-ikCebuanoverbto chortle
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Expected or promoted by legislation or tradition.
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Required, obligated or necessary (especially as custom)
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Required or obligated to pay; owed or indebted.
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Morally correct or justified; moral, ethical.
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Authentic, genuine, lawful; not fake.
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Worthy of (a given) penalty, acclamation, or reward.
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjPredictable, unavoidable, unpreventable.
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjDone with care; meticulously or cautiously done.
LawdeweMiddle EnglishadjInherent, respective, appertaining to.
LawdeweMiddle EnglishnounSomething which is fitting or appropriate for one's deeds.rare
LawdeweMiddle EnglishnounSomething which is expected, customary or suitable.rare
LawdeweMiddle EnglishnounSomething which one is obligated or duty-bound to do.rare
LawdeweMiddle EnglishnounA charge, levy, tax, payment, or due.rare
LawdeweMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of dewalt-of alternative
LawdeweMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of dewynalt-of alternative
LawlikumsLatviannounlaw (mandatory rule approved and applied by the government)declension-1 masculine
LawlikumsLatviannounlaw (traditional or accepted rule or norm)declension-1 masculine
LawlikumsLatviannounlaw (essential relation between phenomena that describes their future evolution)declension-1 masculine
LawlikumsLatviannounlaw, rule, principledeclension-1 masculine
LawтергеуKazakhnouninvestigation, interrogation
LawтергеуKazakhverbto investigate, interrogate
Law enforcementleoleoSamoannounpolice
Law enforcementleoleoSamoannounsheriff
Law enforcement警犬Chinesenounpolice dog (Classifier: 隻/只 m c)
Law enforcement警犬Chinesenouncop; pigHong-Kong derogatory slang
Leadblack leadEnglishnounThe metal lead.countable historical uncountable
Leadblack leadEnglishnounGraphite, especially as used in pencils.countable uncountable
Leadblack leadEnglishnounA graphite pencil.countable
Leadblack leadEnglishnounA type of polish made from graphite, used for kitchen cleaning and blackening grates.countable historical uncountable
LeaderscônsulPortuguesenounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)masculine
LeaderscônsulPortuguesenounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical masculine
LeaderscônsulPortuguesenounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804)historical masculine
LeadersprzełożonyPolishnounsuperior, higher-upmasculine noun-from-verb person
LeadersprzełożonyPolishverbmasculine singular passive adjectival participle of przełożyćadjectival form-of masculine participle passive singular
Legal occupationsprávníkCzechnounlawyeranimate masculine
Legal occupationsprávníkCzechnounlaw studentanimate masculine
LegumescamelthornEnglishnounVachellia erioloba, formerly Acacia erioloba, a tree native to southern Africa.
LegumescamelthornEnglishnounAlhagi, a genus of shrubs native to northern Africa and Asia Minor.
LegumesἀφάκηAncient Greeknounvetch (Vicia sativa)
LegumesἀφάκηAncient Greeknoundandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Letter namesэсRussiannounThe Cyrillic letter С, с.indeclinable
Letter namesэсRussiannounThe Roman letter S, s.indeclinable
LibyaLibyanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Libya.not-comparable
LibyaLibyanEnglishnounA person from Libya or of Libyan descent.
LibyaLibyanEnglishnameThe Libyan Arabic language.
LiceJapanesecharacterlouseHyōgai kanji
LiceJapanesenouna sucking louse, especially the head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis)
LightdurchleuchtenGermanverbto flood with light, to illuminatetransitive weak
LightdurchleuchtenGermanverbto X-ray, to screentransitive weak
LightdurchleuchtenGermanverbto investigate, analyzefiguratively transitive weak
LightdurchleuchtenGermanverbto clear upfiguratively transitive weak
LightdurchleuchtenGermanverbto shine throughintransitive weak
LightdurchleuchtenGermanverbto come to light, to become apparent, to showfiguratively intransitive weak
Light sourcesllàntiaCatalannounoil lampfeminine
Light sourcesllàntiaCatalannounstainfamiliar feminine
Light sourcesmoonEnglishnameAlternative letter-case form of Moon (“the Earth's only permanent natural satellite”).alt-of singular singular-only with-definite-article
Light sourcesmoonEnglishnounAny natural satellite of a planet.broadly informal
Light sourcesmoonEnglishnounA month, particularly a lunar month.literary
Light sourcesmoonEnglishnounA representation of the moon, usually as a crescent or as a circle with a face; a crescent-shaped shape, symbol, or object.
Light sourcesmoonEnglishnounA crescent-like outwork in a fortification.
Light sourcesmoonEnglishnounThe eighteenth trump/major arcana card of the Tarot.
Light sourcesmoonEnglishnounThe thirty-second Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Light sourcesmoonEnglishnounIn hearts, the action of taking all the point cards in one hand.card-games games
Light sourcesmoonEnglishverbTo display one's buttocks to, typically as a jest, insult, or protest.colloquial transitive
Light sourcesmoonEnglishverbTo gaze at lovingly or in adoration.colloquial intransitive
Light sourcesmoonEnglishverb(usually followed by over or after) To fuss over something adoringly; to be infatuated with someone.colloquial intransitive
Light sourcesmoonEnglishverbTo spend time idly, absent-mindedly.
Light sourcesmoonEnglishverbTo expose to the rays of the Moon.transitive
Light sourcesmoonEnglishverbTo adorn with moons or crescents.transitive
Light sourcesmoonEnglishverbTo rise in price rapidly or cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency finance
Light sourcesmoonEnglishverbTo shoot the moon.card-games games
Light sourceszniczPolishnoungrave candleCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicisminanimate masculine
Light sourceszniczPolishnouneternal flameinanimate masculine
Light sourcesπολύφωτοGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter singular form of πολύφωτος (polýfotos).
Light sourcesπολύφωτοGreeknounsmall chandelier
Light sourcesلمبةArabicnounlamp
Light sourcesلمبةArabicnounlight bulb
LinguisticspočešťováníCzechnounverbal noun of počešťovatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
LinguisticspočešťováníCzechnounthe process of incorporating foreign words into the Czech languageneuter
LinguisticsհեգOld Armeniannounsyllable
LinguisticsհեգOld Armeniannounspelling
Liquidsliquid ammoniaEnglishnounPure ammonia cooled or condensed to the liquid state.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
Liquidsliquid ammoniaEnglishnounAn aqueous solution of ammonia.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesinformal uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishnounA substance that is applied as a liquid or paste, and dries into a solid coating that protects or adds color/colour to an object or surface to which it has been applied.countable uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishnounA set of containers or blocks of paint of different colors/colours, used for painting pictures.countable in-plural uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishnounThe free-throw lane, construed with the.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable slang uncountable paintballslang uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishnounA face card (king, queen, or jack).card-games pokercountable slang uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishnounGraphics drawn using an input device, not scanned or generated.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesattributive countable uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishnounTattoo work.slang uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishnounAny substance fixed with latex to harden it.countable dated uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishnounThe appearance of an object on a radar screen.countable uncountable
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo apply paint to.transitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo apply in the manner that paint is applied.transitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo apply with a brush in order to treat some body part.medicine sciencestransitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo cover (something) with spots of colour, like paint.transitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo create (an image) with paints.transitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo practise the art of painting pictures.intransitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo draw an element in a graphical user interface.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo depict or portray.figuratively transitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo color one's face by way of beautifying it.intransitive
LiquidspaintEnglishverbTo detect (something) with radar.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warslang transitive
LiteratureRomancelandiaEnglishnameThe sphere or community of romance writers, readers, and novels.uncountable
LiteratureRomancelandiaEnglishnameThe idealized fictional setting of romance novels.uncountable
LiteratureauctoriteMiddle EnglishnounLegal authority or control; the privilege of exercising control.
LiteratureauctoriteMiddle EnglishnounThe right to perform a given action; approval, permission.
LiteratureauctoriteMiddle EnglishnounA mixture of charisma and willpower; conviction.
LiteratureauctoriteMiddle EnglishnounLegal effectiveness or standing; genuineness.
LiteratureauctoriteMiddle EnglishnounThe state of being recognized and regarded as useful; worthiness.
LiteratureauctoriteMiddle EnglishnounThe book, quotation, or source that settles an argument; a definitive, reliable, or precise document or text.
Lizards四腳蛇Chinesenounlizard; gecko
Lizards四腳蛇Chinesenounmonitor lizardSingapore
LovelurveEnglishnounLove, fondness.informal uncountable
LovelurveEnglishverbTo love; to like a lot.informal
Lovetrue loveEnglishnounFaithful love. / Feelings of love that are adhered to faithfully, or the faithful manifestation of such feelings.uncountable
Lovetrue loveEnglishnounFaithful love. / A lover who is faithful to the object of his or her affection or faithfully loved themselves.countable
Lovetrue loveEnglishnounLove that is in some sense purer or more unique than ordinary love. / The form of romantic affection that is considered pure and wholly positive, not just based on feelings of lust and sex.uncountable
Lovetrue loveEnglishnounLove that is in some sense purer or more unique than ordinary love. / The unique individual for whom one feels such affection.countable
Lovetrue loveEnglishnounLove that is in some sense purer or more unique than ordinary love. / The situation in which a couple is perfectly compatible and there is no better relationship, as set by a greater force such as God or fate.uncountable
Lovetrue loveEnglishnounA thing for which a person feels an intense love.countable
Macaquespigtail macaqueEnglishnounAny of two closely related SE Asian species of macaque: / A southern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina);
Macaquespigtail macaqueEnglishnounAny of two closely related SE Asian species of macaque: / A northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonina).
MachinesobridoraCatalanadjfeminine singular of obridorfeminine form-of singular
MachinesobridoraCatalannounopener (machine)feminine
MachinesspreaderEnglishnounAn object or person who spreads.
MachinesspreaderEnglishnounA spacer or device for keeping two objects apart.
MachinesspreaderEnglishnounA device used to spread bulk material.
MachinesspreaderEnglishnounA knife or spatula used to distribute a substance such as butter or jelly.
MachinesspreaderEnglishnounA horizontal athwartships spar attached to the mast of a sailboat in order to extend the shrouds away from the mast.nautical transport
MachinesspreaderEnglishnounA machine for combining and drawing fibers of flax to form a sliver preparatory to spinning.
MachinesspreaderEnglishnounThe moving platform of a container crane.
MachinesspreaderEnglishnounA member of a cracking group who distributes warez.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
MacropodsdoeEnglishnounA female deer; also used of similar animals such as antelope (less commonly a goat, as nanny is also used).
MacropodsdoeEnglishnounA female rabbit.
MacropodsdoeEnglishnounA female hare.
MacropodsdoeEnglishnounA female squirrel.
MacropodsdoeEnglishnounA female kangaroo.
MacropodsdoeEnglishverbObsolete spelling of do.alt-of obsolete
MacropodsdoeEnglishadvthoughMulticultural-London-English not-comparable
Madder family plantsararibaEnglishnounAny of the trees of three species in the genus Centrolobium (family Fabaceae), especially, a Brazilian tree (Centrolobium robustum) -- called also zebrawood.countable uncountable
Madder family plantsararibaEnglishnounAny of several trees of the genus Simira (syn. Sickingia), usually with heavy dark red wood.countable uncountable
Madder family plantsararibaEnglishnounWood of an arariba tree.countable uncountable
Madder family plantscrucecitaSpanishnoundiminutive of cruzdiminutive feminine form-of
Madder family plantscrucecitaSpanishnounindigoberryfeminine
Madder family plantskapeTagalognouncoffee (beverage)
Madder family plantskapeTagalognouncoffee (plant, beans)biology botany natural-sciences
Madder family plantskapeTagalognouncoffee; brown (color/colour)
MagnoliidsboldoEnglishnounPeumus boldus, a monimiaceous tree.countable uncountable
MagnoliidsboldoEnglishnounThe leaves of this tree, used in traditional medicine for hepatic troubles and genitourinary inflammation.countable uncountable
Malaysia元老院Japanesenouna senate
Malaysia元老院Japanesenamethe Senate (Roman Senate; Japan's Senate; Canada's, the Philippines', France's, Spain's, Italy's, Thailand's and Malaysia's upper house)
MalechúVietnamesenouna paternal uncle, father's younger brother
MalechúVietnamesenouna maternal uncle-in-law, mother's sister's husband
MalechúVietnamesenouna paternal uncle-in-law, father's sister's husband
MalechúVietnamesenouna man who's presumably slightly younger than your parents
MalechúVietnamesepronI/me, your father's younger brother
MalechúVietnamesepronI/me, your mother's sister's husband
MalechúVietnamesepronI/me, a man who's presumably slightly younger than your parents
MalechúVietnamesepronyou, my father's younger brother
MalechúVietnamesepronyou, my mother's sister's husband
MalechúVietnamesepronyou, a man who's presumably slightly younger than my parents
MalechúVietnamesepronyou, a fella who's either slightly younger, or less experienced than me
MalechúVietnamesepronhe/him, that young fellowhuman-sciences linguistics narratology sciencesendearing literary
MalechúVietnamesepronhe/him, that anthropomorphic male animalhuman-sciences linguistics narratology sciencesendearing literary
MalechúVietnamesepronShort for chú bé (“he/him, that little boy”).human-sciences linguistics narratology sciencesabbreviation alt-of endearing literary
MalechúVietnameseclassifierindicates a male animal, especially an anthropomorphic oneendearing literary
MalechúVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 注, sometimes written as 註romanization
MalechúVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 咒romanization
MalesamacSerbo-Croatiannounsingle man, bachelor (one who lives alone or is not in a relationship)
MalesamacSerbo-Croatiannounloner, lone wolfregional
Maleพ่อThainounfather: / male parent, father-in-law, or person regarded as a male parent.
Maleพ่อThainounfather: / male parent of an animal.
Maleพ่อThainounmale head, lord, leader, or master; man in charge; man in authority.
Maleพ่อThainounused as a term of address or title / used as a term of address to or title for a male parent, father-in-law, or person regarded as a male parent, and used by such person to refer to oneself.
Maleพ่อThainounused as a term of address or title / (คุณ~) used as a respectful term of address to or title for a male priest.Christianity
Maleพ่อThainounused as a term of address or title / used as a familiar or affectionate term of address to or title for a young or younger man.
Maleพ่อThainounused as a term of address or title / used as a term of address to or title for any man.
Maleพ่อThainounused as a modifier to indicate masculinity.
Male family memberstoobokoytaAfarnounbrother
Male family memberstoobokoytaAfarnounsister
Male family membersورPunjabinounboon, blessing
Male family membersورPunjabinounhusband
Male family members甥舅Chinesenounsororal nephew and maternal uncle
Male family members甥舅Chinesenounson-in-law and father-in-lawliterary
Male family members甥舅Chinesenounrelatives of a king or emperor on his mother's or wife's sidebroadly literary
Male family members甥舅Chinesenounfeudal princes of different surnamesliterary
Male family members甥舅Chineseverbto be intermarriedliterary
Male peopleFrancuzPolishnounFrenchman (person from France)masculine person
Male peopleFrancuzPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
Male peopleFrancuzPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
Male peopleakolitaPolishnounacolyteChristianitymasculine person
Male peopleakolitaPolishnounacolyte (attendant, assistant or follower)formal ironic masculine often person
Male peopleassentatorLatinnounyes mandeclension-3
Male peopleassentatorLatinnounflatterer, toadydeclension-3
Male peopleassentatorLatinverbsecond/third-person singular future active imperative of assentoractive form-of future imperative second-person singular third-person
Male peoplekonfidentPolishnounconfidantdated masculine person
Male peoplekonfidentPolishnouninformant, secret agentderogatory masculine person
Male peopleloďařCzechnounshipbuildernautical transportanimate masculine
Male peopleloďařCzechnounshipownernautical transportanimate masculine
Male peopleproconsulLatinnounproconsul; a man who became governor of a province or a military commander with the authority of a consuldeclension-3
Male peopleproconsulLatinnouna governor in one of the provinces of the Roman Senatedeclension-3
Male peoplešpanělštinářCzechnounteacher of Spanishanimate masculine
Male peoplešpanělštinářCzechnounstudent of Spanishanimate masculine
Male peoplešpanělštinářCzechnounHispanistanimate masculine
Male peopleไสThaiverbto move or cause to move (as by driving, pushing, shoving, etc) along an even floor.
Male peopleไสThainounfour.archaic
Male peopleไสThainounfourth son.archaic
MammalogyimettäväIngrianverbpresent active participle of imettää (“to breastfeed”)active form-of participle present
MammalsthúVietnamesenouna hobby
MammalsthúVietnameseadjinteresting; intriguingliterary
MammalsthúVietnamesenouna non-avian beast
MammalsthúVietnamesenouna mammalbiology natural-sciences zoology
MammalsthúVietnamesenounan animal (organism)
MammalsthúVietnameseverbto confess; to admit; to own to
MammalsthúVietnameseverbShort for đầu thú (“to surrender oneself”).abbreviation alt-of colloquial
MammalsبچہUrdunounchild, boy (of any creature)
MammalsبچہUrdunounyoung (of an animal)
MammalsبچہUrdunounthe result, creationfiguratively
MammalsبچہUrdunouna sapling, young plant
MammalsبچہUrduadjstupid; kidfiguratively
MammalsبچہUrduadjunaware, inexperiencedfiguratively
MammalsสิงโตThainounsiṃha, lion-like mythological animal.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
MammalsสิงโตThainameEngland national football team, whose emblem contains three lions.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsslang
MarriagedžuvelWelsh Romaninounwomanfeminine
MarriagedžuvelWelsh Romaninounwifefeminine
MarriageмолодаUkrainianadjfeminine nominative singular of молоди́й (molodýj)feminine form-of nominative singular
MarriageмолодаUkrainiannounbride, newlywed wife
MarsupialskangourouFrenchnounhoodieNorth-America masculine
Mass mediaTikTokEnglishnameA video-sharing social media platform.
Mass mediaTikTokEnglishnounA small video that can be viewed online, particularly one hosted on TikTok.informal neologism
Mass mediaTikTokEnglishnounA TikTok account.informal
Mass mediaTikTokEnglishverbTo upload a video of something to TikTok.neologism transitive
Mass mediaTikTokEnglishverbTo search for and view on TikTok.neologism transitive
Massachusetts, USA伯克利ChinesenameBerkeley, University of California, Berkeley
Massachusetts, USA伯克利ChinesenameBerklee, Berklee College of Music
MaterialsreedEnglishnounAny of various types of tall stiff perennial grass-like plants growing together in groups near water.countable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounThe hollow stem of these plants.countable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounPart of the mouthpiece of certain woodwind instruments, comprising a thin piece of wood or metal which shakes very quickly to produce sound when a musician blows over it.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounA musical instrument such as the clarinet or oboe, which produces sound when a musician blows on the reed.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounA comb-like part of a beater for beating the weft when manufacturing textiles weavingcountable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounA piece of whalebone or similar for stiffening the skirt or waist of a woman's dress.countable historical
MaterialsreedEnglishnounA tube containing the train of powder for igniting the charge in miningcountable uncountable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounStraw prepared for thatching a roof.countable uncountable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounA missile weapon.countable obsolete poetic uncountable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounA measuring rod.metrologyarchaic countable uncountable
MaterialsreedEnglishnounA measuring rod. / A Babylonian unit of measure the length of a reed, equal to half a nindan, or six cubits.metrologyarchaic countable uncountable
MaterialsreedEnglishverbTo thatch.transitive
MaterialsreedEnglishverbTo mill or mint with reeding.
MaterialsreedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of reeform-of participle past
MaterialsreedEnglishnounThe fourth stomach of a ruminant; rennet.Scotland UK dialectal
Materialsthuỷ tinhVietnamesenounglass as a substance; compare kính (“sheet glass”)
Materialsthuỷ tinhVietnamesenouncrystal as an amorphous solid; compare tinh thể
Mathematicspercentage rateEnglishnounA measure to show a change or relationship between two numbers as a fraction of 100, over a certain time.
Mathematicspercentage rateEnglishnounA coefficient, expressed as a fraction of 100, of the quotient of two numbers over a specified period of time, where the denominator has the same units as the numerator but is adjusted by a unit of time. This measure indicates the proportion of a part in relation to a whole and is commonly used to describe rates of interest, growth, or change in financial and economic contexts, expressed in percentage finance mathematics sciences
MealsܥܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounbreakfast
MealsܥܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounburning, combustion
MealsܥܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounendurance
Measuring instrumentsκαντάριGreeknounkantar, quintal (weight unit equal to 44 okas (οκάδες), in Greece equal to 56.4 kilograms)obsolete
Measuring instrumentsκαντάριGreeknouna moderately large amountfiguratively
Measuring instrumentsκαντάριGreeknounscales, balance, especially a vertical spring balance
Meatswhite meatEnglishnounThe breast portion of poultry.countable uncountable
Meatswhite meatEnglishnounMeats whose color, either before or after cooking, is considered white as opposed to red, including poultry, seafood, and in some uses, even pork.countable uncountable
Mechanical engineeringмашинобудуванняUkrainiannounmachine buildinguncountable
Mechanical engineeringмашинобудуванняUkrainiannounmechanical engineeringuncountable
Medical signs and symptoms聾膨ChineseadjdeafWu
Medical signs and symptoms聾膨Chinesenoundeaf personWu
MedicineBlatterGermannounpockdated feminine
MedicineBlatterGermannounpox, smallpoxmedicine pathology sciencesdated feminine in-plural
MedicineBlatterGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
MedicineβασιλικόνAncient Greekadjinflection of βᾰσῐλῐκός (basilikós): / neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
MedicineβασιλικόνAncient Greekadjinflection of βᾰσῐλῐκός (basilikós): / masculine accusative singularaccusative form-of masculine singular
MedicineβασιλικόνAncient Greeknountreasury, royal bank
MedicineβασιλικόνAncient Greeknounpalace
MedicineβασιλικόνAncient Greeknounroyal decree
MedicineβασιλικόνAncient Greeknounname for various remedies, including: plaster and eyesalve
MedicineβασιλικόνAncient Greeknounbasil (Ocimum basilicum)
MedicineпротисудомнийUkrainianadjantispasmodic, antispasmatic
MedicineпротисудомнийUkrainianadjanticonvulsant, anticonvulsive
Meliphagoid birdsthornbillEnglishnounAny of the passerine birds of the genus Acanthiza, native to Australia.
Meliphagoid birdsthornbillEnglishnounAny of the hummingbirds of the genera Chalcostigma and Ramphomicron, native to the Americas.
MetalscalibeItaliannounsteelmasculine obsolete uncountable
MetalscalibeItaliannounironmedicine pharmacology sciencesmasculine obsolete uncountable
MetalsradioSpanishnounradio (device)business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
MetalsradioSpanishnounradio (industry, signal)communication communicationsfeminine
MetalsradioSpanishnounradiusanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
MetalsradioSpanishnounradiusgeometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
MetalsradioSpanishnounradiumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
MetalsradioSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of radiarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MetalsניקלYiddishnounnickel (metal)
MetalsניקלYiddishnounnickel (coin)US
MetaphysicsметафизикаRussiannounmetaphysicshuman-sciences philosophy sciences
MetaphysicsметафизикаRussiannoungenitive/accusative singular of метафи́зик (metafízik)accusative form-of genitive singular
Middle EastsejmitarPolishnounkhanjar (kind of dagger used in certain Arabic countries)inanimate masculine
Middle EastsejmitarPolishnounscimitar (sword with curved blade)fantasyinanimate masculine proscribed
MilitaryКатюшаRussiannamea diminutive, Katyusha, of the female given names Ка́тя (Kátja) or Екатери́на (Jekaterína)
MilitaryКатюшаRussiannamea Russian folk song composed in 1938.
MilitaryКатюшаRussiannamea type of artillery rocket launcher consisting of an array of rockets mounted on a truck, originated in the Soviet Union, named after the song.
MilkmaitoFinnishnounmilk (white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals)
MilkmaitoFinnishnounmilk (individual serving of milk)
MilkmaitoFinnishnounmilk, non-dairy milk, plant milk (white liquid obtained from a vegetable source by processing it)
Milksilver topEnglishnounFull cream milk, normally homogenised and pasteurised, having a silvery top to the bottle.UK countable uncountable
Milksilver topEnglishnounAn old person.countable slang uncountable
MilkwydójPolishnounmilking (act or instance of drawing milk from an animal)inanimate masculine
MilkwydójPolishnounyield (amount of milk gained from such an instance)inanimate masculine
MilkwydójPolishnounmilking time (period during which one should or regularly milks and animal)inanimate masculine obsolete
MilkwydójPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of wydoićform-of imperative second-person singular
Mimosa subfamily plantsakleTagalognouna medium-sized leguminous tree, Albizia acle
Mimosa subfamily plantsakleTagalognounthe wood from this tree
Mind悪心Japanesenounevil thoughts, ideas, intentions
MiningmijnDutchdetbelonging to me: mydependent possessive
MiningmijnDutchnounmine (place where ore is taken out of the ground)feminine
MiningmijnDutchnounmine (device meant to explode when stepped upon or touched)feminine
MiningmijnDutchnounmine (tunnel used for sapping enemy defence works or lines)feminine historical
MiningmijnDutchnounshaft dug by an insect larva in plant organs, such as leavesbiology entomology natural-sciencesfeminine
MiningmijnDutchnouna Dutch auction (reverse auction with gradual reduction of the price until a buyer is found)Southern feminine historical
MiningoknoSerbo-Croatiannounpane (of windows)
MiningoknoSerbo-Croatiannounshaft, pit (in mines)
MiningoknoSerbo-Croatiannounwindow (opening, usually covered by one or more panes of clear glass, to allow light and air from outside to enter a building)Kajkavian
MolluskscaracolPortuguesenounsnail (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell)masculine
MolluskscaracolPortuguesenouncurl (a lock of curly hair)masculine
MolluskscaracolPortuguesenouncochlea (the complex, spirally coiled, tapered cavity of the inner ear)anatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
MonarchyrigăRomaniannounkingarchaic masculine
MonarchyrigăRomaniannounkingcard-games gamesmasculine rare
Monarchyབཙན་པོTibetanadjstrong, violent
Monarchyབཙན་པོTibetanadjstrict, stern
Monarchyབཙན་པོTibetanadjsecure, safe
Monarchyབཙན་པོTibetannounking; title for Tibetan emperors
MonasticismklosterNorwegian Bokmålnouna monasteryneuter
MonasticismklosterNorwegian Bokmålnouna convent (nonnekloster)neuter
MonasticismscaballIrishnounbreastplate, cuirassmasculine
MoneyeyrirOld Norsenounan ounce (usually of silver); equivalent to an eighth of a mark (mǫrk) or sixty pennies (penningar)masculine
MoneyeyrirOld Norsenounmoneyin-plural masculine singular uncountable
MoneykieszonkowePolishnounpocket money, allowance (a small sum of money given to a child, by a parent or guardian)neuter
MoneykieszonkowePolishnounpocket money (a small amount of money for smaller purchases)neuter
Moneyà vistaPortugueseadv(payment) in full, as opposed to in installmentsidiomatic
Moneyà vistaPortugueseadvin sight; in view
Moneyà vistaPortugueseadvvisible; exposed
MoneyọkọIgalaadjmale, masculinemasculine usually
MoneyọkọIgalaadjbig, strong, predatoryidiomatic usually
Montenegrodouble eagleEnglishnounA gold coin with a face value of $20 formerly used in the United States, the double of the US eagle coin.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsUS
Montenegrodouble eagleEnglishnounThree under par, one stroke short of an ace (a hole in one) on a par-five hobbies lifestyle sports
Montenegrodouble eagleEnglishnounA representation of an eagle with two heads, as in the heraldic arms of Russia and Austria and in iconography from Antiquity onward (especially in the Roman Empire).
Months五月Chinesenounmodern name for the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar
Moon月宮Chinesenounthe palace of the Moonhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
Moon月宮Chinesenounthe Moonfiguratively literary
MoscowmoskiewskiPolishadjMoscow, Muscovite (of, from or pertaining to Moscow in Russia)not-comparable relational
MoscowmoskiewskiPolishadjMuscovite, Russiannot-comparable
MuridsmousyEnglishadjResembling a mouse. / Quiet; stealthy.
MuridsmousyEnglishadjResembling a mouse. / Timid.
MuridsmousyEnglishadjResembling a mouse. / Of a greyish-brown colour.
MuridsmousyEnglishadjResembling a mouse.
MuridsmousyEnglishadjAbounding in or infested with mice.
MuridsmousyEnglishnoundiminutive of mouse.childish diminutive form-of
MusclesdiaframmaItalianverbinflection of diaframmare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
MusclesdiaframmaItalianverbinflection of diaframmare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
MusicchauntourMiddle EnglishnounA chanter; one who sings.
MusicchauntourMiddle EnglishnounOne who participates or heads a choir.
MusicchauntourMiddle Englishnounfortunetellerrare
MusicmúsicoGalicianadjmusical; of or pertaining to music
Musicदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / staff given at investiture with the sacred thread
Musicदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / penis (with वैतस (vaitasá)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / trunk » शुण्डादण्ड (śuṇḍā-daṇḍa)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / "arm" or "leg" » दोर्दण्ड (dor-daṇḍa), बाहुदण्ड (bāhu-daṇḍa)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / "tusk" » दंष्ट्रादण्ड (daṃṣṭrā-daṇḍa)
Musicदण्डSanskritnouna stalk, stem (of a tree; compare इक्षुदण्ड (ikṣu-daṇḍa), उद्दण्ड (ud-daṇḍa), खरदण्ड (khara-daṇḍa))
Musicदण्डSanskritnounthe staff of a banner
Musicदण्डSanskritnounthe handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol etc.)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounthe steam of a plough
Musicदण्डSanskritnoun"a mast" » महादण्डधर (mahādaṇḍa-dhara)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounthe crossbar of a lute which holds the strings
Musicदण्डSanskritnounthe stick with which a lute is played
Musicदण्डSanskritnouna churning-stick (compare दण्डाहत (daṇḍā*hata))
Musicदण्डSanskritnouna pole as a measure of length (= 4 hastas)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounname of a measure of time (= 60 विकला (vi-kalā)s)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounname of a staff-like appearance in the sky ("Name of a planet" L.; compare दण्डभास (daṇḍa-bhāsa))
Musicदण्डSanskritnounname of a constellation
Musicदण्डSanskritnouna form of military array (compare दण्डव्युह (daṇḍa-vyuha))
Musicदण्डSanskritnounstaff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty, application of power, violence
Musicदण्डSanskritnounpower over (genitive or in compound), control, restraint (compare वाग्दण्ड (vāg-daṇḍa), मनोदण्ड (mano-daṇḍa), कायदण्ड (kāya-daṇḍa) [कर्मदण्ड (karma-daṇḍa)]; त्रिदण्डिन् (tri-daṇḍin))
Musicदण्डSanskritnounthe rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment, punishment (corporal, verbal, and fiscal; chastisement and imprisonment, reprimand, fine)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounPunishment (son of Dharma and Kriyā)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounname of an attendant of the Sun
Musicदण्डSanskritnounname of a man with the patronymic औपर (aupara)
Musicदण्डSanskritnounname of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of दण्डधर (daṇḍa-dhara), identified with the asura क्रोधहन्तृ (krodha-hantṛ))
Musicदण्डSanskritnounname of a rakṣas
Musical instrumentsmandoliiniFinnishnounmandolin
Musical instrumentsmandoliiniFinnishnounmandoline
Musical instrumentsальтRussiannounalto (voice)
Musical instrumentsальтRussiannounviola (stringed instrument)
Musical instrumentsܠܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounlyre
Musical instrumentsܠܘܪܐClassical SyriacnameLyraastronomy natural-sciences
Musical instrumentsܠܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounmonastery
Musical instrumentsܠܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounkind of pulsebiology botany natural-sciences
Musical instrumentsܠܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounsaddle
MusicianskoroTagalognounchoir; chorus (group of singers performing together)
MusicianskoroTagalognounchorus (part of a song repeated between verses)entertainment lifestyle music
MusicianskoroTagalognounchoir (part of a church for choir assembly)architecture
Musicians樂團Chinesenounmusical group; band
MustelidsvesslaSwedishnounweasel, Mustela nivaliscommon-gender
MustelidsvesslaSwedishnouna snowcatcommon-gender
Mythological creaturesBasiliskGermannounbasilisk, cockatrice (mythical creature)masculine weak
Mythological creaturesBasiliskGermannounbasilisk, any of genus Basiliscus of lizardsmasculine weak
Mythological creaturesChironEnglishnameAn old, wise centaur who served as Achilles' mentor and teacher.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Mythological creaturesChironEnglishnameA centaur (minor planet) and comet-like/asteroid-like object, orbiting between Saturn and Uranus.astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Mythological creaturesChironEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.
Mythological creaturesmandragoraEnglishnounMandrake (genus Mandragora); often specifically mandrake root, traditionally used as a narcotic.countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesmandragoraEnglishnounA kind of tiny dragon immune to fire.fantasycountable uncountable
Mythological creaturesperytonEnglishnounA fictional creature having the head and forelegs of a stag and the wings and hindquarters of a bird.
Mythological creaturesperytonEnglishnounA radio signal which appears to come from outside the galaxy but is actually produced by terrestrial sources.astronomy natural-sciences
Mythological creatureszombiakPolishnounzombie (person, usually undead, animated by unnatural forces (such as magic), with no soul or will of their own)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
Mythological creatureszombiakPolishnounzombie (deceased person who becomes reanimate to attack the living)fiction literature media publishinganimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Mythological locationsValhallaEnglishnameThe home of half of all warriors who died gloriously in battle as well as many of the Æsir.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesNorse
Mythological locationsValhallaEnglishnounAn abode of the gods or afterlife in general.broadly
Named roadsMornington CrescentEnglishnameA fictional game of complicated strategy in which players move around a map of the London Underground.
Named roadsMornington CrescentEnglishnameA street in London (named after the Earl of Mornington) after which the tube station was named.
NationalitiesFinnEnglishnounA national of Finland.
NationalitiesFinnEnglishnounA person of ethnic Finnish (Suomi) ancestry; a non-Swedish, non-Sami Finlander.
NationalitiesFinnEnglishnounA member of any Finnic nationality, such as (more narrowly) a Baltic Finn such as a Karelian or Estonian, or (more broadly) a Volga Finn or Perm Finn.broadly
NationalitiesFinnEnglishnounA male given name from Old Norse.
NationalitiesFinnEnglishnameA male given name from Irish.
NationalitiesFinnEnglishnameA surname.
NationalitiesFinnEnglishnameA river in County Donegal, Ireland, tributary to the Mourne.
NationalitiesLatvianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Latvia, the Latvian people or the Latvian language.not-comparable
NationalitiesLatvianEnglishnounThe official language of Latvia; Lettish.uncountable
NationalitiesLatvianEnglishnounA person from Latvia or of Latvian descent.countable
NationalitiesMáltachIrishadjMaltese (nationality)not-comparable
NationalitiesMáltachIrishnounMaltese personmasculine
NationalitiesPoolseDutchadjinflection of Pools: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
NationalitiesPoolseDutchadjinflection of Pools: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
NationalitiesPoolseDutchadjinflection of Pools: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
NationalitiesPoolseDutchnounPole (female)feminine
NationalitiesSlovenkaSlovaknouna woman from Slovakia, a female Slovakfeminine
NationalitiesSlovenkaSlovaknouna female citizen of Slovakiafeminine
NationalitiesSlovenkaSlovaknouna female descendant of someone from Slovakiafeminine
NationalitiesTuneżinMalteseadjTunisian (of, from or relating to Tunisia)
NationalitiesTuneżinMaltesenounTunisian (native or inhabitant of Tunisia) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
NationalitiesdanésSpanishadjDanish (from or native to Denmark)
NationalitiesdanésSpanishadjDanish (pertaining to Denmark)
NationalitiesdanésSpanishnounDane (native or resident of Denmark)masculine
NationalitiesdanésSpanishnounDanish (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiessvenskaSwedishadjinflection of svensk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiessvenskaSwedishadjinflection of svensk: / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiessvenskaSwedishnounSwedish (language)common-gender uncountable
NationalitiessvenskaSwedishnouna female Swedecommon-gender
NationalitiesvenezuelalainenFinnishnouna Venezuelan person
NationalitiesxipriotaCatalanadjCypriotfeminine masculine
NationalitiesxipriotaCatalannounCypriotby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesبربرOttoman Turkishnounbarber
NationalitiesبربرOttoman TurkishnounBerbers
NationalitiesبربرOttoman Turkishnouninhabitants of the Barbary
NauticalrinvergareItalianverbto find againobsolete transitive
NauticalrinvergareItalianverbto renew, to reiteratearchaic literary transitive
NauticalrinvergareItalianverbto connect (a flag, sail, etc.) by means of rings, hooks, earings, etc.nautical transporttransitive uncommon
NauticalдокPannonian Rusynconjwhile, as long as
NauticalдокPannonian Rusynconjuntil, till
NauticalдокPannonian Rusynconjwhile, whereas
NauticalдокPannonian Rusynnoundock, wharfinanimate masculine
NazismFourth ReichEnglishnameHypothetical resurrection of Nazi Germany (Third Reich).
NazismFourth ReichEnglishnameNickname for Washington Heights, Manhattan, after the German immigrants there.historical
NeckwearoverlayEnglishverbTo lay, spread, or apply (something) over or across (something else); to overspread.transitive
NeckwearoverlayEnglishverbTo overwhelm; to press excessively upon.
NeckwearoverlayEnglishverbTo lie over (someone, especially a child) in order to smother it; to suffocate.archaic transitive
NeckwearoverlayEnglishverbTo put an overlay printing publishingtransitive
NeckwearoverlayEnglishverbTo bet too much money on.gambling gamestransitive
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounAn image to be overlaid on another; a superimposition or diapositive.arts hobbies lifestyle photography
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounA piece of paper pasted upon the tympan sheet to improve the impression by making it stronger at a particular printing publishing
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounOdds which are set higher than expected or warranted. Favorable odds.gambling games
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounA horse going off at higher odds than it appears to warrant, based on its past performances.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sports
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounA decal attached to a computer keyboard to relabel the keys.
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounA block of program code that is loaded over something previously loaded, so as to replace the functionality.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounA pop-up covering an existing part of the display.Internet
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounA cravat.Scotland
NeckwearoverlayEnglishnounA covering over something else.
NeckwearoverlayEnglishverbsimple past of overlieform-of past
New Jersey, USAジョージタウンJapanesenameGeorge Town
New Jersey, USAジョージタウンJapanesenameGeorgetown
New World warblersbutterbuttEnglishnounThe yellow-rumped warbler (Setophaga coronata), a North American bird species with a conspicuous yellow rump.colloquial
New World warblersbutterbuttEnglishnounThe yellow-rumped thornbill (Acanthiza chrysorrhoa), an Australian bird species with a conspicuous yellow rump.Australia colloquial
New Year新年ChinesenounNew Year (in the Gregorian calendar or Chinese calendar)
New Year新年Chinesenounnext yearHokkien Jinjiang Philippine Quanzhou
NicaraguacentavoEnglishnounCurrency unit (hundredth of a peso) in Mexico.
NicaraguacentavoEnglishnounA similar subdenomination of various other currencies (in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mozambique, Nicaragua, and the Philippines).
NicaraguacentavoEnglishnounThe former subdenomination of some other currencies (in Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, Puerto Rico, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Venezuela).historical
Nicknames of individuals689ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 6, 8, 9, 六, 八 (bā), 九 (jiǔ).
Nicknames of individuals689ChinesenounLeung Chun-ying, or his supportersneologism slang
Nicknames of individuals689Chinesenounsupporters of Ma Ying-jeouneologism slang
Nicknames of individuals689Chinesenounsupporters of Tsai Ing-wenneologism slang
Nicknames of individualsGigachadEnglishnameA nickname for a model from Russia, Ernest Khalimov, often featured in memes derived from several images posted by the Instagram account berlin.1969.Internet
Nicknames of individualsGigachadEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of gigachad.alt-of
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (name of the national legislatures or legislative houses of several countries, such as France's lower house)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe Supreme Assembly (Uzbekistan's bicameral legislature)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (East Timor's unicameral legislature)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe People's Majlis (Maldives's unicameral legislature)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe Council of Representatives (Iraq's unicameral legislature)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe Parliament (Lebanon's and Ghana's unicameral legislature)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe National Congress (Honduras's unicameral legislature; Argentina's, Chile's and Palau's bicameral legislature)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (Solomon Islands' unicameral legislature)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe National Legislature (South Sudan's bicameral legislature)
Niger国民議会Japanesenamethe National Council (Austria's and Switzerland lower house)
Night暝昏Chinesenounevening; nightMin Southern
Night暝昏Chinesenoundinner (evening meal)Hainanese Teochew
NightshadesعوسجArabicnounspecies of plants in genus Lycium / Arabian boxthorn, Lycium shawiicollective
NightshadesعوسجArabicnounspecies of plants in genus Lycium / Lycium depressumcollective
NightshadesعوسجArabicnounspecies of plants in genus Lycium / Lycium intricatumal-Andalus collective
NobilityвојводаMacedoniannounmilitary leader
Norfolk, EnglandNorfolcianEnglishadjOf or relating to the county of Norfolk in England.not-comparable
Norfolk, EnglandNorfolcianEnglishnounA native or resident of Norfolk.
NorwayNordmannGermannounNorseman, Viking, Scandinavianmasculine strong
NorwayNordmannGermannounsomeone from the north (of any given reference point)masculine obsolete strong
NorwayNordmannGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun strong
NutsboscageEnglishnounA place set with trees or mass of shrubbery, a grove or thicket.countable uncountable
NutsboscageEnglishnounMast-nuts of forest trees, used as food for pigs, or any such sustenance as wood and trees yield to cattle.lawcountable uncountable
NutsboscageEnglishnounAmong painters, a picture depicting a wooded artscountable uncountable
NutsboscageEnglishnounA tax on wood.countable uncountable
Obstetrics生產Chineseverbto produce; to manufacture
Obstetrics生產Chineseverbto give birth (to a child)
OccultволшебныйRussianadjmagic, magical, miraculous
OccultволшебныйRussianadjfantastic, fantastical, fanciful
OccultволшебныйRussianadjenchanting, charming, captivatingfiguratively
OccupationsPiratinGermannounfemale pirate (a criminal who plunders at sea)feminine
OccupationsPiratinGermannounfemale member of a pirate partyfeminine
OccupationsSPJapanesenounsimulated patientmedicine sciences
OccupationsSPJapanesenounInitialism of セールスプロモーション (“sales promotion”).businessabbreviation alt-of initialism
OccupationscriminosoPortuguesenouncriminal (person guilty of a crime, breaking the law)masculine
OccupationscriminosoPortugueseadjcriminal (relating to crime)not-comparable
OccupationsdichterDutchadjcomparative degree of dichtcomparative form-of
OccupationsdyplomatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of dyplomata (“diplomat”) (female person who is accredited to represent a government)diplomacy government politicsfeminine form-of
OccupationsdyplomatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of dyplomata (“diplomat”) (female person who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people)feminine form-of
OccupationsdystrybutorPolishnounretailer, distributorbusiness economics marketing sciencesmasculine person
OccupationsdystrybutorPolishnounsoda fountaininanimate masculine
OccupationsdystrybutorPolishnoungas pumpautomotive transport vehiclesinanimate masculine
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person who physically floats in a gas or liquid.
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person who physically floats in a gas or liquid. / A corpse floating in a body of water.government law-enforcementslang
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / A person who frequently changes where they live; a drifter, a vagrant.figuratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / A person who frequently changes employment.figuratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / An employee of an organization who does not have fixed tasks to do but fills in wherever needed, usually when someone else is away; also, a short-term employee; a temporary, a temp.figuratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / An "extra" (male) guest at a party who is asked by the host to entertain the other (often female) guests.figuratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / A person who attaches themselves to a group of people, and who repeatedly shows up at group activities even though this is undesired by the group; a hanger-on.figuratively slang
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / A voter who shifts their allegiance from one political party to another, especially (US) one whose vote can be illegally purchased.government politicsfiguratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / A person who votes illegally in various electoral districts or polling places, either under a false voter registration or under the name of a properly registered voter who has not yet voted.government politicsUS figuratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / A person, such as a delegate to a convention or a member of a legislature, who represents an irregular constituency, such as one formed by a union of the voters of two counties neither of which has a number sufficient to be allowed one (or an extra) representative of its own.government politicsUS figuratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA person who floats. / A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role. / A player not affiliated with a team.hobbies lifestyle sportsfiguratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which physically floats in a gas or liquid. / A river mussel of the genus Anodonta; an anodon.
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which physically floats in a gas or liquid. / A small suet dumpling put into soup.
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which physically floats in a gas or liquid. / A piece of faeces which floats.vulgar
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which physically floats in a gas or liquid. / A threadlike speck in the visual field which seems to move, possibly caused by degeneration of the vitreous humour of the eye.medicine ophthalmology sciences
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which physically floats in a gas or liquid. / A ball that moves lightly through the air, as if floating; specifically (basketball), an early layup taken by a player moving towards the rim where, upon release, the ball floats in the air over the top of a defender before dropping softly into the hoop.hobbies lifestyle sports
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which physically floats in a gas or liquid. / Short for pie floater (“a meat pie served floating in a bowl of thick green pea soup”).Australia abbreviation alt-of
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which physically floats in a gas or liquid. / A waterproof sandal.India
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which moves from place to place, as if floating. / A mistake or misstep; a faux pas.dated figuratively slang
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which moves from place to place, as if floating. / Short for floating rate financeabbreviation alt-of figuratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which moves from place to place, as if floating. / An insurance policy covering movable property at more than one location or which may be in insurancefiguratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which moves from place to place, as if floating. / A book circulated between prisoners which is not part of the official prison library.figuratively slang
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which moves from place to place, as if floating. / A manoeuvre in which a surfer transitions above the unbroken face of a wave on to the lip, or on top of the breaking section of the wave.hobbies lifestyle sports surfingfiguratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which moves from place to place, as if floating. / A coin which does not spin when thrown in the air.figuratively
OccupationsfloaterEnglishnounA thing which floats. / A thing which moves from place to place, as if floating. / A criminal sentence which is suspended so long as the convicted person leaves an area.lawUS figuratively
OccupationsgallinerCatalannounhenhouse, chicken coopmasculine
OccupationsgallinerCatalannounkip (very untidy house or room)masculine
OccupationsgallinerCatalannounone who deals in hensmasculine
OccupationsmechanikusHungarianadjmechanical (related to mechanics; done by machine)
OccupationsmechanikusHungarianadjautomatic, perfunctory, thoughtless, instinctive (done out of habit or without conscious thought)
OccupationsmechanikusHungarianadjmechanical (routine, lacking spontaneity)
OccupationsmechanikusHungariannounmechanic (a skilled worker capable of building or repairing machinery)rare
OccupationsministerEnglishnounA person who is trained to preach, to perform religious ceremonies, and to afford pastoral care at a Protestant church.Christianity Protestantism
OccupationsministerEnglishnounA person (either a layperson or an ordained clergy member) who is commissioned to perform some act on behalf of the Catholic Church.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
OccupationsministerEnglishnounA politician who heads a ministrygovernment
OccupationsministerEnglishnounIn diplomacy, the rank of diplomat directly below ambassador.
OccupationsministerEnglishnounA servant; a subordinate; an officer or assistant of inferior rank; hence, an agent, an instrument.
OccupationsministerEnglishverbTo attend to (the needs of); to tend; to take care (of); to give aid; to give service.transitive
OccupationsministerEnglishverbTo function as a clergyman or as the officiant in church worship.intransitive
OccupationsministerEnglishverbTo afford, to give, to supply.archaic transitive
OccupationssaorScottish Gaelicadjfree
OccupationssaorScottish Gaelicadjcheap
OccupationssaorScottish Gaelicverbfree, rescue, save
OccupationssaorScottish Gaelicverbclear, redeem
OccupationssaorScottish Gaelicverbcheapen
OccupationssaorScottish Gaelicnounjoinermasculine
OccupationssaorScottish Gaelicnouncarpentermasculine
OccupationsworkerEnglishnounA person who performs labor for a living, especially manual labor.
OccupationsworkerEnglishnounA nonreproductive social insect, such as ant, bee, termite, or wasp.
OccupationsworkerEnglishnounA nonreproductive social insect, such as ant, bee, termite, or wasp. / A female ant, bee, termite or wasp.rare
OccupationsworkerEnglishnounA thread performing one instance of a particular task within a program.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
OccupationsδιερμηνείαGreeknouninterpretation (the discipline or study of translating spoken language)human-sciences linguistics sciences translation-studies
OccupationsμαῖαAncient Greeknounmidwife
OccupationsμαῖαAncient Greeknounfoster mother, nurse
OccupationsμαῖαAncient Greeknoungood mother, dame
OccupationsпосильнаUkrainianadjnominative feminine singular of поси́льний (posýlʹnyj)feminine form-of nominative singular
OccupationsпосильнаUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of поси́льний (posýlʹnyj, “messenger, courier”)feminine form-of
OccupationsمؤلفArabicadjwriter, author
OccupationsمؤلفArabicadjcomposed, authored, written
OccupationsمؤلفArabicnouna work of literature, music, or art
Occupations司馬Japanesenouna position in feudal China, responsible for certain bureaucratic, religious and military affairsgovernment lifestyle military politics religion warhistorical
Occupations司馬JapanesenounSynonym of 掾 (jō, “third-in-command of a 国司 (kokushi, “governorship”)”) (唐名 (karana, “Chinese designation”))governmenthistorical
Occupations司馬Japanesenamea surname from Chinese
Ohio, USAOHEnglishnameAbbreviation of Ohio.US abbreviation alt-of
Ohio, USAOHEnglishnounInitialism of other half: a husband, wife, partner, etc.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
Ohio, USAOHEnglishnounInitialism of observation helicopter.aeronautics aerospace army aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
Ohio, USAOHEnglishnounInitialism of office hours.abbreviation alt-of initialism plural plural-only
Ohio, USAOHEnglishsymbolA hydroxyl, or alcohol, functional group.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
Ohio, USAOHEnglishsymbolA hydroxide radical, or hydroxyl group.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Ohio, USAサンタフェJapanesenameSanta Fe
Ohio, USAサンタフェJapanesenameSanta Fé (a municipality of Paraná, Brazil)
Old Polish ordinal numbersdrugiOld Polishadjsecond (following after the first one, used in compound numbers)
Old Polish ordinal numbersdrugiOld Polishadjcoming; soonest
Old Polish ordinal numbersdrugiOld Polishadjanother, other; different
Old Polish ordinal numbersdrugiOld Polishadjthe other (second of two)
Old Polish ordinal numbersdrugiOld Polishadjthe other (opposite)
Old Polish ordinal numbersdrugiOld Polishpronanother, other; different
Old Polish ordinal numbersdrugiOld Polishpronthe rest of everyone, the remaining peoplein-plural
Old Polish ordinal numbersdrugiOld Polishpronsome (not all)repeated
Old World monkeyspapionineEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the monkey tribe Papionini.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
Old World monkeyspapionineEnglishnounAny member of the monkey tribe Papionini.biology natural-sciences zoology
Old World orioleswitwallEnglishnounThe golden oriole.UK dialectal
Old World orioleswitwallEnglishnounThe great spotted woodpecker.UK dialectal
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounA tree, Olea europaea, cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean for its fruit and the oil obtained from it.
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounThe small oval fruit of this tree, eaten ripe (usually black) or unripe (usually green).
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounThe wood of the olive tree.
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounA dark yellowish-green color, that of an unripe olive.
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounAn olivary body, part of the medulla oblongata.anatomy medicine neuroanatomy neurology neuroscience sciences
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounA component of a plumbing compression joint; a ring which is placed between the nut and the pipe and compressed during fastening to provide a seal.
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounA small slice of meat seasoned, rolled up, and food lifestyle
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounAny shell of the genus Oliva and allied genera; so called from the shape.
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishnounAn oystercatcher, a shore bird.UK dialectal
Olive family plantsoliveEnglishadjOf a grayish green color, that of an unripe olive.
Olive family plantsorneFrenchnounmanna ash (Fraxinus ornus)masculine
Olive family plantsorneFrenchverbinflection of orner: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Olive family plantsorneFrenchverbinflection of orner: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
OnemonologyEnglishnounThe act of habit of soliloquizing, or of dominating conversation.countable uncountable
OnemonologyEnglishnounA work consisting of a single part (as opposed to a dilogy, trilogy, etc.)countable rare
One一次Chinesenounone time
One一次Chineseadjlinearmathematics sciencesattributive
OnomasticsimięPolishnounname; given name (name chosen for a child by its parents)neuter
OnomasticsimięPolishnounname (designation given to an animal, plant or other object)neuter
OnomasticsimięPolishnounname (name given to an institution, place or cultural or sports event in honor of a famous and distinguished person or group of people or a historical event)neuter
OnomasticsimięPolishnounname (reputation)neuter
OnomasticsimięPolishnounnominal (any term declining for case)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesneuter obsolete
OnomasticsimięPolishnounpower, authorityMiddle Polish neuter
OnomasticsimięPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain.Middle Polish neuter
OpticsprojeçãoPortuguesenounprojection (something which projects outwards)feminine
OpticsprojeçãoPortuguesenounthe quality of something which projects outwardsfeminine uncountable
OpticsprojeçãoPortuguesenounprojection (act of projecting, throwing)feminine
OpticsprojeçãoPortuguesenounprojection (forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation)feminine
OpticsprojeçãoPortuguesenounprojection (display of an image by a projector)feminine
OpticsprojeçãoPortuguesenounthe attribution of one’s emotions into another object or personhuman-sciences psychology sciencesfeminine
OpticsprojeçãoPortuguesenounprojection (image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions)geometry mathematics sciencesfeminine
OpticsprojeçãoPortuguesenounprojection (system for representing a globe in a flat surface)cartography geography natural-sciencesfeminine
Organic chemistryalcoholSpanishnounalcoholmasculine
Organic chemistryalcoholSpanishnoungalenachemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
Organic chemistryalcoholSpanishnounkohl, stibnitecosmetics lifestylemasculine
OrganizationsPETAEnglishnameAcronym of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.abbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsPETAEnglishnameAcronym of People Eating Tasty Animals.abbreviation acronym alt-of humorous
OrganizationsPETAEnglishnameAcronym of Philippine Education Theater Association.Philippines abbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsPETAEnglishnounInitialism of performance task.educationPhilippines abbreviation alt-of initialism
Palm treesarengaPolishnounareng (Arenga pinnata)feminine
Palm treesarengaPolishnounpreamble (an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute)lawfeminine
Palm treesarengaPolishnouna document of motives spread by the Churchlifestyle religionfeminine historical
Parentsmẹ nóVietnamesepronyou, our child(ren)'s momNorthern Vietnam
Parentsmẹ nóVietnamesepronshe/her, your child(ren)'s momNorthern Vietnam
Parentsmẹ nóVietnameseintjDamn it.
ParentsматиOld East Slavicnounmotherfeminine
ParentsматиOld East Slavicnounfoundationfeminine
PeopleGuilforditeEnglishnounSomeone from or residing in Guilford, Connecticut, United States.rare
PeopleGuilforditeEnglishnounSomeone from or residing in Guilford, Vermont.rare
PeoplePflaumeGermannounvulvacolloquial feminine vulgar
PeoplePflaumeGermannounfool; klutzcolloquial feminine
PeopleRothaarigerGermannounredhead (of male or unspecified gender)adjectival masculine
PeopleRothaarigerGermannouninflection of Rothaarige: / strong genitive singular/pluralfeminine form-of genitive plural singular strong
PeopleRothaarigerGermannouninflection of Rothaarige: / strong dative singulardative feminine form-of singular strong
PeopleSchnauferGermannoungasp; audible breathcolloquial masculine strong
PeopleSchnauferGermannounimmature boySwitzerland masculine strong
PeopleaccessoryEnglishadjHaving a secondary, supplementary or subordinate function by accompanying as a subordinate; aiding in a secondary way; being additional; contributing or being contributory.
PeopleaccessoryEnglishadjAssisting a crime without actually participating in committing the crime itself; being connected as an incident or subordinate to a
PeopleaccessoryEnglishadjPresent in a minor amount, and not essential.
PeopleaccessoryEnglishnounSomething that belongs to part of another main thing; something additional and subordinate, an attachment.
PeopleaccessoryEnglishnounAn article that completes one's basic outfit, such as a scarf or lifestyle
PeopleaccessoryEnglishnounA person who is not present at a crime, but contributes to it as an assistant or
PeopleaccessoryEnglishnounSomething in a work of art without being indispensably necessary, for example solely ornamental arts
PeopleacterEnglishnounA play or film with a particular number of
PeopleacterEnglishnounAn actor, someone who or something which acts.nonstandard uncommon
PeoplearbiterPolishnounarbiter (person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them)lawmasculine person
PeoplearbiterPolishnounauthority (person)masculine person
PeoplearbiterPolishnounreferee (umpire, judge of a game)hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine person
PeoplearọYorubanouniron smelting; blacksmithing
PeoplearọYorubanoundisabled or handicapped person; cripple
PeopleautocideEnglishnounControl of a pest through propagation of sterile males.agriculture business lifestylecountable uncountable
PeopleautocideEnglishnounA substance produced by a bacterium that is fatal to that bacterium.bacteriology biology microbiology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
PeopleautocideEnglishnounA suicidal person.countable obsolete rare uncountable
PeopleautocideEnglishnounAn act of suicide committed by crashing a car.countable uncountable
PeopleautocideEnglishnounAn act of killing someone with an automobile.countable uncountable
PeoplebakalôrzKashubiannounelementary school teachermasculine obsolete person
PeoplebakalôrzKashubiannounteacherderogatory masculine person sometimes
PeoplebakalôrzKashubiannounbachelor (person with the first or lowest academical degree conferred by universities and colleges)educationmasculine person
PeoplebonerEnglishnounAn erect penis.slang vulgar
PeoplebonerEnglishnounAn erect penis. / An often perverse sense of enjoyment from or predilection towards something.figuratively slang vulgar
PeoplebonerEnglishnounOne who or that which removes bones.
PeoplebonerEnglishnounA blunder; a silly mistake.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsdated especially slang
PeoplebonerEnglishnounA trombonisthumorous
PeoplebowyerEnglishnounA person who makes or sells bows (for use with arrows).
PeoplebowyerEnglishnounA person who uses the bow, an archer.archaic
Peoplebrass neckEnglishnounGall, shamelessness, cheek.Ireland UK idiomatic
Peoplebrass neckEnglishnounA person with gall.Ireland UK idiomatic
PeoplecostermongerEnglishnounA trader who sells fruit and vegetables from a cart or barrow in the street.Ireland UK
PeoplecostermongerEnglishnounAn apple-seller, usually itinerant and selling from a cart.Ireland UK
PeoplecusperEnglishnounA person considered to have been born on a cusp between significant generations.
PeoplecusperEnglishnounA person born on a day at a junction of star signs.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
PeopledatuCebuanonouna datuhistorical
PeopledatuCebuanonouna wealthy person
PeopledziewosłąbPolishnounmatchmaker (person who arranges marriages)masculine obsolete person
PeopledziewosłąbPolishnounmatchmaking (arranging of marriages)masculine obsolete person plural plural-only
PeopledziewosłąbPolishnounwedding songmasculine obsolete person
PeopleerCornishprepfor, by, on account of
PeopleerCornishnountempleanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
PeopleerCornishnounchallenge, defiance, stubbornness, insistence, heresymasculine
PeopleerCornishnounSoft mutation of ger.form-of mutation-soft
PeoplefinkEnglishnounA contemptible person.US slang
PeoplefinkEnglishnounAn informer.US slang
PeoplefinkEnglishnounA strikebreaker.US slang
PeoplefinkEnglishverbTo betray a trust; to inform on.US slang
PeoplefinkEnglishverbPronunciation spelling of think.alt-of dialectal pronunciation-spelling
PeoplefinkEnglishnounAny of several birds in the family Ploceidae native to southern Africa.South-Africa
PeoplegangueroSpanishadjthat searches for good deals
PeoplegangueroSpanishnounbargain huntermasculine
PeopleguestEnglishnounA recipient of hospitality, especially someone staying by invitation at the house of another.
PeopleguestEnglishnounA patron or customer in a hotel etc.
PeopleguestEnglishnounAn invited visitor or performer to an institution or to a broadcast.
PeopleguestEnglishnounA user given temporary access to a system despite not having an account of their own.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeopleguestEnglishnounAny insect that lives in the nest of another without compulsion and usually not as a parasite.biology natural-sciences zoology
PeopleguestEnglishnounAn inquiline.biology natural-sciences zoology
PeopleguestEnglishverbTo appear as a guest, especially on a broadcast.intransitive
PeopleguestEnglishverbAs a musician: to play as a guest, providing an instrument that a band/orchestra does not normally have in its line up (for instance, percussion in a string band).intransitive
PeopleguestEnglishverbTo receive or entertain hospitably.obsolete transitive
PeopleharvestmanEnglishnounA field-worker who works to gather in the harvest.
PeopleharvestmanEnglishnounAn order of terrestrial, non-venomous arachnids with often very long legs: Opiliones.
Peopleinka̱naꞌChickasawnounfriendship, amityalienable
Peoplejerk offEnglishverbTo masturbate manually.Australia Canada US idiomatic intransitive usually vulgar
Peoplejerk offEnglishverbTo manually stimulate another person's penis.Australia Canada US idiomatic transitive vulgar
Peoplejerk offEnglishverbTo do nothing; to waste time.Australia Canada US idiomatic intransitive vulgar
Peoplejerk offEnglishverbTo deceive.Australia Canada US idiomatic transitive vulgar
Peoplejerk offEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see jerk, off.Australia Canada US dated idiomatic
Peoplejerk offEnglishnounAlternative form of jerkoff (“an obnoxious person”)alt-of alternative countable uncountable
Peoplejerk offEnglishnounAn act of masturbation.US countable uncountable vulgar
Peoplejerk offEnglishnounA stunt in which the performer is suddenly pulled off a horse, etc. by means of a cable.broadcasting film media televisioncountable uncountable
PeoplekaptenEstoniannouncaptain (commander of sea-going vessel or airliner)
PeoplekaptenEstoniannouncaptaingovernment military politics war
PeoplekaptenEstoniannouncaptain (athlete on sports team designated to make decisions)
PeoplekefenciTurkishnounmaker or seller of shrouds, winding cloths, or other similar dresses and apparel for the dead
PeoplekefenciTurkishnoungraverobber, one who robs graves or tombs in order to sell the contents for profitfiguratively
PeoplekothiEnglishnounA bungalow.India
PeoplekothiEnglishnounIn the culture of the Indian subcontinent, an effeminate man who takes on a passive or female gender role in same-sex relationships.India
PeoplemaszkaraPolishnoundog, troll (unattractive person)feminine
PeoplemaszkaraPolishnounmaskdated feminine
PeoplemunterEnglishnounAn ugly person.Ireland UK derogatory slang
PeoplemunterEnglishnounA person often impaired by alcohol or recreational drugs.Commonwealth slang
PeoplemunterEnglishnounA watch, the thing that one wears to know the time.Scotland obsolete
PeoplemęczybułaPolishnounpiece of pyzycolloquial feminine humorous
PeoplemęczybułaPolishnounbore, complainer, pain in the ass, whiner (person who teases others or frequently expresses their dissatisfaction with what they have or what is offered, making their behaviour difficult to bear)animate colloquial feminine humorous inanimate masculine person
PeoplemęczybułaPolishnounbaker (person who bakes and sells bread, cakes and similar items)baking cooking food lifestyleanimate colloquial feminine humorous inanimate masculine person
PeoplenoviisiFinnishnounsecond-person singular possessive form of illative plural of novaform-of illative plural-of possessive second-person singular
Peopleperiuk nasiMalaynounrice cooker
Peopleperiuk nasiMalaynounsource of income, breadwinneridiomatic
PeoplepharmacistEnglishnounA health professional who controls, formulates, preserves, and dispenses medications and provides medical advice and counseling on how medicines should be used in order to achieve maximum benefit, and minimal side effects in order to avoid drug interactions.
PeoplepharmacistEnglishnounOne who studies pharmacy.literary
PeopleremembererEnglishnounOne who remembers, recalls from memory.
PeopleremembererEnglishnounOne who remembers several words and phrases from a moribund language, but never became fluent in it.human-sciences linguistics sciences social-science sociolinguistics sociology
PeoplescavengerEnglishnounSomeone who scavenges, especially one who searches through rubbish for food or useful things.
PeoplescavengerEnglishnounAn animal that feeds on decaying matter such as carrion.
PeoplescavengerEnglishnounA street sweeper.Ireland UK obsolete
PeoplescavengerEnglishnounA child employed to pick up loose cotton from the floor in a cotton mill.Ireland UK historical
PeoplescavengerEnglishnounA substance used to remove impurities from the air or from a solution.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
PeoplescavengerEnglishverbTo scavenge.archaic
PeoplescavengerEnglishverbTo clean the rubbish from a street, etc.archaic
PeopleuogaLithuaniannounberrybiology botany natural-sciences
PeopleuogaLithuaniannounenticing girlslang
PeoplećovaxaniRomaninounfemale equivalent of ćovaxano: / ghost, apparitionfeminine
PeoplećovaxaniRomaninounfemale equivalent of ćovaxano: / witch, sorceressfeminine
PeopleבהמהHebrewnounbeast, animal (usually domesticated), livestock
PeopleבהמהHebrewnounbeast, a person who behaves in an uncivilized manner
Peopleབསྟན་འཛིནTibetannounan adherent; one who upholds and adheres to the doctrines
Peopleབསྟན་འཛིནTibetannamea unisex given name: Tenzin
PeopleレイヤーJapanesenounlayercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software
PeopleレイヤーJapanesenounShort for コスプレイヤー (kosupureiyā, “cosplayer”).abbreviation alt-of
People女同志Chinesenounfemale person; female comradeMainland-China
People屠夫Chinesenounbutcher (person who slaughters animals and sells their meat)dated
People屠夫Chinesenounruthless rulerfiguratively
People幫閒Chinesenounliterary hack
People幫閒Chineseverbto keep to serve the rich and powerful with literary hack work, etc.
People渣滓Chinesenoundregs; residue; dross
People渣滓Chinesenoundisreputable person; scumderogatory figuratively
People渣滓Chinesenoungarbage; trash; rubbishdialectal
People溜娃子Chinesenounhooligan; scumbag; scoundrelMandarin Ürümqi
Perching birdsantulihawCebuanonounthe Philippine oriole (Oriolus steerii); a species endemic to the Philippines
Perching birdsantulihawCebuanonounan oriolebroadly
Percussion instruments波羅Chinesenountigerobsolete
Percussion instruments波羅ChinesenounShort for 波羅蜜/波罗蜜 (bōluómì, “paramita”).abbreviation alt-of literary
Percussion instruments波羅ChinesenounAlternative form of 菠蘿/菠萝 (bōluó, “pineapple”)alt-of alternative
Percussion instruments波羅Chinesenounwooden fish (Buddhist wooden percussion instrument)Mandarin dialectal
Percussion instruments波羅Chineseadjmelancholyarchaic
Percussion instruments長鼓Chinesenounlong drum
Percussion instruments長鼓ChinesenounKorean traditional drum
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannameBahman, the eleventh month of the solar Persian calendar
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannameName of the second day of any month of the solar Persian calendar
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannamea male given name, Bahman
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannounavalanche
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / white behen (Centaurea behen)
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / red behen (Limonium vulgare)
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannouncommon awn-grass (Stipa capensis)
PersonalitygrossierFrenchadjcoarse (physically, not fine)
PersonalitygrossierFrenchadjshoddy (not well-made)
PersonalitygrossierFrenchadjrude, uncouth
PetroleumolejPolishnounoil (liquid fat)inanimate masculine
PetroleumolejPolishnounoil (oil produced from plants)inanimate masculine
PetroleumolejPolishnouncooking oilcooking food lifestyleinanimate masculine
PetroleumolejPolishnounmotor oilinanimate masculine
PetroleumolejPolishnounoil paintcolloquial inanimate masculine
PetroleumolejPolishnounoil painting (painting done with oil paints)colloquial inanimate masculine
PetroleumolejPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of olaćform-of imperative second-person singular
Pezizales order fungitrubEnglishnounThe layer of sediment that appears at the bottom of the fermenter after yeast has completed the bulk of the fermentation.beverages brewing business food lifestyle manufacturinguncountable
Pezizales order fungitrubEnglishnounA trufflecountable obsolete uncountable
Philosophy意識Japanesenounconsciousness; awareness
Philosophy意識Japanesenounsense; awareness
Philosophy意識Japaneseverbbe conscious
Philosophy意識Japaneseverbbe aware
PhotographyretratoCebuanonouna photograph; a picture made using a camera
PhotographyretratoCebuanonouna portrait
PhotographyretratoCebuanoverbto take a photograph
PhotographyretratoCebuanoverbto have one's photograph's taken
Physical chemistryUPSEnglishnounInitialism of uninterruptible power supply/sourcebusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Physical chemistryUPSEnglishnounInitialism of ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Physical chemistryUPSEnglishnounInitialism of ubiquitin-proteasome system.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Physical chemistryUPSEnglishverbTo connect a device to an uninterruptible power supplybusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsnonstandard
Physical chemistryUPSEnglishnameInitialism of United Parcel Service.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PhysicsультрадыбыстыKazakhnounaccusative singular of ультрадыбыс (ultradybys)accusative form-of singular
PinballplayboardEnglishnounA ledge or shelf used in puppetry for balancing props.
PinballplayboardEnglishnounThe playfield of a pinball table or similar game.
Pines都草JapanesenounLotus japonicus
Pines都草JapanesenounSynonym of 松 (matsu, “pine”)
Places in Florida, USAEvergladesEnglishnameAn area of subtropical marshland in southern Florida.
Places in Florida, USAEvergladesEnglishnameEverglades National Park, a national park in south of the Everglades.
Places in Nouvelle-AquitaineLimousinEnglishnameA former region in France; since 2016, part of the region of New Aquitaine.
Places in Nouvelle-AquitaineLimousinEnglishnounOne of a breed of cattle from this region.
Places of worshipخاورهOttoman Turkishnounsynagogue
Places of worshipخاورهOttoman Turkishnouncrowded, noisy place
Planets of the Solar SystemNeptunNorwegian BokmålnameNeptune, the planet
Planets of the Solar SystemNeptunNorwegian BokmålnameNeptune (Roman god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Planets of the Solar SystemЕвропаKyrgyznameEurope (a continent)
Planets of the Solar SystemЕвропаKyrgyznameEuropa (princess abducted to Crete by Zeus in Greek mythology)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Planets of the Solar SystemЕвропаKyrgyznameEuropa (moon of Jupiter)astronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemܐܦܪܘܕܝܛܐClassical SyriacnameAphroditehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Planets of the Solar SystemܐܦܪܘܕܝܛܐClassical Syriacnamethe planet Venus
Plant anatomybarkEnglishverbTo make a short, loud, explosive noise with the vocal organs (said of animals, especially dogs).intransitive
Plant anatomybarkEnglishverbTo make a clamor; to make importunate outcries.intransitive
Plant anatomybarkEnglishverbTo speak sharply.transitive
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounThe short, loud, explosive sound uttered by a dog, a fox, and some other animals.
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounAn abrupt loud vocal utterance.figuratively
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounThe quick opening of the hi-hat cymbal as it is hit, followed by its timely closing.entertainment lifestyle music
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounThe exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree.countable uncountable
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounPeruvian bark or Jesuit's bark, the bark of the cinchona from which quinine is produced.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounHard candy made in flat sheets, for instance out of chocolate, peanut butter, toffee or peppermint.countable uncountable
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounThe crust formed on barbecued meat that has had a rub applied to it.countable uncountable
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounThe envelopment or outer covering of anything.countable uncountable
Plant anatomybarkEnglishverbTo strip the bark from; to peel.
Plant anatomybarkEnglishverbTo abrade or rub off any outer covering from.
Plant anatomybarkEnglishverbTo girdle.
Plant anatomybarkEnglishverbTo cover or inclose with bark, or as with bark.
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounA small sailing vessel, e.g. a pinnace or a fishing smack; a rowing boat or barge.obsolete
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounA sailing vessel or boat of any kind.poetic
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounA vessel, typically with three (or more) masts, with the foremasts (or fore- and mainmasts) square-rigged, and mizzenmast schooner-rigged.nautical transport
Plant anatomybarkEnglishnounAn Irish person.obsolete slang
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounAn imitation of a rose by means of ribbon or other material, used especially as an ornament or a badge.
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounAn ornament in the form of a rose or roundel, much used in decoration.architecture
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA decorative inlay surrounding the sound hole of a guitar.entertainment lifestyle music
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA red color.
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA rose burner.
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounOne or more whorls of leaves, clustered tightly at the base of a plant.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA plant growth form in which the plant grows outward in all directions for a short distance, producing a small round shape.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounAny structure having a flowerlike form; especially, the group of five broad ambulacra on the upper side of the spatangoid and clypeastroid sea urchins.biology natural-sciences zoology
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA flowerlike color marking, as on the leopard.biology natural-sciences zoology
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA floral pattern in latte art.
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA clustered formation of tumor cells.medicine sciences
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA thin, cookie-like, deep-fried Scandinavian pastry, made using an iron, which resembles a rose food lifestyle
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA rose shape piped using frosting, most commonly food lifestyle
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA form of knot.
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA disc formed by throwing water on molten metal.
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounA rosette sampler.geography natural-sciences oceanography
Plant anatomyrosetteEnglishnounSynonym of worm-starmedicine pathology sciences
PlantsblædnesOld Englishnounflower, blossom
PlantsblædnesOld Englishnounfruit
PlantstsáʼásziʼtsʼóózNavajonouna type of soapweed, Yucca glauca
PlantstsáʼásziʼtsʼóózNavajonounYucca angustissima
PlantsねこじゃらしJapanesenouncat teaser (toy)
PlantsねこじゃらしJapanesenounSynonym of えのころぐさ
Plants미채Koreannouncamouflage; dazzle camouflagegovernment military politics war
Plants미채Koreannounmichae, a dish made with seasoned Osmunda japonica fried in oil
Plovers and lapwings大膳Japanesenoungrey plover
Plovers and lapwings大膳JapanesenounShort for 大膳職.abbreviation alt-of
PlutoPlutoLatinnamePluto (god of the underworld)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman declension-3
PlutoPlutoLatinnamePluto (dwarf planet)astronomy natural-sciencesNew-Latin declension-3
PolandbyczekPolishnoundiminutive of bykanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
PolandbyczekPolishnounyoung bull (bovine)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
PolandbyczekPolishnounbrown bullhead, horned pout (Ameiurus nebulosus)animal-not-person informal masculine rare
PolandbyczekPolishnounstrong, young manmasculine person
PolandbyczekPolishnountype of Easter egg: a boiled egg dyed a single color (with vegetable dyes), usually blessed and eaten at Easterinanimate masculine regional
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnountown, village, hamlet
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnoundistrict
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounfield
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounfarm
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounproperty, possession
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounshout, cry, exclamation
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncalling, summoning
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncall, vocation
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounreading, rendering, recitation
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouninvocation, invitation
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouninvocation of the Holy Trinity at baptismChristianity
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounappellation, naming
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounnomination
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnoundesignation (of bishop)ecclesiastical lifestyle religion
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounappeal, recallinglaw
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounrecall, revocation
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounrecitation of poetry, meter/metrecommunications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounvarious senses: exclamation; vocative case; grammatical mood; type of sentence; name of accentgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounsound
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncrowing, cockcrow
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounbraying (of trumpets)
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounweevil, locust
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouninfestation
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnountortoise
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnoun(possibly) kind of diseasemedicine pathology sciences
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounbeam, plank
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounfalling down
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncreationuncountable
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounbarleyuncountable
Political subdivisionsܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounstyemedicine pathology sciencesuncountable
PoliticselegerPortugueseverbto elect
PoliticselegerPortugueseverbto name (mention, specify, choose)
Politics維新Chineseverbto reform (politically)
Politics維新Chinesenounreform; reformation (politically, especially in later 19th century and early 20th century)
PolymerstereospecificityEnglishnounThe property of a chemical reaction that yields specific stereoisomers as products.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable physical uncountable
PolymerstereospecificityEnglishnounThe property of a polymer that has a specific spatial arrangement of its constituent atoms.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencescountable physical uncountable
Pome fruitsrowanEnglishnounSorbus aucuparia, the European rowan.
Pome fruitsrowanEnglishnounAny of various small deciduous trees or shrubs of genus Sorbus, belonging to the rose family, with pinnate leaves, corymbs of white flowers, and usually with orange-red berries.
Pome fruitsrowanEnglishnounwych-elm, Ulmus glabra.obsolete
Pome fruitsrowanEnglishnounAlternative form of rowen (“aftermath”)alt-of alternative
Pome fruitsrowanEnglishnoundated form of roving (“an elongate bundle of fiber”).Scotland alt-of countable dated uncountable
Pome fruitsrowanEnglishnounAlternative form of rown (“fish-eggs”)Ireland Northern-England Scotland alt-of alternative archaic countable uncountable
PortugalbarranquensePortugueseadjof Barrancos, Portugalfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
PortugalbarranquensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Barrancos, Portugalby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PortugalsourensePortugueseadjof Soure, Portugalfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
PortugalsourensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Soure, Portugalby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Post地址Chinesenounaddress (such as a home or business address); location
Post地址Chinesenounaddress (such as a home or business address); location / postal addressspecifically
Post地址Chinesenounaddresscomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PrayerorisonEnglishnounA prayer.
PrayerorisonEnglishnounMystical contemplation or communion.
PregnancyconceptionFrenchnounconception (of a child)feminine
PregnancyconceptionFrenchnounconception (beginning, start)feminine
PregnancyconceptionFrenchnounability to understandfeminine
PregnancyconceptionFrenchnounviewpoint; anglefeminine
PregnancyconceptionFrenchnounconcept, ideafeminine
ProcyonidstexuTetelcingo Nahuatlnounwhite-nosed coati (Nasua narica)
ProcyonidstexuTetelcingo Nahuatlnounraccoon (Procyon lotor)
Prostitutioncall girlEnglishnounA female prostitute who is hired by telephone.informal
Prostitutioncall girlEnglishnounA woman who works as a call center agent. (see usage notes)humorous
Punctuation markscromfachWelshnounbracket (UK), parenthesis (US)media publishing typographyfeminine
Punctuation markscromfachWelshnouncircumflex, accentfeminine obsolete
Punctuation marksinterrogantCatalannounquestion markmasculine
Punctuation marksinterrogantCatalanverbgerund of interrogarform-of gerund
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishnounlinefeminine
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishnounlimitfeminine
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishnounpartingfeminine
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishnoundash (punctuation mark)feminine
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishnounscratchfeminine
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishnounray (fish)feminine
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishverbinflection of rayar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishverbinflection of rayar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishverbinflection of raer: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
Punctuation marksrayaSpanishverbinflection of raer: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Punctuation marksشحطةArabicnounverbal noun of شَحَطَ (šaḥaṭa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Punctuation marksشحطةArabicnounstroke, line / hyphen
Punctuation marksشحطةArabicnounstroke, line / dash
Punctuation marksشحطةArabicnoungimp, braid, stripe
Rail transportationmonorailFrenchadjmonorailrelational
Rail transportationmonorailFrenchnounmonorailmasculine
Rail transportationtraversoIdonouncrossbar, beamarchitecture
Rail transportationtraversoIdonounsleeper
RainkropićPolishverbto sprinkleimperfective transitive
RainkropićPolishverbto quickly and energetically say, write, or create (a text or work of art)imperfective transitive
RainkropićPolishverbto sprinkle oneselfimperfective reflexive
RainkropićPolishverbto sprinkle each otherimperfective reflexive
RainkropićPolishverbto drip, to drizzle, to spitimperfective impersonal intransitive
RainबरसातHindinounthe rainy season
RedsलालMarathiadjred (color/colour)
RedsलालMarathinounred (color/colour)
ReligionfoMiddle EnglishnounA foe, enemy or opponent: / An enemy of the true religion.
ReligionfoMiddle EnglishnounA foe, enemy or opponent: / An enemy combatant or armed force.
ReligionfoMiddle EnglishnounA foe, enemy or opponent: / Satan; the enemy of mankind.Christianity
ReligionfoMiddle EnglishnounA harmful or ruinous force; that which causes terror.
ReligionfoMiddle Englishadjcombative, opposed, inimicalrare
ReligionfoMiddle Englishadjdangerous, forebodingrare
ReligionfoMiddle EnglishadvIn a way showing unfriendliness or opposition.rare
ReligionrenayEnglishverbTo renounce (one’s faith or god), to apostasize from.obsolete transitive
ReligionrenayEnglishverbTo take back, to recant (something one says or believes).obsolete transitive
ReligionrenayEnglishverbTo reject, to deny the truth of (a statement).obsolete transitive
ReligionСвети Димитрија СолунскиMacedoniannameSaint Demetrius of Salonika
ReligionСвети Димитрија СолунскиMacedoniannameSaint Demetrius of Salonika's Day
ReligionитэҕэлYakutnounbelief, faith
Religionᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨManchunounparadise; heaven
Religionᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨManchunounKingdom of HeavenChristianity
Religion参詣Japanesenountemple visit
Religion参詣Japaneseverbto visit a temple
RoadshaťCzechnouncorduroy roadfeminine
RoadshaťCzechparticleAlternative form of aťalt-of alternative dialectal
RoadshaťCzechverbsecond-person singular imperative of hatitform-of imperative second-person singular
RoadsちまたJapanesenounfork in the road
RoadsちまたJapanesenounthe "town" (in metaphors for popularity, as in English talk of the town and Chinese 街談巷議/街谈巷议)figuratively
RocksPlutonicEnglishadjSynonym of Plutonian (“of or relating to Pluto, the Greek and Roman god of the underworld; demonic, infernal”)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman
RocksPlutonicEnglishadjSynonym of Plutonian (“of, relating to, or having characteristics associated with the underworld; dark, gloomy; mournful”)broadly
RocksPlutonicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to rocks formed deep in the Earth's crust, rather than by volcanoes at the surface of the Earth.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesbroadly
RocksPlutonicEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or supporting plutonism (“the theory that the rocks of the Earth were formed in fire by volcanic activity, with a continuing gradual process of weathering and erosion, then deposited on the sea bed, re-formed into layers of sedimentary rock by heat and pressure, and raised again”).geography geology natural-sciencesbroadly historical
Roman deitiescaelestisLatinadjcelestial, of or in the heavens, heavenlydeclension-3 two-termination
Roman deitiescaelestisLatinadjdivine, of the godsdeclension-3 figuratively two-termination
Roman deitiescaelestisLatinadjmagnificent, preeminent, god-likedeclension-3 figuratively two-termination
Roman deitiescaelestisLatinnouna deitydeclension-3 feminine masculine plural-normally
RomaniaBukovinanEnglishadjOf or relating to Bukovina.
RomaniaBukovinanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Bukovina.
RomaniaWallachiaEnglishnameA former principality in Eastern Europe, now part of South Romania.
RomaniaWallachiaEnglishnameA historical part of north-east Moravia.
RoofingστέγηGreeknounroof (of house, etc)
RoomsmītneLatviannoundwelling, abodedeclension-5 feminine
RoomsmītneLatviannounheadquartersdeclension-5 feminine
RoomsstueNorwegian Bokmålnounliving roomfeminine masculine
RoomsstueNorwegian Bokmålnounsmall housearchaic feminine masculine
RoomsstueNorwegian Bokmålnounlarge bedroom in a hospitalfeminine masculine
RoomsstueNorwegian Bokmålverbto stow (something)
RoomssunspaceEnglishnounAn especially sunny room or other area
RoomssunspaceEnglishnounA sunroom
Root vegetablesaladeYorubanounonionEkiti
Root vegetablesaladeYorubanounprince, princess, royal
Root vegetablesaladeYorubanounThe tree Myrianthus arboreus
Root vegetablesaladeYorubanounThe common species of yam grown and consumed in the Yoruba region, specifically Dioscorea cayenensis subsp. rotundata
Rosales order plantselmenEnglishadjOf or pertaining to an elm tree.archaic dialectal not-comparable rare
Rosales order plantselmenEnglishadjMade of elm wood.archaic dialectal not-comparable rare
Rosales order plantselmenEnglishadjComposed of elm trees.archaic dialectal not-comparable rare
RussiaрусификаторRussiannounRussificator (That which does Russification)
RussiaрусификаторRussiannounLocalization of software into the Russian language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
RussiaрусификаторRussiannounA specific program, mod, or user that translates a movie, game, or similar artistic work into the Russian language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Sailinglever l'ancreFrenchverbto weigh anchor
Sailinglever l'ancreFrenchverbto depart, to sail awayfiguratively
Santali letter namesᱚᱞSantaliverbto write
Santali letter namesᱚᱞSantaliverbto mark
Santali letter namesᱚᱞSantalinounthe name of an Ol Chiki letter, ᱞ (l)
SaucespipiánSpanishnouna kind of zucchinimasculine
SaucespipiánSpanishnouna type of sauce made with pumpkin seeds or almonds, toasted corn and green chiliMexico masculine
SaucespipiánSpanishnouna type of stew made with such sauceMexico masculine
Saxifragales order plants芍薬JapanesenounChinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora
Saxifragales order plants芍薬Japanesenoundried roots of Paeonia lactiflora used in medicinemedicine sciencesChinese traditional
Scandiceae tribe plantsmuskrootEnglishnounA tall umbelliferous plant (Ferula moschata, syn. Ferula sumbul)uncountable
Scandiceae tribe plantsmuskrootEnglishnounThe root of F. moschata, formerly used in medicine and as a substitute for musk.uncountable
Scandiceae tribe plantsmuskrootEnglishnounPlants of genus Adoxa (moschatel), especially species Adoxa moschatellina, found in most of the temperate Northern Hemisphere.uncountable
Scandiceae tribe plantsmuskrootEnglishnounNardostachys jatamansi (nard)uncountable
ScarabaeoidslamellicornEnglishadjHaving a group of flat lamellae on the end.biology entomology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
ScarabaeoidslamellicornEnglishadjHaving such antennae.biology entomology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
ScarabaeoidslamellicornEnglishnounA scarabaeid beetle with such antennae, in the obsolete taxon Lamellicornia.obsolete
SchoolsscholaLatinnounLeisure time given to learning; schooltime, classtime.declension-1 feminine
SchoolsscholaLatinnounA school; a place for learning or instruction.declension-1 feminine
SchoolsscholaLatinnounA student body; the disciples of a teacher.declension-1 feminine
SchoolsscholaLatinnounA school (especially a secondary school), a sect; body of followers of a teacher or system, such as those of a philosopher or the Praetorian guarddeclension-1 feminine
SchoolsscholaLatinnounAn art gallery.declension-1 feminine
ScolopacidsbiegusPolishnounany wading bird of the genus Calidrisanimal-not-person masculine
ScolopacidsbiegusPolishnouna duck used as an egglayeranimal-not-person masculine
ScolopacidsbiegusPolishnouna running animal, especially a horseanimal-not-person archaic masculine
Scorpaeniform fishмусBulgariannounEuropean bullhead, miller's thumb (freshwater fish of genus Cottus)obsolete possibly
Scorpaeniform fishмусBulgariannoundimness, swarthinessabstract obsolete possibly
SeafoodbreallachIrishnounragsin-plural masculine
SeasonsaastaaegEstoniannounseason, time of year
SeasonsaastaaegEstoniannounseason, time of year / One of the four divisions of a year: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
SeasonssesounMiddle Englishnounseason (of the year)
SeasonssesounMiddle Englishnountime of the year, especially that with some distinguishing feature
SeasonssesounMiddle Englishnounperiod of time, duration
SeasonsਬਸੰਤPunjabinamea male given name
Seleniumseleno-EnglishprefixRelating to the Moonastronomy natural-sciencesmorpheme
Seleniumseleno-EnglishprefixRelating to seleniumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmorpheme
Senecioneae tribe plantsragleafEnglishnounAny plant of genus Crassocephalumuncountable
Senecioneae tribe plantsragleafEnglishnounA plant whose leaves resembling rags.attributive uncountable
SensesσκέψιςAncient Greeknounviewing, sensory perception, observation
SensesσκέψιςAncient Greeknounexamination, speculation, consideration
SensesσκέψιςAncient Greeknoundoubt, hesitationhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
SensesσκέψιςAncient Greeknounresolution, decreegovernment politics
Serbo-Croatian cardinal numbersшестицаSerbo-Croatiannounsix (digit or figure)
Serbo-Croatian cardinal numbersшестицаSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered six (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 6 etc.)
Serbo-Croatian unisex given namesAndreaSerbo-Croatiannamea female given nameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Serbo-Croatian unisex given namesAndreaSerbo-Croatiannamea male given nameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
SexarrapatoItalianverbpast participle of arrapareform-of participle past
SexarrapatoItalianadjaroused (sexually)vulgar
Sexf`num`*kEnglishadvCensored spelling of fuck.not-comparable
Sexf`num`*kEnglishintjCensored spelling of fuck.
Sexf`num`*kEnglishnounCensored spelling of fuck.
Sexf`num`*kEnglishverbCensored spelling of fuck.intransitive transitive
SexhordomMiddle EnglishnounUnsanctioned or immoral sexual behaviour or actions.
SexhordomMiddle EnglishnounA specific instance of such behaviour or actions.rare
SexhordomMiddle EnglishnounErrant or immoral religious behaviour.figuratively rare
SexhordomMiddle EnglishnounA whore or adulterer; an immoral woman.rare
SexonanismeCatalannounonanism, masturbationmasculine uncountable
SexonanismeCatalannounonanism, coitus interruptusmasculine uncountable
Sexual orientations同性戀Chinesenounhomosexualityuncountable
Sexual orientations同性戀Chinesenounhomosexualcountable
SheepkastràunCimbriannounram (male sheep)Sette-Comuni masculine
SheepkastràunCimbriannounstubborn personSette-Comuni masculine
Shi'ismajatollahPolishnounayatollah (honorific title)Islam lifestyle religionShia masculine person
Shi'ismajatollahPolishnounayatollah (religious leader in Twelver Shi'ism)Islam lifestyle religionShia masculine person
ShopskloboučnictvíCzechnounhatmaking, millinery (craft)neuter
ShopskloboučnictvíCzechnounhat shop, millinery (shop)neuter
ShopskuźniaPolishnounforge, smithery, smithy (workshop in which metals are shaped by heating and hammering them)feminine
ShopskuźniaPolishnounblacksmith's shopfeminine
ShopskuźniaPolishnouninstitution, school, etc., where specialists in a particular field are trainedfeminine figuratively literary
ShopszámečnictvíCzechnounlocksmithing, locksmitheryneuter
ShopszámečnictvíCzechnounlocksmith's shopneuter
SkeletongerincHungariannounmountain ridge, chine (the top of a mountain ridge)
SkeletongerincHungariannounspine, backboneanatomy medicine sciences
SkinmalinkaPolishnoundiminutive of malinadiminutive feminine form-of
SkinmalinkaPolishnounhickey, love bitefeminine
SleepcatnapEnglishnounA brief, light sleep, usually during the daytime.
SleepcatnapEnglishverbTo take a catnap (short sleep or nap).intransitive
SleepcatnapEnglishverbTo kidnap a cat.transitive
Sleepstay upEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see stay, up.
Sleepstay upEnglishverbTo remain awake, to not go to bed.intransitive
Sleepstay upEnglishverbTo maintain an erection.euphemistic intransitive
SmellవలపుTelugunounsmell, fragrance
SmellవలపుTelugunounlove, affection, fondness
SmellవలపుTelugunoundesire, wish
SnakesนาคThainounpostulant: person seeking admission into a monastic order.Buddhism lifestyle religion
SnakesนาคThainameNaga: tribesman living near the Naga Hills.
SnakesนาคThainounbeautyleaf, the plant Calophyllum inophyllum L. of the family Clusiaceae (syn. Guttiferae).biology botany natural-sciences
SnakesนาคThainoun(พญา~, พระยา~) naga; dragon.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Snowbola de neuCatalannounsnowballfeminine
Snowbola de neuCatalannounsnowball bush (a sterile cultivar of the guelder rose bred for large blossoms)feminine plural-normally
Snowbola de neuCatalannounAlternative form of bola-de-neualt-of alternative feminine
SocialismsocialistaItalianadjSocialist, socialist
SocialismsocialistaItaliannounSocialist, socialistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
SocietytoplumTurkishnouncommunity, civilization
Soil scienceопискаUkrainiannountypo
Soil scienceопискаUkrainiannounA type of brown clay used in pottery as paint.
SoundsplashEnglishnounA small pool of standing water; a puddle.UK dialectal
SoundsplashEnglishnounA splash, or the sound made by a splash.
SoundsplashEnglishnounA sudden downpour.
SoundsplashEnglishverbTo splash.intransitive
SoundsplashEnglishverbTo cause a splash.transitive
SoundsplashEnglishverbTo splash or sprinkle with colouring matter.transitive
SoundsplashEnglishnounThe branch of a tree partly cut or bent, and bound to, or intertwined with, other branches.
SoundsplashEnglishverbTo cut partly, or to bend and intertwine the branches of.transitive
SoundsplashEnglishverbTo bend down a bough (in order to pick fruit from it).transitive
SoundswarknąćPolishverbto gnarl, to growl, to snarl (to utter a deep guttural sound, as an angry animal; to give forth an angry, grumbling sound)intransitive perfective
SoundswarknąćPolishverbto snarl, growl, speak or say aggressively or angrilyperfective transitive
SoupsmiccaItaliannouna type of round loaf from Northern Italyfeminine
SoupsmiccaItaliannouna thick form of minestronefeminine
Soviet UnionkulakTurkishnounearanatomy medicine sciences
Soviet UnionkulakTurkishnounkulak
Spanish minced oathscaraySpanishintjcrikey, wow, good heavens, golly, gosh, whoa, man, boy, blimey (expresses surprise, astonishment)euphemistic
Spanish minced oathscaraySpanishintjheck, darn, gee, shucks, hell, geez, jeez, dang (expresses disturbance, anger, frustration, annoyance)
SpearsسنانArabicnounspearhead, the iron on a lance or javelin
SpicespoudrenMiddle EnglishverbTo powder; to turn into powder, usually by grinding.
SpicespoudrenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or ferment food; to add powder to food as to make it last.
SpicespoudrenMiddle EnglishverbTo place things (often decorative) on a surface; to spangle.
SpicespoudrenMiddle EnglishverbTo spread powder on to something; to douse something in powderrare
SpicespoudrenMiddle EnglishverbTo add spices or seasonings to a dish or meal.rare
SpicespoudrenMiddle EnglishverbTo make indentations on something.rare
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnoundiscoloration of woodfeminine
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnounhay, fur, straw, or tow for covering furniturefeminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnounrouge; lipstick; whiteningcosmetics lifestylefeminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnounwoodruff (Galium odoratum)feminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnounchromatosismedicine pathology sciencesfeminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnouncolor of fabricfeminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnoundye, pigmentMiddle Polish feminine
Spices and herbssaleItaliannounsalt, salmasculine
Spices and herbssaleItaliannounplural of salafeminine form-of plural
Spices and herbssaleItalianverbthird-person singular present indicative of salireform-of indicative present singular third-person
SportsтренажерUkrainiannounexercise machine (fitness device)
Sports equipmentspringboardEnglishnounA board consisting of a flexible, springy, cantilevered platform that propels one into the air, used for diving or gymnastics.
Sports equipmentspringboardEnglishnounSomething that acts as a catalyst to begin or accelerate an action or growth.figuratively
Sports equipmentspringboardEnglishverbTo launch or propel as if from a springboard, especially toward political office.transitive
Sports equipmentütőHungarianverbpresent participle of üt: beating, hitting, pulsingform-of participle present
Sports equipmentütőHungariannounhitter, beater (person)
Sports equipmentütőHungariannounmallet (a timpani stick), bat (table tennis), racket (tennis), club (golf)
Spurges山桐JapanesenounSynonym of 油桐 (aburagiri): the Japanese tung oil tree, Vernicia cordata
Spurges山桐JapanesenounSynonym of 針桐 (harigiri): the castor aralia, Kalopanax septemlobus
Spurges山桐JapanesenounSynonym of 沢胡桃 (sawagurumi): the Japanese wingnut, Pterocarya rhoifolia
Spurges山桐Japanesenamea surname
SquirrelsسنجابPersiannoungray squirrel, Sciurus anomalus
SquirrelsسنجابPersiannounfur of the gray squirrel
StatisticsمشروطArabicadjpassive participle of شَرَطَ (šaraṭa)form-of participle passive
StatisticsمشروطArabicadjpassive participle of شَرَطَ (šaraṭa) / subject to a condition, stipulated, conditional, pre-conditioned, contingent
Stock charactersmathematicistEnglishnounOne who studies mathematics; a mathematician.mathematics sciencesrare
Stock charactersmathematicistEnglishnounPeople approach beliefs based on mathematics.
Stock charactersszwarccharakterPolishnounbad guy (evil, wicked person)literary masculine person
Stock charactersszwarccharakterPolishnounbad guy, villain (antagonist in a work of fiction)literary masculine person
Stock marketcappingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of capform-of gerund participle present
Stock marketcappingEnglishnounThe act of removing one's hat as a token of respect.countable uncountable
Stock marketcappingEnglishnounthe leached upper part of a body or rock that still contains disseminated sulphide mineral deposit.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Stock marketcappingEnglishnounThe process of covering a borehole in order to seal an oil well.countable uncountable
Stock marketcappingEnglishnounThe selling of a security etc. close to an expiry date.countable uncountable
Stock marketcappingEnglishnounThe conversion of a polyhedron into a stellated polyhedron by raising a pyramid on each face.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
Stock marketcappingEnglishnounLying or exaggerating.countable slang uncountable
Stock marketcappingEnglishnounThe recording of a television broadcast to one's computer.Internet countable uncountable
Stock marketcappingEnglishnounThe method of capitalizing every other word in social media titling and tagging to improve readability over unmixed case. Example: #CAPPINGimprovesREADABILITY.Internet countable uncountable
String instruments비파Koreannounpipa
String instruments비파Koreannounloquat (type of fruit)
SucculentsצברHebrewnounprickly pear cactus
SucculentsצברHebrewnounSabra (native Israeli)colloquial
SucculentsצברHebrewverbto storeconstruction-pa'al transitive
Suicide入水Japanesenounsuicide by drowning, drowning oneself
Suicide入水Japaneseverbdrown oneself
Suicide入水JapanesenounSame as above.
Suicide入水JapaneseverbSame as above.
Sumac family plantsmangaEnglishnounA comic originating in Japan.comics literature media publishingcountable
Sumac family plantsmangaEnglishnounAn artistic style heavily used in, and associated with, Japanese comics, and that has also been adopted by a comparatively low number of comics from other countries.uncountable
Sumac family plantsmangaEnglishnounAny comic in such a style, regardless of the country of origin.broadly countable proscribed sometimes
Sumac family plantsmangaEnglishnounA covering for a crucifix.Christianity
Sumac family plantsmangaEnglishnounObsolete form of mango (“the fruit”).alt-of obsolete
Sunチュㇷ゚Ainunounluminary (Sun or Moon)
SwallowsծիծառնուկOld Armeniannounnightingale
SwallowsծիծառնուկOld Armeniannounswallow
Swans黑天鵝Chinesenounblack swan (Cygnus atratus)
Swans黑天鵝Chinesenounblack swan (rare and hard-to-predict event with major consequences)
SwordsmacheteGaliciannounmediocre method for obtaining somewhat accurate results; shortcutmasculine
SwordsیتاغانOttoman Turkishnounyataghan, a type of Ottoman knife or short sabre used from the mid-16th to late 19th centuries
SwordsیتاغانOttoman TurkishnameYatağan (a town and district in Muğla province, Turkey)
SymbolsstetEnglishnounA symbol used by proofreaders and typesetters to indicate that a word or phrase that was crossed out should still remain.
SymbolsstetEnglishverbTo let (edited material) stand, or remain as it was.transitive
TalkingblateroLatinverbto babble, gibber, speak foolishly or in an animalistic mannerconjugation-1
TalkingblateroLatinverbto croakconjugation-1
TalkingblateroLatinverbto bleatconjugation-1
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounMatter or stuff; that which things are composed of: / Primordial, crude or essential matter; matter without complication.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounMatter or stuff; that which things are composed of: / The real essence or body of something (as opposed to its form or permutations)rare
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounMatter or stuff; that which things are composed of: / The physical actions or part of a Christian religion theologyrare
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA material or substance; something which things are created or made from: / A thing or substance which forms part of a larger whole; a component.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA material or substance; something which things are created or made from: / An ingredient or part of a recipe; that which is used to make alongside other things.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA material or substance; something which things are created or made from: / The germ of something; something which other things are developed or grown from.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounOne of a human body's liquids or fluids; a biofluid: / A harmful, disease-bringing, or deleterious bodily fluid.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounOne of a human body's liquids or fluids; a biofluid: / Partially digested food while sitting in the stomach.rare
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA pursuit, occurrence, condition, or event, especially when problematic: / A debate, argument, or contestation between two sides.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA pursuit, occurrence, condition, or event, especially when problematic: / A lawsuit or litigation; legal action or
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA pursuit, occurrence, condition, or event, especially when problematic: / A recounting, recollection, or narration of an event (whether written or verbal)
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA topic or theme; an area of knowledge or discussion: / The primary area or topic discussed in a piece of literature.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA topic or theme; an area of knowledge or discussion: / The primary theme, point or thesis of a piece of literature.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA topic or theme; an area of knowledge or discussion: / A science; an discipline, branch, or area of formal knowledge.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA topic or theme; an area of knowledge or discussion: / The information or informants one draws upon for a work; the matter used as source.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounThe (usually intrinsic or innate) state or characteristics of something.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounOne's motivation, justification, or reasoning for an action.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounWood or timber, especially when used to stoke a fire.
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA twig or bough; a portion of a plant or tree.rare
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounThe internal liquids of a plant or tree.rare
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounA specific, fully-formed object.rare
TalkingmatereMiddle EnglishnounwombLate-Middle-English rare
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounA word (separable, discrete linguistic unit)
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounA statement; a linguistic unit said or written by someone: / A speech; a formal statement.
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounA statement; a linguistic unit said or written by someone: / A byword or maxim; a short expression of truth.
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounA statement; a linguistic unit said or written by someone: / A promise; an oath or guarantee.
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounA statement; a linguistic unit said or written by someone: / A motto; an expression associated with a person or people.
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounA statement; a linguistic unit said or written by someone: / A piece of news (often warning or recommending)
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounA statement; a linguistic unit said or written by someone: / An order or directive; something necessary.
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounA statement; a linguistic unit said or written by someone: / A religious precept, stricture, or belief.
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounThe act of speaking (especially as opposed to action)
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounDiscourse; the exchange of statements. / The basic, non-figurative reading of something.
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounDiscourse; the exchange of statements. / The way one speaks (especially with modifying adjective)
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounThe Logos (Jesus Christ)lifestyle religion theology
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounThe human faculty of language as a whole.rare
TalkingwordMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of werdealt-of alternative
Talking口舌Chinesenounmouth and tongue; speech organs
Talking口舌Chinesenounwords; speech
Talking口舌Chinesenouncomment; remark
Talking口舌Chinesenounmisunderstanding; dispute; quarrel
Talking口舌ChinesenounA combination 四上四下 in the Lingqijing.
Talking口舌ChinesenountongueHuizhou Jilu-Mandarin Wu dialectal
Taoism黃大仙Chinesenounone who indiscriminately answers to all requestsCantonese
Taoism黃大仙ChinesenameWong Tai Sin (popular Taoist deity)
Taoism黃大仙ChinesenameWong Tai Sin (an area in the Wong Tai Sin District, Hong Kong)
Taoism黃大仙ChinesenameWong Tai Sin District (a district of Hong Kong)
TastepalatumLatinnounpalate (roof of the mouth)anatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-2 literally
TastepalatumLatinnounpalate (roof of the mouth) / palate (organ of taste and judgment)anatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-2 literally
TastepalatumLatinnounsomething resembling the palate; vaultdeclension-2
TastesmakelijkDutchadjtasty, delicious
TastesmakelijkDutchintjenjoy your meal, bon appétitinformal
TaxationovertaxEnglishverbTo tax to an excessive degree.
TaxationovertaxEnglishverbTo overburden.
Tea茶錢Chinesenounpayment for tea (in a teahouse, restaurant, etc.)
Tea茶錢Chinesenountea money (euphemism for bribe)
Tea茶錢Chinesenountip; gratuitydated
TelecommunicationstelegrafCzechnountelegraphhistorical inanimate masculine
TelecommunicationstelegrafCzechnouninstitution providing telegraphic serviceshistorical inanimate masculine
TemperaturegalachIrishadjardent, valiant
TemperaturegalachIrishadjvaporous, steaming
TemperaturegalachIrishadjboiling hot
TemperaturegalachIrishnounvaliant man, warriormasculine
TemperaturegalachIrishnounboaster, blusterermasculine
TemperaturegalachIrishnoungenitive singular of gail (“(act of) steaming, boiling”)feminine form-of genitive singular
TensespasséFrenchnounpast tensemasculine past
TensespasséFrenchnounpast (opposite of future)masculine
TensespasséFrenchverbpast participle of passerform-of participle past
Thinkingschpeke̩leere̩Limburgishverbto speculateintransitive transitive weak
Thinkingschpeke̩leere̩Limburgishverbto spy onrare transitive weak
Thinkingschpeke̩leere̩Limburgishverbto consider (think about doing)intransitive weak
ThinkingscioLatinverbto be able to, to know (how to do), understand, to have practical knowledgeconjugation-4
ThinkingscioLatinverbto know carnallyconjugation-4 euphemistic
ThousandchiliadEnglishnounA group of 1000 things, particularly / Synonym of chiliarchy: a group of 1000 soldiers commanded by a chiliarch.
ThousandchiliadEnglishnounA group of 1000 things, particularly / Synonym of millennium: a period of 1000 years.
TimeanOccitanverbthird-person plural present indicative of averform-of indicative plural present third-person
TimemedievalEnglishadjOf or relating to the Middle Ages, the period from approximately 500 to 1500 AD.
TimemedievalEnglishadjHaving characteristics associated with the Middle Ages in popular, modern cultural perception: / Archaic.
TimemedievalEnglishadjHaving characteristics associated with the Middle Ages in popular, modern cultural perception: / Brutal.
TimemedievalEnglishnounSomeone living in the Middle Ages.
TimemedievalEnglishnounA medieval example (of something aforementioned or understood from context).
TimemillennialEnglishadjThousand-year-old; also (by extension, loosely) thousands of years old.not-comparable
TimemillennialEnglishadjOccurring every thousand years.not-comparable
TimemillennialEnglishadjOccurring at, or relating to, the beginning or end of a millennium.not-comparable
TimemillennialEnglishadjReferring to the thousandth anniversary of an event or happening.not-comparable
TimemillennialEnglishadjOften capitalized: of or relating to, or characteristic of, people born in the last two decades of the 20th century from around the early 1980s to the mid 1990s (with 1996 births cited as the last Millennial year), and who reached adulthood early in the third millennium C.E.demographics demographyalt-of broadly capitalized not-comparable often
TimemillennialEnglishadjSynonym of millenarian (“pertaining to the belief in an impending period of one thousand years of peace and righteousness associated with the Second Coming of Christ and his reign on earth”)Christianitynot-comparable
TimemillennialEnglishnounOften capitalized: a person from the generation born in the last two decades of the 20th century, from around the early 1980s to the mid-1990s and who reached adulthood early in the third millennium C.E., characterized by their familiarity with computer technology and poorer financial prospects than their parents.demographics demography
TimemillennialEnglishnounA thousandth anniversary; also, a celebration of such an anniversary.obsolete rare
TimeputSerbo-Croatiannountrip, journey, travel
TimeputSerbo-Croatiannounway, method, means
TimeputSerbo-Croatiannouncomplexion, skin hue, tan
TimeputSerbo-Croatiannounbody as a totality of physical properties and sensitivities
TimeputSerbo-Croatianprepto, towardwith-genitive
TimeputSerbo-Croatianadvtime (with adjectives, ordinals and demonstratives indicating order in the sequence of actions or occurrences)
TimeпингеErzyanounage, epoch
TimeсрокRussiannounperiod, span
TimeсрокRussiannoundate, term, time
TimeमासPalinounDevanagari script form of māsa (“month”)Devanagari alt-of masculine
TimeमासPalinounDevanagari script form of māsa (“mungo bean”)Devanagari alt-of masculine
Time限期Chineseverbto set a deadline
TitlesMirzaEnglishnounA title denoting the rank of a high nobleman or prince, signifying a male-line descent and relationship to the Imperial Families of Turkey, Persia and later South Asia, and was the title borne by members of the highest aristocracies in Tatar states, such as the khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan.
TitlesMirzaEnglishnameA surname.
Toilet (room)bécossesFrenchnounouthouse toiletsQuebec feminine plural plural-only
Toilet (room)bécossesFrenchnounToilets in general, especially outdoor or makeshift onesQuebec colloquial feminine plural plural-only
Toilet (room)สุขาThainounpublic toilet.informal polite
Toilet (room)สุขาThainounAlternative form of สุข (sùk)alt-of alternative literary poetic
ToolsmandrelEnglishnounA round object used as an aid for shaping a material, e.g. shaping or enlarging a ring, or bending or enlarging a pipe without creasing or kinking it.
ToolsmandrelEnglishnounA tool or component of a tool that guides, grips or clamps something, such as a workpiece to be machined, a machining tool or a part while it is moved.
ToolsmandrelEnglishverbTo shape with a mandrel.transitive
ToolsscalpelloItaliannounscalpelmedicine sciences surgerymasculine
ToolsscalpelloItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of scalpellarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ToolsswapeEnglishnounA bar or pole used as a lever, swivel handle e.g. on the end of a shaft.
ToolsswapeEnglishnounA steering oar used by Tyne keelmen.
ToolsswapeEnglishnounA kind of mechanical scoop for water.
ToolsswapeEnglishnounA sconce for holding a light.
ToolsswapeEnglishverbTo sweep.
ToolsswapeEnglishverbTo place aslant.
ToolsῥίνηAncient Greeknounfile, rasp
ToolsῥίνηAncient Greeknounangel shark (Squatina squatina), whose skin was used for polishing wood and marble
TownsヘンリーJapanesenameA transliteration of the English male given name Henry
ToxicologyzatruwaćPolishverbto poison, to toxify (to add poison to something)imperfective transitive
ToxicologyzatruwaćPolishverbto taint, to polluteimperfective transitive
ToxicologyzatruwaćPolishverbto poison oneself (to ingest something poisonous but not lethally so)imperfective reflexive
ToysmaatuskaFinnishnounA matryoshka doll.
ToysmaatuskaFinnishnounAn old or middle-aged Russian woman.colloquial derogatory sometimes
ToysmaatuskaFinnishnounA fat woman.colloquial derogatory sometimes
ToysмишкаRussiannounteddy bear
ToysмишкаRussiannounbear, an endearing form of медве́дь (medvédʹ)
Trademarknom de marqueFrenchnounbrand, brand namemasculine
Trademarknom de marqueFrenchnountrademarkmasculine
Transgenderfemale-to-maleEnglishadjUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see female, to, male.not-comparable
Transgenderfemale-to-maleEnglishadjTransitioning or having transitioned (in gender identity or presentation, physically, etc) from being female to being male.LGBT lifestyle sexualitynot-comparable
Transgenderfemale-to-maleEnglishadjThat changes a female end (usually a socket) of a connection into a male one (with pins, usually a plug).business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsnot-comparable
Transgenderfemale-to-maleEnglishnounA female-to-male transsexual or transgender person; a trans man.
Translingual punctuation marks:Translingualsymboldivisionmathematics sciences
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctIntroduces a quotation.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctIntroduces a sentence with the role of apposition with respect to the previous one.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctIntroduces the logical consequence, or effect, of a fact stated before.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctSeparation of clauses in a periodic sentence.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctSeparates hours, minutes, and seconds when reporting time.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctSeparates numbers in a ratio.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctSeparation of a title and the corresponding subtitle.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctSeparate elements of a bibliographic reference, such as chapter and verses of the bible, or volumes and pages of a work.computing engineering human-sciences information-science mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctUsed after a letter as a nonstandard representation of an umlaut or diaeresis, when technical limitations prevent the use of one.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctSeparates different levels of an abbreviated taxonomy.biology natural-sciences taxonomy
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctA pointing mark in Anglican chant, which marks the place which splits a verse in two, corresponding to the central double barline in a two-part chant (unless otherwise indicated by ‖).entertainment lifestyle music
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctUsed in : :.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctFor the IPA triangular colon symbol, which marks long vowels, see ː.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctFor the "modifier colon" symbol, used in some languages for long vowels, see ꞉.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctFor the Armenian full stop, see ։.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctFor the Hebrew and Aramaic punctuation mark which marks the end of a passage, see ׃.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctFor the six-dot Braille characters consisting of two vertically-aligned dots, see ⠃, ⠅, ⠆, ⠘, ⠨, ⠰.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualpunctFor the eight-dot Braille extension characters consisting of two vertically-aligned dots, see ⡁, ⡂, ⡄, ⢈, ⢐, ⢠.
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualsymbolIndicates a storage or media drive letter (with or without path).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualsymbolSeparates the parts of an IPv6 address.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
Translingual punctuation marks:TranslingualsymbolRepresents two eyes vertically aligned, in order to form emoticons.Internet
Translingual punctuation marks⟨ ⟩TranslingualsymbolEncloses the inner product of two vectors.mathematics sciences
Translingual punctuation marks⟨ ⟩TranslingualsymbolDenotes the expectation value of something.mathematics sciences
Translingual punctuation marks⟨ ⟩TranslingualpunctEncloses orthographic transcription.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Translingual punctuation marks⟨ ⟩TranslingualpunctEncloses restored writing that was mistakenly omitted by the original scribe.epigraphy history human-sciences literature media papyrology publishing sciences
Transportọkọ ofuurufuYorubanounairplane
Transportọkọ ofuurufuYorubanounaircraft
TreesapotiYorubanounbox; chest
TreesapotiYorubanoun(Òkèlúsè) the tree Baphia pubescens
TreesbugnayBikol Centralnouna bignay tree (Antidesma bunius)
TreesbugnayBikol Centralnounfruit of this tree
TreesdenDutchnounpine, pine treemasculine
TreesdenDutcharticleDative masculine, neuter, and plural of the definite article.archaic dative definite form-of masculine neuter plural
TreesdenDutcharticleAccusative singular masculine of the definite article.accusative archaic definite form-of masculine singular
TreesdenDutcharticleMasculine singular of the definite article, alternative form of de.Southern definite dialectal form-of masculine singular
TreesබෙලිSinhalesenounbael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos); also its fruit.
TreesබෙලිSinhalesenounplural of බෙල්ල (bella).form-of plural
TreesබෙලිSinhaleseadjbelonging to
TreesChinesecharacterChinese mulberry tree (Maclura tricuspidata)
TreesChinesecharactersandalwood tree (Santalum spp.)
TurkeyMarsyasLatinnameA mythological satyr skinned alive by Apollo for challenging himhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek declension-1
TurkeyMarsyasLatinnameA tributary river of the Maeanderdeclension-1
TurkeyMarsyasLatinnameA river of Syria mentioned only by Pliny as dividing Apamea from the territory of the Nazerinideclension-1
TurkeyagaPolishnounagha (honorific for high officials used in Turkey and certain Muslim countries)Islam government lifestyle military politics religion warmasculine person
TurkeyagaPolishnouncane toadfeminine
TurkeyseraglioEnglishnounA palace of a sultan.
TurkeyseraglioEnglishnounA palace of a sultan. / The palace of the Grand Seignior in Constantinople.
TurkeyseraglioEnglishnounA profligate or decadent residence of a rich person.
TurkeyseraglioEnglishnounThe sequestered living quarters used by wives and concubines (odalisques) in a Turkish Muslim household.
TurkeyseraglioEnglishnounA brothel or place of debauchery.
TurkeyseraglioEnglishnounAn interior cage or enclosed courtyard for keeping wild beasts.
Turtlesకూర్మముTelugunouna tortoise, turtle
Turtlesకూర్మముTelugunounone of the five auxiliary winds in the human body (the other four being నాగము, కృకరము, దేవదత్తము and ధనంజయము)
TuvalutuwalskiPolishadjTuvaluan (of or relating to Tuvalu)not-comparable relational
TuvalutuwalskiPolishnounTuvaluan (language)inanimate masculine
Types of chemical elementhalogenEnglishnounAny element of group 17, i.e. fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine and tennessine.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Types of chemical elementhalogenEnglishnounA light fixture in which the filament is surrounded by an atmosphere of a halogen gas.
Units of measurealmudeEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese unit of liquid volume, equal to 14–26 liters.historical
Units of measurealmudeEnglishnounAlternative form of almud, similar units of liquid volume in Spain and Turkey.alt-of alternative historical
Units of measurecubitoItaliannounelbowliterary masculine
Units of measurecubitoItaliannounulnaanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
Units of measurecubitoItaliannouncubit (unit of measure)historical masculine
Units of measurecóbadoGaliciannounelbowmasculine
Units of measurecóbadoGaliciannouncubit, an informal measure of length based on the distance of a forearm and handmasculine
Units of measurecóbadoGaliciannouncodo, Spanish cubit, a traditional unit of length equivalent to about 41.6 cmhistorical masculine
Units of measurecóbadoGaliciannouncabbage stalkmasculine
Units of measureköbölHungariannouna measure of volume for grain crop, lumpy material, or liquid (comprising 62, 94, or 125 liters, or 64–125 liters, or (of wine) 12–42 liters)obsolete
Units of measureköbölHungariannouna measure of land area, which can hold the above amount of seed grain, approx. 4000–4300 square meters, i.e., approx. one acreobsolete
Units of measuretalampakanTagalognounsole (bottom of the boot)anatomy medicine sciences
Units of measuretalampakanTagalognounsole or bottom of footwear
Units of measuretalampakanTagalognounfoot (unit of measure)
Units of measuretalampakanTagalogadjopen; frank; direct; unreserved
Units of measuretalampakanTagalogadvopenly; frankly; unreservedly
Units of measuretalampakanTagalognounact of accusing each other openly or face to face
Units of measurethạchVietnamesenounagarNorthern Vietnam
Units of measurethạchVietnamesenounisinglassbroadly
Units of measurethạchVietnamesenounjelly (dessert)Northern Vietnam
Units of measurethạchVietnamesenouna unit of volume chiefly for measuring grains, equal to 10 litres
Units of measurethạchVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 石romanization
Units of measurevaaksaIngriannounchet (unit of measure)
Units of measurevaaksaIngriannounhandspan (distance between the thumb and the index finger)
Units of measureπρόχοοςAncient Greeknounewer for pouring water upon the hands of guests
Units of measureπρόχοοςAncient Greeknounwine-jug from which the cupbearer pours into the cups
Units of measureπρόχοοςAncient Greeknoununit of measure for liquids used in Tauromenium
VegetablesogórekPolishnouncucumberinanimate masculine
VegetablesogórekPolishnoungherkininanimate masculine
VegetablesogórekPolishnounJelcz-brand bus, commonly used for intercity and urban transportation in Poland in the 1960s and 1970scolloquial humorous inanimate masculine
VegetablesogórekPolishnounSynonym of sezon ogórkowyin-plural inanimate masculine
VegetablestamatisCebuanonouna tomato / a widely cultivated plant, Solanum lycopersicum, having edible fruit
VegetablestamatisCebuanonouna tomato / the savory fruit of this plant, red when ripe, treated as a vegetable in horticulture and cooking
VegetablesubiIndonesiannounyam (any Dioscorea vine)
VegetablesubiIndonesiannountuberous plant
VegetablesսալաթArmeniannouncommon lettuce, salad, Lactuca sativa
VegetablesọdọYorubanounyoung child or animal
VegetablesọdọYorubanounadolescent, teenager, youth
VegetablesọdọYorubanounsomeone's presence or vicinity
VegetablesọdọYorubanounyam; (in particular) Dioscorea cayenensis subsp. rotundata
VegetablesọdọYorubanouna yam seedling
VegetablesJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
VehiclesljuddämpareSwedishnounmuffler (US) or silencer (UK); part of the exhaust pipe of a vehicle that dampens the noise the engine produces.common-gender
VehiclesljuddämpareSwedishnounsilencer; an attachment to a gun that reduces the sound it emits.common-gender
VesselsmetherEnglishnumFour in the old counting system of Northern England.dialectal
VesselsmetherEnglishnounA communal drinking vessel used in Gaelic times for drinking mead. It had squared sides and one drank from a corner. Also, a trophy in this shape.Ireland historical
VesselsσκύφοςAncient Greeknouna cup or can, especially one used by peasants
VesselsσκύφοςAncient Greeknouna cup or can, especially one used by peasants / of wooden milk-vessels
VesselsσκύφοςAncient Greeknouna skull
Video gamesdatamineEnglishverbTo research or analyze software data, especially looking for hidden content in video games.
Video gamesdatamineEnglishnounThe act or result of datamining.
VillagesKuoppalaFinnishnamea Finnish surname from landscape
VillagesKuoppalaFinnishnameAny of a number of small places in Finland.
ViolenceruchawkaPolishnounriotscolloquial feminine
ViolenceruchawkaPolishnounpospolite ruszenie (levy in mass)feminine historical obsolete
Violencetake by stormEnglishverbTo capture by means of a sudden, overwhelming attack.government military politics wartransitive
Violencetake by stormEnglishverbTo seize, overpower, or captivate in a sudden and forceful manner.idiomatic transitive
Violencetake by stormEnglishverbTo rapidly gain great popularity in (a place).idiomatic transitive
Viperswater adderEnglishnounAny of several aquatic snakes (none of which are true adders) including, among others: / A non-venomous European ringed snake or water snake (Natrix natrix).
Viperswater adderEnglishnounAny of several aquatic snakes (none of which are true adders) including, among others: / A venomous American cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus).
Viperswater adderEnglishnounAny of several aquatic snakes (none of which are true adders) including, among others: / A non-venomous American northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon)
Viperswater adderEnglishnounAny of several aquatic snakes (none of which are true adders) including, among others: / A venomous South Asian crab-eating water snake (Fordonia leucobalia)
VocalizationsscreamEnglishnounA loud, emphatic, exclamation of extreme emotion, especially horror, fear, excitement, or anger; it may comprise a word or a sustained, high-pitched vowel sound.
VocalizationsscreamEnglishnounA loud vocalisation of many animals, especially in response to pain or fear.
VocalizationsscreamEnglishnounA form of singing associated with the metal and screamo styles of music. It is a loud, rough, distorted version of the voice; rather than the normal voice of the singer.entertainment lifestyle music
VocalizationsscreamEnglishnounUsed as an intensifier.informal
VocalizationsscreamEnglishnounAn exclamation mark.
VocalizationsscreamEnglishverbTo cry out with a shrill voice; to utter a sudden, shout outcry, or shrill, loud cry, as in fright or extreme pain; to screech, to shriek.also figuratively intransitive
VocalizationsscreamEnglishverbTo move quickly; to race.figuratively intransitive
VocalizationsscreamEnglishverbTo be very indicative of; clearly having the characteristics of.figuratively informal intransitive
Walls and fencesbránaCzechnoungatefeminine
Walls and fencesbránaCzechnoungoal (an area into which the players attempt to put an object; the term branka is more commonly used in this sense)feminine
Walls and fencesbránaCzechnoungatewaycomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
Walls and fencesbránaCzechverbinflection of brát: / feminine singular passive participlefeminine form-of participle passive singular
Walls and fencesbránaCzechverbinflection of brát: / neuter plural passive participleform-of neuter participle passive plural
Walls and fencesportailFrenchnounportal (imposing entrance)masculine
Walls and fencesportailFrenchnounportalInternet masculine
Walls and fencesportailFrenchnoungatemasculine
Walls and fencesportailFrenchnounportal (entry point)figuratively masculine
Warblersfan-tailed warblerEnglishnounA parulid warbler, Basileuterus lachrymosus, of Central America.
Warblersfan-tailed warblerEnglishnounSynonym of zitting cisticolaobsolete
WarblerspendduWelshadjblackheaded, black-cappednot-comparable
WarblerspendduWelshnounEurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
WateraguaSpanishnounbody of waterfeminine
WateraguaSpanishnounriver, streamarchaic feminine
WateraguaSpanishnounurinefeminine in-plural slang
WateraguaSpanishnounpop, soda (soft drink)Guatemala feminine
WateraguaSpanishnouninfusionLatin-America feminine
WateraguaSpanishverbinflection of aguar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WateraguaSpanishverbinflection of aguar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WatercaochánIrishnounpurblind creaturemasculine
WatercaochánIrishnounmole (burrowing insectivore)masculine
WatercaochánIrishnounmarsh rill; bogholemasculine
WatercaochánIrishnouncaecummedicine physiology sciencesmasculine
WaterpotopPolishnoundeluge, floodinanimate masculine
WaterpotopPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of potopićform-of imperative second-person singular
WaterprysnąćPolishverbto spray, sprinkle, splash, splatter, spatter, sputterperfective transitive
WaterprysnąćPolishverbto burst (of soap bubble)intransitive perfective
WaterprysnąćPolishverbto hightailcolloquial intransitive perfective
WaterprysnąćPolishverbto spray oneselfperfective reflexive
WatersrúillIrishnounriver, stream, rivuletfeminine
WatersrúillIrishnouncurrent, flowfeminine
WatersrúillIrishnountidal flow; (flowing) seafeminine
WatersrúillIrishverbAlternative form of sruthlaigh (“rinse; wash out, flush”)alt-of alternative transitive
WaterstaignumsLatviannounswampiness, marshiness, bogginess, miriness (the quality or state of that which is swampy, marshy, boggy, miry)declension-1 masculine
WaterstaignumsLatviannounswamp, marsh, bogdeclension-1 masculine
WaterམཚོTibetannounlake, ocean
WaterམཚོTibetannounwhorls of a fingerprint
Water茶爐Chinesenounwater boiler
Water茶爐Chinesenounhot water shopregional
WatercraftcymbaLatinnounA boat, skiff, Pliny ascribes its invention to the Phoenicians; especially the small boat used by Charon to ferry the dead.declension-1 feminine
WatercraftcymbaLatinnounA theme.declension-1 feminine
WeatherfrigidusLatinadjcold, cool, chilling, frigidadjective declension-1 declension-2
WeatherfrigidusLatinadjindifferent, feebleadjective declension-1 declension-2 figuratively
WeatherfrigidusLatinadjdull, flat, insipid, trivial, vainadjective declension-1 declension-2 figuratively
WeatherheladaSpanishnounfrost, freezingfeminine
WeatherheladaSpanishnounhandcuffsEl-Salvador feminine in-plural
WeatherheladaSpanishadjfeminine singular of heladofeminine form-of singular
WeatherheladaSpanishverbfeminine singular of heladofeminine form-of participle singular
WeatherrafaleFrenchnoungust (strong, abrupt rush of wind)climatology meteorology natural-sciencesfeminine
WeatherrafaleFrenchnounsudden shower, flurryclimatology meteorology natural-sciencesfeminine
WeatherrafaleFrenchnounburst (series of shots fired from an automatic firearm)government military politics warbroadly feminine
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto blow (to produce an air current)imperfective intransitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto blow (to be propelled by an air current)archaic imperfective intransitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto drift in, to overblow (to blow over or accross)imperfective obsolete transitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto winnow (to subject (granular material, especially food grain) to a current of air separating heavier and lighter components)agriculture business lifestyleimperfective transitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto bolt, to scram (to flee)colloquial imperfective intransitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto be perceptibleimperfective impersonal intransitive
WhitesblancoSpanishadjargentgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
WhitesblancoSpanishnountarget, bullseyemasculine
WindلودوسOttoman Turkishnounthe southwest wind
WindلودوسOttoman Turkishnounthe southwest point of the compass
WindلودوسOttoman Turkishnouna southwest direction
WinecanadaEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese unit of liquid volume equal to 1.7–2.1 liters depending on the area of Portugal, used particularly for wine.historical
WinecanadaEnglishnounAlternative form of cañada (“a ravine, a gulley”).alt-of alternative
WinesfalanghinaEnglishnounA white grape variety from Campania in Italy.countable uncountable
WinesfalanghinaEnglishnounThe light white wine produced with this type of grape.countable uncountable
WinterсаниRussiannounsledge, sleigh, sled (a vehicle on runners, used for conveying loads over the snow or ice)plural plural-only
WinterсаниRussiannounluge (a racing sled)hobbies lifestyle sportsplural plural-only
WrassesfadríCatalannounyoung manmasculine
WrassesfadríCatalannounjourneyman (someone who has completed an apprenticeship but is not yet a master)masculine
WrassesfadríCatalannounornate wrasse (Thalassoma pavo)masculine
Yoruba religionErinlẹYorubanamea divinity and spirit of the Earth worshipped mainly by the Ekiti people, possibly an earlier form of the orisha worshipped in Ìlóbùú. For a similar concept, see Ẹ̀mìlalẹ̀Ekiti
Yoruba religionErinlẹYorubanameAn orisha in the Yoruba religion, worshipped in the town where he was from and later deified, Ìlóbùú, he is the spirit of the Erinlẹ̀ river and is the an orisha of hunting and the Earth.
Yoruba religionErinlẹYorubanameErinlẹ̀ (a river in Nigeria)
ZoologylęgPolishnounthe act of hatching or eclosioninanimate masculine
ZoologylęgPolishnouna clutch of eggsinanimate masculine
ZoologylęgPolishnouna brood (group of hatchlings from the same clutch of eggs)inanimate masculine
ZoologylęgPolishnoungenitive plural of lągform-of genitive plural
Zoologyچڑیا گھرUrdunounzoo
Zoologyچڑیا گھرUrdunounmenagerie

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